Summer/Lilly/Scarlett Heartless?

  • loboy
  • 02-09-2013, 06:58 PM
Was not going to say anything except a review of not recommending her but she just seems so heartless.
As had saw her ad for quite some time now, with a couple ok reviews (no ros though so,,,) and she posted going away so decided I would see her before she leaves town (again not being able to reach the preferred provider lol what bad luck)...While not all a mistake since was a bit enjoyable, except for the being cheated part. Reaching her was a pain, txting/calling for 1-2 times and then she'd stop and different ads every few while with different #'s
But on with the story, made her enjoyed the beginning but as the middle part started for a bit (when it came time for my part), the cover came off so she said she'd go grab one from her car and asked nicely if i wanted anything from the vending machine. I asked her if she was really gonna come back and if she can guarantee it, but as I wasn't going to leave her alone while I go to my car especially with my stuff still in the room so I agreed to go with her to search for a cover in her car. As we walked down the hallway I saw her driver (little did they kno I had already seen them as they pulled in) but played as if he were nothing but already knew what was gonna happen.
As we walked to her car and she puts her stuff away she looks for one but couldn't find (by now the driver had come out of the building and was walking around the lot trying not to draw suspicion unto him but I kept a sideview in case anything was going to happen) one so we went to my car and grabbed one there. And came back to her car as she said she was gonna grab her purse. She sat in the car and smoked and I made small talk and then her driver came and sat in the car. They knew they were caught red-handed by then, so I just nicely said hey you guys can go. I wasn't gonna make any big scene there anyways. And when they left I texted her thanks for the time anyways using all three of her names.
She seemed like she was shamed so she didn't turn to me as I said they could go so I thought about not saying anything. So I checked online to see if her ad was still on and it wasn't so I thought ok no biggie, until a couple of hours later she posts up another ad....As if nothing happened....So I'm trying to warn others so they don't get into the same situation with her, since she was sweet-like throughout the meeting too it just adds to how heartless some ppl are...IMO
  • loboy
  • 02-09-2013, 08:17 PM
Man I always feel bad writing these...I guess the only way to go is through verified ones
  • loboy
  • 02-09-2013, 11:14 PM
Sorry about all these posts...but she does have a heart...she is just young, new, and naive...we bp ad debated with each other and she has apologized as well as me...i do hope that she'll become legit bcz i've experienced her services first hand and if when she does become legit i:ll definitely be a regular...