Is Albany really this dead?

OK, I know I'm new here and all, and don't have years of experience in this forum like some of you, but what gives with this place? Is there really this little hobby activity going on here, or is this board just not where everyone is hiding? I can see why the area was split off of upstate NY for purposes of reviews, etc, but holy crap is there a difference in activity here vs the upstate board. Yeah, a lot of the stuff over there is drama and nonsense, but at least there are people there. So what is it? Are people just antisocial here? Is the hobby slow here as well? Winter's over. Time for everyone to come out of their coma
wantsome's Avatar
I travel the state pretty frequently and there is just as much activity in the Albany area as other upstate cities. The difference is Upset covers a large geographic area, Syracuse, Bing, Rochester, buffalo, thus you have the participation from multiple areas. This page is pretty much only the capital district. The lower Hudson area goes to other boards, (BGFE and UG). Its too bad we don't get more participation, but oh well, its better an nothing..
never 2 old's Avatar
No Albany is not dead!!! You are right about comming out of " Their " coma. What we need is for you new members and some older non reporting mbr's to get out there and have some fun and report your experience's. It takes INFO from all of us to help all of us to stay safe and have fun. We need to know weather you experience was good, bad or whatever, INFO< INFO> INFO thats what it is all about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!
Loki Pk's Avatar
We don't spend hours and hours filling our boards with useless drivel.
Plain and simple. Upstate tends to be filled with 3-4 major assholes who don't even report on escorts, they just drone on and on about themselves and how everyone else is stupid etc.
We don't do that. We report on encounters with women.

How do you think I feel? I have stopped reporting on girls I have already seen and am trying to only post on new girls. Except, I enjoy the 'tried and true' ladies I know.

I see you complaining about it, yet you haven't posted a single REPORT in almost 3 MONTHS of membership. WTF?

We don't spend hours and hours filling our boards with useless drivel.
Plain and simple. Upstate tends to be filled with 3-4 major assholes who don't even report on escorts, they just drone on and on about themselves and how everyone else is stupid etc.
We don't do that. We report on encounters with women.

How do you think I feel? I have stopped reporting on girls I have already seen and am trying to only post on new girls. Except, I enjoy the 'tried and true' ladies I know.

I see you complaining about it, yet you haven't posted a single REPORT in almost 3 MONTHS of membership. WTF?

PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk
Weren't you the one complaining about lurkers? Here I am trying to participate and you now call me out. Maybe this isn't a good place after all. Screw it. Some of us don't have as much of an opportunity to get out there and see the ladies as you do. Life gets in the way. Guess I'll go back to lurking.
And I joined because I was looking to get into the hobby but didn't know what I didn't know. Hence, research. I thought that was a good thing.
Loki Pk's Avatar
Weren't you the one complaining about lurkers? Here I am trying to participate and you now call me out. Maybe this isn't a good place after all. Screw it. Some of us don't have as much of an opportunity to get out there and see the ladies as you do. Life gets in the way. Guess I'll go back to lurking. Originally Posted by saratogaphoto
And here you are crying about it being dead! All I did was ask how long its going to be before you pull the trigger and now you're all butthurt? Puh-leeze!

I work 70-80 hrs a week and I find plenty of time to play. The roadmap has been laid out over an over. Yet 3 months as a member and at least that long lurking and you haven't found the time because 'life gets in the way'?
Why don't you go over to upstate and talk about shoelaces, or knitting clubs. they have lots of activity over there. And you can read all about the Western tier action. Maybe a few years from now you can even drive out to Rochester and almost see a lady. How almost cool will that be?

In the meantime, those of us who actually post REVIEWS about PROVIDERS will do what we do...and communicate amongst ourselves. If this type of banter is off-putting to you? your skin is probably too thin for this hobby. Imho.

Weren't you the one complaining about lurkers? Here I am trying to participate and you now call me out. Maybe this isn't a good place after all. Screw it. Some of us don't have as much of an opportunity to get out there and see the ladies as you do. Life gets in the way. Guess I'll go back to lurking. Originally Posted by saratogaphoto

I appreciate that you have decided to participate and not be a lurker. BUT... In my opinion, you started off " complaining and slamming " the current participating existing members of this area by your original assessment of this area. NOT a way to win friends. I agree with Loki about the Albany area is not as active with posts and comments as is Upstate NY, BUT .. as Loki said, many of the posts and comments in Upstate NY are very antagonistic, nasty, rude, uncivil,.. I have been a member of this site for MORE years than my join date indicates with a different handle and many reviews for most of that time. I never found a need to make comments and posts UNLESS I had something of relevance to add-unlike many of the members of Upstate who comment on everything just to get their post count up or just to slam another member, both men and women. I still do see many women, ( NOT as many as Loki, but no one sees as many women as Loki - lol ) but for personal reasons have chosen NOT to post reviews on eccie. My advice to you is to continue to contribute comments of relevance and reviews or every now and then start a thread.

Well, in that case I apologize for saying anything. Please ignore my post, and go back to what you were doing
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Surge 1,000
tbonetas 246
Still Looking 236
Hawkeye9 187
hjones 183
Martianman 179
Cityjazz 178
Russ Tworthy 161
Say What 152
bigdog0311 147
MoneyManMatt 146
professoreccie 144
capitan1962 137
silverstate53 131
cockalatte 129
Loki Pk's Avatar
Surge 1,000
tbonetas 246
Still Looking 236
Hawkeye9 187
hjones 183
Martianman 179
Cityjazz 178
Russ Tworthy 161
Say What 152
bigdog0311 147
MoneyManMatt 146
professoreccie 144
capitan1962 137
silverstate53 131
cockalatte 129 Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
And? Since you did a little research why don't you post a little more reality? Guys with 10,000+ posts and reviews in the single digits! Some guys aren't even from the area and post there 30+ times a day and the only reviews they actually posted were for restaurants.
So let's make sure you show the big picture, don't skew the info to fit your purpose. I'm no trying to bust your balls , but let's keep our cards and our hands on top of the table, shall we?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Still Looking22636
Chica Chaser19752
Yssup Rider18533

or did you want more or something other. Just askin

I like Wu's restaurants reviews, but dh's one review is better IMHO
as this time I have no PA
can you tell me if Still Looking reviews a worth a look if I get PA he on both lists.
Loki Pk's Avatar
Thanks OSD. That was exactly to the point.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
as on that that post whore list myself
Posts Per Day: 12.04
mostly on weekends do I post
so I will say I post many areas of the board
Not just Upset NY and Albany/HV

Post at will, but never think someone will not give you grief for doing so.
mmmm Saratoga it like betting a horse. But being new in this game. Bet the sure thing rather than long shot. Get your feet mmm ok something other wet if you want.
reviewing is up to you. Save the long shots for latter or others.
Loki Pk's Avatar
as on that that post whore list myself
Posts Per Day: 12.04
mostly on weekends do I post
so I will say I post many areas of the board
Not just Upset NY and Albany/HV

Post at will, but never think someone will not give you grief for doing so.
mmmm Saratoga it like betting a horse. But being new in this game. Bet the sure thing rather than long shot. Get your feet mmm ok something other wet if you want.
reviewing is up to you. Save the long shots for latter or others. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Yeah.... Errr... What mmmmmm said he good is there.... Mmmmmm errrrrr
