Showing up LATE

Showing up late:

First of all.. I like to start threads that will generate the most interest. Not necessarily my beliefs unless I state that they are..

So please don’t aim at me.. but respond with your own opinions,, I’m curious.

When we book an appointment for let’s say 12:00 noon and you gents show up at 12:10 do you think you should be “DOCKED” that time?

Ladies,, interested in your thoughts as well!!!

REMEMBER.. metaphorical question.. hypothetical situation...
boardman's Avatar
I don't thinck I've ever been late for an appointment. My sessions sometimes end sooner than the allotted time and sometimes go way over if we are having fun.
With that said I do my research and I'm probably not going to see anyone that is that much of a clock watcher.
I don't think so. Ladies can be late too. You need to take into consideration that there's traffic. There might have been an accident. What if the SO tied them up. Or something at work. Gents do have other priorities before us, 9 times out of 10.
I'm willing to overlook it IF he calls prior to and tells me he will be late or if he looks at the clock at 12 and realizes he will be late, so he calls me. I'm willing to overlook that. But just having no regard for me or my time or the possibility of appointments after, is disrespectful.
A poster on another board asked this..

Satyrrical's Avatar
I have a honest to gawd phobia about being late. I am usually 15 minutes or more early to any kind of appt, hobby, doctor, or whatever. If I am late, and you have not heard from me, you might as well call 911 anonymously because I am bleeding/dead in a ditch somewhere. So dock away if you like because it won't impact me.

On the other hand, from my hobbying experiences, I expect to be kept waiting by the lady past the agreed start (guesstimate this happens 75% of the time) and am pleasantly surprised when she is ready on time or even early.
  • Paven
  • 06-12-2012, 12:21 PM
He better give me a courtesy call prior to the appointed hour letting me know, rather than afterward.
  • Paven
  • 06-12-2012, 12:25 PM

On the other hand, from my hobbying experiences, I expect to be kept waiting by the lady past the agreed start (guesstimate this happens 75% of the time) and am pleasantly surprised when she is ready on time or even early. Originally Posted by Satyrrical
I can't imagine having someone wait on me. Get up get ready, let's get this show on the road! lol Being on time shows that you're courteous and have regard for others and their time. Just saying.
geecue's Avatar
I am never late, one time seen one of my favorites and I was 5 mins late she said she was going to put out an APB on me. I would say just as long as you call and let the party know it should be ok.
No one ever has to wait on me. I pride myself on being on time.
I think it has to do with communication. If someone texts me and lets me know they are going to be a couple minutes late... I am ok with that. If they text and tell me they are going to be 30 minutes late.. we may have to reschedule, depending on if i have family/personal stuff planned for later.

If someone doesnt text or call and tell me they are going to be late...

If they just show 10 minutes late.. their time started 10 minutes ago

After 15 minutes, youre considered a ncns.

I have very rarely been late... maybe 10 minutes at MOST and ive communicated ahead of time. I expect the same respect for my time.
doublebogey49's Avatar
I have a honest to gawd phobia about being late. I am usually 15 minutes or more early to any kind of appt, hobby, doctor, or whatever. If I am late, and you have not heard from me, you might as well call 911 anonymously because I am bleeding/dead in a ditch somewhere. So dock away if you like because it won't impact me.

On the other hand, from my hobbying experiences, I expect to be kept waiting by the lady past the agreed start (guesstimate this happens 75% of the time) and am pleasantly surprised when she is ready on time or even early. Originally Posted by Satyrrical
I, too, really hate to be late anywhere. I usually end up getting to my appointment early and then try to kill some time in an inconspicous place nearby. I ended up in a construction zone recently (it's everywhere right now) that looked as if it would cause me to be late. I called the provider from there and she was quite understanding. Sometimes, it is just unavoidable for either party, but communication is the key.
Cpalmson's Avatar
My intent is to always show up on time-- not early; not late. For me, I personally consider on time to be 5 minutes early to 10 minutes late. Even if I think I'm going to be a few minutes late, I will call to inform. There was this one time when I arrived at the gal's incall 5 minutes early but the resort was so big and confusing that I didn't actually get to her room until 10 minutes late. She was on the phone trying to direct me to the right building.
Roothead's Avatar
guilty as charged.... I am frequently late by 10-15 minutes - long time personal fault that ain't gonna change.... I have no issue being docked for the time.... I always, always call when I leave to go to the appt, when I am approaching the scheduled time and know I am still gonna be another 10 mins, etc...

My schedule changes often and a few times I have found myself with a Friday appt that I could not make, as I was stuck in another city on business or maybe bad weather is to blame - either way, I always email/txt/call..... I have no issue paying for the last minute cancel and always offer to do so (it's only fair I think)....

Some ladies are pretty easy going on this given that they know that I work on the east coast but live here... others get offended - even though one particularly wonderful lady and I have had more than 10 appts in the last yr and have even hung outside of BCD, she no longer returns my call..... a shame it is as I truly do like/respect/miss her
burkalini's Avatar
Since 99% of my appointments are in my place I'm always on time However I think the providers are late at least 50% of the time. Should I dock them? lol