If you wrote a bad review... or posted an alert... would you be...

There is a review in the Independent review forum and an alert in the Alerts forum, and it appears that a provider has "left the building." This leads me to ask? What are the risks after writing a negative review of a provider? What are the risks of posting an alert on a hobbyist? Do providers retaliate? and if so, how? (if that were possible). Do hobbyists retaliate? If so, how? I ask because I recently had a bad experience. But... I would not write about it because I would fear retaliation. If you posted a bad review, would you be afraid? Very afraid? Terrified?
Chilling... I had just posted a reply to a review, and then posted this thread. During the few minutes in between, I received an email that purports to contain the identify of the person who wrote a negative review. I have forwarded the email sans headers to the moderator, Whispers, and to the victim (assuming the enclosed information was accurate).
mirandalee's Avatar
A bad review and an alert not good for business. If I see that a guy has an alert I will not see him so it may hurt his chances of meeting a provider. It all depends though I dont have any bad reviews so I wouldnt know if that would hurt me, but I dont think it would I have a lot of regulars and everyone pretty much knows how I am. I try my best to avoid recieving a bad review.
If you have a bad experience and you don't write a bad review what you're doing is telling every provider that you're a pushover and they don't have to bring their A-game. Providers talk just like hobbyist do. Providers know who is a critical reviewer and who they have to bring their A-game for and they also know who's not. Good providers should have their A-game all the time but their are the rest of the providers that are hit and miss. I would rather have hit and miss providers tell me NO I won't see you because of my bad reviews then see me and provide a lack luster session or be an uggo.

If you are a credible hobbyist and she is a new provider and she does a b.s. alert llike the one we saw yesterday it is pretty easy to figure out the alert is b.s.

My advice, Man up and write honest reviews.
Qziz's Avatar
  • Qziz
  • 08-02-2012, 01:19 PM
Chilling... I had just posted a reply to a review, and then posted this thread. During the few minutes in between, I received an email that purports to contain the identify of the person who wrote a negative review. I have forwarded the email sans headers to the moderator, Whispers, and to the victim (assuming the enclosed information was accurate). Originally Posted by handsomecustomer
Uh huh. And you just made an account today.

And your only posts are this thread and in the review referenced in this thread.

Really, I only have one question...

Why are you dragging Whispers into it? What did he ever do to you?
Passion2015's Avatar
Pm here it goes again. Post an honest review good or bad that's the purpose of this sight. If it's bad enough and alert needs to be posted ie., ripped off, pimp involved, and whatever else makes it totally uncomfortable, write it to allow all of us the news. It's better for one to take it for the team than the whole team. Now as far as a provider won't see you again or will inform other providers not to see you! Who cares that's money saved for you and money not earned by them.
Too many times reviews aren't honest and we all get ripped off. It's time to stop that BS and write honest reviews. Of course unless your a pimp and getting money in return. Just saying.
Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 08-02-2012, 01:33 PM
There is a review in the Independent review forum and an alert in the Alerts forum, and it appears that a provider has "left the building." This leads me to ask? What are the risks after writing a negative review of a provider? What are the risks of posting an alert on a hobbyist? Do providers retaliate? and if so, how? (if that were possible). Do hobbyists retaliate? If so, how? I ask because I recently had a bad experience. But... I would not write about it because I would fear retaliation. If you posted a bad review, would you be afraid? Very afraid? Terrified? Originally Posted by handsomecustomer
Damn girl, give it a break already.
Still Looking's Avatar
All the way from California.... this Austin forum is so popular!
mirandalee's Avatar
It shows handsomecustomer is BANNED but able to post on here thats weird. It is rather strange he posts this and joined today then pm's me too.
Still Looking's Avatar
Qziz's Avatar
  • Qziz
  • 08-02-2012, 02:20 PM
It shows handsomecustomer is BANNED but able to post on here thats weird. It is rather strange he posts this and joined today then pm's me too. Originally Posted by mirandalee
(s)he got banned after making those posts, probably due to all the unsolicited PMs.
Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 08-02-2012, 02:21 PM
It shows handsomecustomer is BANNED but able to post on here thats weird. It is rather strange he posts this and joined today then pm's me too. Originally Posted by mirandalee
He/She got BANNED after posting. He is the original provider attempting a new handle.

