Zika virus in tx spread through sex

  • only1
  • 02-02-2016, 04:44 PM
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Yeah if you have traveled outside of the us recently particularly south please don't come see me thanks
Duthgar1976's Avatar
I haven't left the country in 12 years
suiram77's Avatar
So sad ppl need to stop believing every thing they here or read that's the news job to keep people in fear and they know for the most part it works smh. Some people are so easy to persuade to believe bull shit. Country full of suckers!!!!!!
Chung Tran's Avatar
I haven't left the country in 12 years Originally Posted by Duthgar1976
me neither..

oh wait, I have been to California, so never mind.
So this shit is a fucking std now... Great

OMG that kid looks like a guy a used to know. His eyes and ears were larger like that, and same haircut.
gladius82's Avatar
Another example of the half assed reporting by our major media outlets.......this virus is not new....and sexual transmission was documented as early as 2008.
Another example of the half assed reporting by our major media outlets.......this virus is not new....and sexual transmission was documented as early as 2008. Originally Posted by gladius82
I think Zika is getting a lot of media coverage lately because they've recently correlated it to microcephaly in newborn babies
Roger.Smith's Avatar
Unless you're a pregnant woman or trying to get pregnant, it's not that big of a deal.
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
Yeah if you have traveled outside of the us recently particularly south please don't come see me thanks Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar

I'm LMFAO!!!
suiram77's Avatar
me neither..

oh wait, I have been to California, so never mind. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
That was funny Tran lmao!!!
suiram77's Avatar
Another example of the half assed reporting by our major media outlets.......this virus is not new....and sexual transmission was documented as early as 2008. Originally Posted by gladius82
Exactly they always get shit wrong and report old shit people have forgotten about just to scare them all over again smh!!! So sad. The major news networks can report tomorrow that satan himself just left New York from jfk on a private plane and is coming to Dallas and will land at 8 pm so everyone in Dallas please stay home and don't leave your house.

Watch how many fools get scared and stay at home lmao!! Man fuck Satan he ain't shit never been shit and will lose in the end lol. I will go to DFW and wait to see his ass fuck him and the news. I am not staying in my house because they said too smh!!! Hell to the motherfucking NO x a billion.
me neither..

oh wait, I have been to California, so never mind. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Californian transplants say the same thing about Texas.
No disease is sexually transmitted, unless your immune system is heavily compromised. When was the last time anyone heard of HIV, or Clamidya. Remember Magic Johnson he never had shit. The presstitutes need it to sell a bill of goods and doctors were shoving that shit. Sex is as safe as ever. America is run by fear mongers and soulless demons who only care about making a profit. The whole 80's aids/Hiv was a diabolic tests conducted to see how homosexuals, and blacks who were injected with a cocktail of toxins will create a new disease to destroy their immune system. As long as you take care of your immune system by giving your body what it really needs, you will be ok.