What is the point of asking a provider if she is LE?

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I just don’t understand this one, why do some guys ask me if I am LE?

If I was LE would I say yes? Of course not! So why even ask?

Do any of you ladies or gents have an opinion as to why some guys ask this question?
Combustion's Avatar
There isn't one, just like there isn't one for all those dumb disclaimers bp girls use.
internet_inventor2's Avatar
I just don’t understand this one, why do some guys ask me if I am LE?

If I was LE would I say yes? Of course not! So why even ask? Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
That is true Brooke, I guess it is the same when the ladies ask us if we are LE, it is not like some one is going to say "Damn you got me, how did you know" .....
bigbadbill969's Avatar
ignorance of the law and ignorance of the fact that LE can and will say anything to make a bust......Bill
Mr Clever's Avatar
I've never asked.
In their heads, I'm sure they think they're being safe and covering their ass. In reality, the only purpose asking that question serves is to let other people know you're new to the hobby.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Ask anyway. If nothing else you can at least make liars out of them.

And God condemns LIARS.
1ThickBlond's Avatar
I see lots of newbies so I get asked this pretty often. I think it's funny when they ask in all seriousness "Are you in any way affiliated with law enforcement?" I always laugh and tell them "No, but I wouldn't have to tell you if I was." It is amazing how many think an undercover officer has to identify themselves as such when asked. I don't know where this myth comes from, tv perhaps?
I've been asked that numerous times over the phone and usually that would make me cancel the appointment because of the paranoia.
CaptainQ's Avatar
Funny, I was asked if I was LE as well from a BP girl in New Orleans. I found it funny but really what would be the point? As it's been said, I'm pretty sure they don't have to tell you they are LE.

I often wondered how LE could make a case against me if, I invite a girl over and left money on the table, there should be no case because I didn't pay anyone. The girl saw the money and took it. I didn't care or didn't "notice". We had a nice "visit" and she left.

Now if she was a LE officer, there would probably be warning flags for me if there was any mention of money other than if she didn't see the "donation" which would be pretty hard since I always leave it in plain view right when she walks in (I'm always in a nice hotel room). So, unless I'm missing something, I don't see how I could get busted. But, there are smarter and more seasoned players here, maybe I am wrong.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
In their heads, I'm sure they think they're being safe and covering their ass. In reality, the only purpose asking that question serves is to let other people know you're new to the hobby. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Thats what I always thought too. I think you were a provider in your previous life
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
I just don’t understand this one, why do some guys ask me if I am LE?

If I was LE would I say yes? Of course not! So why even ask?

Do any of you ladies or gents have an opinion as to why some guys ask this question? Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Maybe they want a strip search....
Dstorm's Avatar
In their heads, I'm sure they think they're being safe and covering their ass. In reality, the only purpose asking that question serves is to let other people know you're new to the hobby. Originally Posted by enderwiggin

New, and up to no good. Assume she is a cop, when you ask a dumbass quaetion like that, you have pretty much indicated you are up to no good, and that will be used against you if she turns out to be a cop!

Try claiming you were just there for a rub after asking that.
GneissGuy's Avatar
I always just bring a donut, show it to her, and tell her that if she admits to being a cop, no session will take place, but I'll give her the donut. I tell her if she denies it, I'll eat the donut myself before discussing anything further.

I believe this works better than asking if she's a cop.
Ha ha, if a guy asked me that, I would consider it as invitation to have my way with him.