Weirdest/Oddest Excuse to Cancel an Appt.

I'd like to hear from both the guys and the girls, what are the Weirdest/Oddest reasons for canceling an appt? I just had to email a provider and cancel an appt. due to a very weird situation.
I had a guy cancel on me in Buffalo

His reason was he caught his member in his pants zipper earlier that day and cut it! LOL

Thats just to odd to be made up right?

I saw him on another visit and he made up for the cancel so its all good.
skater2's Avatar
Sounds like he had somthing on his pee pee that he didnt want you to see see...
The weirdest thing I've done in that regard is to reduce a 90 minute appointment to 60 minutes because my wife initiated sex with me the night before....ON A FRIGGIN' WEEKNIGHT EVEN!

What are the odds of that happening?
  • Chloe
  • 05-04-2010, 09:30 PM
"I am scared because your pictures are so hot I am not going to be comfortable seeing you."

Well thank you for thinking I am hot but . . . isn't that why you made an appointment with me??? lol

It was an obvious excuse because he had excellent reputable (and very beautiful I may add) referenses.
OMG Skater I never thought of that. My mind just doesnt work that way..

This thread pops up and this morning I had one of my very favorite providers cut a 2 hour appointment to 90 minutes because she said she was badly jet lagged.

I clearly need to pick up my game!
The weirdest thing I've done in that regard is to reduce a 90 minute appointment to 60 minutes because my wife initiated sex with me the night before....ON A FRIGGIN' WEEKNIGHT EVEN!

What are the odds of that happening?

NB - I almost hurt myself laughing at that!
let's see.....over my time providing here in this city....

wife came home pulled over for a ticket...burned hands at work...
called back to ate his collage paper he had to rewrite it....spiderbite and hand had white stuff ozzing outa it..( i cancelled that one I was scurd to see him after that excuse)....he just plain ol forgot!!lol..nice....:-D....
*please do not use these excuses..when cancelling someone else already did!!
oh and I'll know you read my post*....hahahhahaha nita..
On my way to an appt a girl hit me from behind (with her car) and waiting for the State police to come and write up the accident took forever. I felt bad because she had another appt cancel but not much I could do. No other times were available for me to try and make up for it.
A man once told me in Albany last year that his 4year old woke up before he could get out. Mind you it was like 11pm.
abdclub's Avatar
I've now had the same provider cancel with me 5 times in a row! Is she scared? lol. If I hadn't seen her before and she wasn't my ATF, I'd be hurt!!
She actually got in an auto accident on the way to see me. Am I a duffus because I actually believed her each and every time.

i always hear the classic "something came up at work"
i always hear the classic "something came up at work" Originally Posted by naughtynikki84
You hear it so much because it works both ways.

When something comes up at work for me, I call you to help me take care of it.
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 05-12-2010, 06:36 AM
I've now had the same provider cancel with me 5 times in a row! Is she scared? lol. If I hadn't seen her before and she wasn't my ATF, I'd be hurt!!
She actually got in an auto accident on the way to see me. Am I a duffus because I actually believed her each and every time.

abdclub Originally Posted by abdclub
Why does this sound soooooooooooooo familiar !!!!!!!!! 6 times, All believable and legitimate sounding reasons !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!