Lurker appointments

Hey everybody. I’ve been getting a lot of clients who are lurkers here and reach out to me on my email. Many of them are not members of the board therefore they cannot write a review. What is the best way to deal with this? Should I suggest they join the board and give them reasons why it’s beneficial to them? I feel like I’m missing out on some good review opportunity
Just from what you’ve written here, Suzanna, here’s my two cents of analysis...

Clients who are lurkers here
Not members of the board
Good review opportunity?

It costs nothing to become a member. If they really were serious, they shouldn’t need coaxing. You really think these “lurkers” would be good review opportunities? These guys aren’t your ECCIE/P411 members... they are STG/Escort Alligator trolls who are looking for.... anything!

Ok, falling off my soap box... *PLOP*
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Wiz has several good comments.
And, the soap box he was on is quite valid.
Boredinop's Avatar
Could not agree more with the gents. You shouldn't touch the lurkers with a 10 foot condom....
JRLawrence's Avatar
Hey everybody. I’ve been getting a lot of clients who are lurkers here and reach out to me on my email. Many of them are not members of the board therefore they cannot write a review. What is the best way to deal with this? Should I suggest they join the board and give them reasons why it’s beneficial to them? I feel like I’m missing out on some good review opportunity Originally Posted by SweetSuzanna
It depends: there are a lot of long term lurkers, and members, who never make a comment: they just read and look for someone they may want to see. Even a lot of members will never write a review, just think of the old timer Woody. If you are only looking for guys who will write a review: you may have a longer time looking for customers.

The problems you are really asking about are: 1)you own safety with someone who has not made themselves known 2)Continuation of your income by recommendation of the guys who will make a nice review for you.

How do you accomplish the goal that you have?
Actually most of them have been awesome! I always thought you had to be a member in order to write a review.
Why do you always have to be so negative? I think all the providers would agree that reviews on this website or would keep our business going. How else would you suggest to advertise here? It would be like if I owned a donut shop and I took out an ad in the newspaper that said Susannahs donut shop. And then gave the address. Does that entice you to want to go there? That’s why yelp and all these other review sites exist. That’s why when you go to Amazon you look at the reviews of the products before you buy it. How else would you know what you’re getting into? If you have another idea let me know since you seem to know everything. I am not insisting anyone write a review it’s just a request. And this tightknit group we need to have each others back. Just like I am willing to be a reference for one of my clients. I don’t have to do that I offer to because I’m a nice person and I want to make everyone happy how much is the goal of a support system like we have here. If I had every clients write a review because I was insisting, I would have a lot more reviews LOL I’m not sure why you think this is about my safety? I do a very Thorough verification for anyone who doesn’t have references. I take all their information from the real world and then I have them show their ID when they get here. I offered to meet for coffee or a drink for about 30 to 40 minutes to get to know each other and my intuition has always been good in that area. Lots of men have left the hobby and then come back and their references are to to 10 years old! Why should they be punished for that?

It depends: there are a lot of long term lurkers, and members, who never make a comment: they just read and look for someone they may want to see. Even a lot of members will never write a review, just think of the old timer Woody. If you are only looking for guys who will write a review: you may have a longer time looking for customers.

The problems you are really asking about are: 1)you own safety with someone who has not made themselves known 2)Continuation of your income by recommendation of the guys who will make a nice review for you.

How do you accomplish the goal that you have? Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Actually most of them have been awesome! I always thought you had to be a member in order to write a review. Originally Posted by SweetSuzanna
You do...
Maybe my question wasn’t phrased properly. So you think that just because the guy doesn’t participate on the board or has been out of the hobby for a couple years therefore his references are old and out of date are bad? And yes they’ve been some of my greatest most favorite customers because they have positive attitudes and like to be helpful. All I was asking is am I supposed to only see a eccie members? That doesn’t make sense. There are plenty of girls who see newbies and I don’t think they would do that if they thought it was dangerous. And now you’re insulting the men that aren’t members of the board or have a come back after a few years. So far Everyone I have seen has not been an “alligator troll looking for anything”. I guess you think you get to say that because it won’t affect your situation. Many men are extremely cautious which is why they don’t participate on the board or don’t join the board. They are extra discrete and they know that discretion is my number one priority.

Just from what you’ve written here, Suzanna, here’s my two cents of analysis...

Clients who are lurkers here
Not members of the board
Good review opportunity?

It costs nothing to become a member. If they really were serious, they shouldn’t need coaxing. You really think these “lurkers” would be good review opportunities? These guys aren’t your ECCIE/P411 members... they are STG/Escort Alligator trolls who are looking for.... anything!

Ok, falling off my soap box... *PLOP* Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
cmore197474's Avatar
It seems you think reviews are your best source of advertising. They are a secondary back up at best. The best source of advertising is advertising on credible advertising sights like p411(with ok's) and a few others. I trust those sights more than reviews here because reviews here are always positive and often misleading. You can also use p411 to verify your clients. I think what p411 offers is what you are desiring. For me ECCIE is slightly more than just entertainment.
I am aware there are other sites out there. I would like to join P411 but it’s a matter of making sure I don’t lose my ability to be a low volume provider. Plus I would need to start over with my photos most were lost. And it’s interesting how when I get a great review I get a ton of Messages the same day or the next day.
SS..don't worry about keeping your "low volume" status becoming a member of p411. That site definitely keeps providers "low volume" cause it really is more of an elitist community. You cut out alot of the "riff raff" you find on sites like ECCIE, PD, Tryst, etc. The ladies there charge more, take the experience more seriously, and it keeps the $ and $$ quickies away. That alone will allow you to maintain the "low volume" environment you seek.
SS..don't worry about keeping your "low volume" status becoming a member of p411. That site definitely keeps providers "low volume" cause it really is more of an elitist community. You cut out alot of the "riff raff" you find on sites like ECCIE, PD, Tryst, etc. The ladies there charge more, take the experience more seriously, and it keeps the $ and $$ quickies away. That alone will allow you to maintain the "low volume" environment you seek. Originally Posted by bigkansas1
Thank you sir for giving me some constructive criticism in a positive way. I really appreciate guys like you but understand where I’m coming from. I guess I will see if I can get back on there it’s been several years I probably have to start over.
yourdesire's Avatar
SS I agree reviews do bring more people. I'm pretty low volume & got on p411 before I was verified here.
JRLawrence's Avatar
It seems you think reviews are your best source of advertising. They are a secondary back up at best. The best source of advertising is advertising on credible advertising sights like p411(with ok's) and a few others. I trust those sights more than reviews here because reviews here are always positive and often misleading. You can also use p411 to verify your clients. I think what p411 offers is what you are desiring. For me ECCIE is slightly more than just entertainment. Originally Posted by cmore197474
When a visit is negative, the review should be negative. Not all reviews here are positive; a lot can be learned from the negative ones. Some of the reviews are over the top positive, pay attention to those too. Some of the reviews are promotions made by the lady's pimp, pay attention to those too. Some of the reviews are made by the lady herself, with a fake name: Think about all the positive reviews made by Carolyn, the massage lady from Raytown, when almost every review of her is negative.

Lastly, if you are going to spend time looking for a lady to visit: keep notes, because phone numbers and names change.