If she PMed you under this handle, you should report it to the mods. Apparently she's PMing several people on the subject.

This is a hot little subject today. I've been away for awhile. Didn't expect to see this kind of fun here today.
Whispers's Avatar
I got a PM from her.

This is a dangerous lady with a hell of a grudge.

I have NO IDEA why I was involved.

It's not the first time though. People sometimes tell me things they are afraid to say in the hopes of it getting out....

I don't post 2nd hand information.....UNLESS it keeps coming up from a variety of sources and I happened to trust those sources..... then MAYBE.....

In this case my bet is that it is the Provider formerly known as Lucy von Trapp carrying out a vendetta against aangbang

pretty vicious too as the PM I received included a lot of details of his personal life.....

He happens to be a guy I know and have in my phone and after I RTMd the Pm I gave him a call....

I think the OP poised a very good question that everyone here in the community needs to consider..... She already answered the part regarding whether Providers retaliate....

The board needs accurate information... good and bad.....

positive as well as negative revies serve a purpose.....

here Lucy should have realized it was time to update her photos and take a client's time more seriously.....

She probably would have had continued business and could have dealt with it all in a more prprofessional manner that could have been appreciated. She serves a nich market and guys may have overlooked a single bad review..

Now there is really only one end result that works for the communities best interest.....

This is an example of a cancer thhat has to be cut out and as a community we should be sure never has an opportunity to show how mentally unstable she is again.

She is obviously not as new to this as the Lucy von Trapp handle as..... This is a girl that was someone before..... and will probably register here again and be known by another name.....

Who she was should be shared.......

Who she tries to become should be gotten out and tied to this as quickly as possible.....
Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 08-02-2012, 03:27 PM
I got a PM from her.

This is a dangerous lady with a hell of a grudge.

I have NO IDEA why I was involved.

It's not the first time though. People sometimes tell me things they are afraid to say in the hopes of it getting out....

I don't post 2nd hand information.....UNLESS it keeps coming up from a variety of sources and I happened to trust those sources..... then MAYBE.....

In this case my bet is that it is the Provider formerly known as Lucy von Trapp carrying out a vendetta against aangbang

pretty vicious too as the PM I received included a lot of details of his personal life.....

He happens to be a guy I know and have in my phone and after I RTMd the Pm I gave him a call....

I think the OP poised a very good question that everyone here in the community needs to consider..... She already answered the part regarding whether Providers retaliate....

The board needs accurate information... good and bad.....

positive as well as negative revies serve a purpose.....

here Lucy should have realized it was time to update her photos and take a client's time more seriously.....

She probably would have had continued business and could have dealt with it all in a more prprofessional manner that could have been appreciated. She serves a nich market and guys may have overlooked a single bad review..

Now there is really only one end result that works for the communities best interest.....

This is an example of a cancer thhat has to be cut out and as a community we should be sure never has an opportunity to show how mentally unstable she is again.

She is obviously not as new to this as the Lucy von Trapp handle as..... This is a girl that was someone before..... and will probably register here again and be known by another name.....

Who she was should be shared.......

Who she tries to become should be gotten out and tied to this as quickly as possible..... Originally Posted by Whispers
She probably saw you as a force on this here board, so somehow thought it was a good idea to contact you.

She's already been back as at least two handles today. As the second one appeared, she immediately posted in the OP's review with some information that could have caused some real damage for the OP

She's also done some real damage to herself, as you've just stated. She is obviously an extreme danger here, and any possibility of her showing up as a provider again, under a new name, should be reported quickly.
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