New Forum Suggestion: You're stupid, no You're stupider.. No you're Stupidest!

harkontume's Avatar
In my last post I suggested a new forum . CBJ Forum!


Of the 80 replies maybe 10 were on topic. (please dont count them .. that would be silly)

Most of the rest consisted of back and forth dialog between two people that was mostly name calling and denial of name calling and more name calling and more denial and blah blah blah..

We obviously have fun doing this.

This obviously fulfills a basic need.

Why dont we have a new forum and peeps can take the gloves off !
Forget about etiquette, and go at it.

That way they can view their "Discussion"" online and say to themselves.. Wow! I really told him/her ! Yes! My keen witted brain wins another round!

We might call this Forum :
Get a Room! ( for girl v guy)

Homo Erectus ( for guy v guy)

hisss spit scratch ( for girl v girl)

Think about it.. give us your suggestion on Forum Names.
Wasn't there a forum already created or this purpose some while back? The spider room or something or other. Never visited it but saw lots of chatter about it in coed.
harkontume's Avatar
Codybeast..( can i call you CB?)

Thanks for the reply... unfortunately I have noticed that the first REPLY usually sets the tone of the thread.

Try it again but with a humorous , sarcastic flavor.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 07-31-2012, 07:59 AM
"Bitch I'm gonna own your ass"

A new room where hobbiers & providers can go at each other...
Also add a "voting button" so non-participants can weight in on who they think had the more wittier response.

Winner gets a "Bitch I'm gonna own your ass" TShirt from SL.

Another room that would benefit some is the 'Ally Ray Be-As-Skinny-As-You-Want" room. Ally will give tips on how to shed those pounds and KEEP them off.

There can be a room for our BBW called "We didn't eat the spinners" Where they can hold court and discuss WHY they think BBW give better experiences.
How about we call it the

I don't give a fuck about what people think, this 'aint barney and friends. I'm going to still be doing me and treat people how they treat me

how about the F-Sharp Forum: he loves to argue til he is blue in the face

or 7th Grade Forum: for all the silly things people post
The "I Need a Life" forum evident by the fact that I'm here.
Sammy75's Avatar
Special Olympics forum: Even if you win, you're still fucking retarded.

(with apologies to the mentally handicapped, the joke just doesn't work well if you don't call them "fucking retarded".)
harkontume's Avatar
Dear Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
( can i call you Jazy?)

Your are getting into the spirit but not the purpose.
Look at your post.. that's it really look
Look at the other post... see the difference?

Now try it again! Come one you can do it!!!
I am routing for you!
How about we have a

I talk shots indirectly at people who are providing me with a guilty pleasure form of entertainment. This somehow makes me better than them with more of a life, even though I'm sitting here reading this shit but at least i don't actually get involved in the real discussion at hand.

Drama room: Hoe's and Bro's?
harkontume's Avatar
Drama room: Hoe's and Bro's? Originally Posted by Sexy Roxanne
There you go Rox.. See Jazy.. its easy.. you can do it kid, I know you can!