To all the Single Ladies

Happy Father’s day to all you single Mothers out there that had to do this alone..

You were the dads that men forgot, the ones that had to tell your children how to treat the ladies, How to be nice to Women, How to say yes mamma, no mamma.

You are the WoMEN who taught your sons to Fart and belch and laugh at it, YOU baited their hooks for them when you took them fishing on that fun camping trip. How to skin a snake, step on a Scorpion, Trap a Rabbit.

The Little League games we took you to, being the soccer coach when no dads would do it. Rooting on your football games and telling you BUCK UP when you fell down. Real men don’t Cry.

The Father Daughter dances, where we showed up instead of dad, how you woMEN taught your daughters not to let men get in your pants to soon, to speak up for what you wanted, how we stared down the boys that took you on dates. Stayed up and chased the boys out from your daughter’s windows.

You taught us to drive, to get jobs, to be responsible, to care for others.

This is for the woMEN who were single and DID NOT HAVE A CHOICE but to be both parents, You are the Father you are the Mothers of our country. You are both!
You are the BEST at being you! Thank you! You did a GREAT JOB!

Happy Fathers Day!

I wrote this for my own son and daughter.. I hope they remember those days fondly, it was hard.. I loved every minute of it..
burkalini's Avatar
No arguement at as to how hard it is to raise kids as a single mom but they do have a Mothers day for that and this day is for MEN that are dads. Let us have our day OK. I say this with all the respect for single parents which includes single dad's also
there shouldn't be just one day a year where a mother or father it should be celebrated it on a daily basis...there is not a day my children don't tell me the love me and thank me for what i do for them...I have awesome children....however i honor and celebratefathers who are involved and support their children in all aspects...especially the single fathers ..
Still Looking's Avatar
Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers that were throw out on their asses, lost their house, a car, and a boat load of money. Those guys who had very limited access to their children. The ones who had their dreams taken away. The one who had to move on who did nothing wrong. The guys who found out they had credit cards maxed out they didn't even know they had. The guys who pay their child support only to have it used to buy Harry Big Dick some new sun glasses. The guys who paid for those breast implants and never got to enjoy them. And most of all, Happy Fathers Day to all those attorneys that helped these innocent poor helpless young ladies get everything they have coming to them.
cumalot's Avatar
Gender doesn't determine Fathers, actions do...So Happry Fathers Day to everyone..
nightengale1973's Avatar
Happy fathers day to the Step-fathers who chose to step up and be a father where there wasn't one. It's a tough job jumping in half way and trying to make up for mistakes that weren't even yours.
Happy Fathers day to all that have had to play that role... I know many single dads and I always wish them Happy Mothers Day too. And lets not forget the grandparents, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, friends and neighbors that step up to take on the role of father... Its not easy to be a parent especially a single one.... It takes a village to raise a child!!! Dads dont quit being a father even if moms a bitch....
Cpalmson's Avatar
No arguement at as to how hard it is to raise kids as a single mom but they do have a Mothers day for that and this day is for MEN that are dads. Let us have our day OK. I say this with all the respect for single parents which includes single dad's also Originally Posted by burkalini
Couldn't have said it better!