Why - Not Be Real

Onatop's Avatar
I was a member on the ASAP site - really have not posted here yet - just curious - I have seen two lovely ladies in KC - their pic's are real - and I have admiration for them for such even so I would not want to disclose my facial photo's either.

I guess we are thankful to have Tineye - two weeks ago there was a post on Lawrence BP - very beautiful pic's - after some texting - and as I was told they were current real - but at the last minute the poster declined - I wonder if the poster had guilty feelings about not being honest about the ad pic's ?

After research and yes thanks to Tineye & Google - the BP ad pic's were about a 90 degree left turn of what other sites were posted using the same phone - name , etc.

It would be a lot better if photo's used in ads were current and real of the poster.

Just me 2 cents worth.
Helicopter206's Avatar
That’s funny.... asking for real photo's and current....
All I can say... you will be setting home a lot...
Most of the photos are old or fake or not even them at all...
If you go to see them and you don't like the show,,, just leave, it's just that easy...
Pictures are like a thousand words...
But face to face can scare the crap out of you....
I use real a current pics and know a lot of girls that do... Bp is a tool to find provders, most girls with real pics have reviews so you just gotta do your homework when it comes to these things
Onatop's Avatar
Yes I agree a picture is worth a though words - but face to face will either scare you away or maybe the provider - they take a chance I know when meeting someone a first time - all I am saying - I guess one should show what they are like - yes I would respect them for their privacy as mine -as to no facial pic's - I accomidated a provider 40 for gas due to such - was not worth my time to me - it was a outcall - and if would of seen the real photo's I would of never contacted - so such is life - about done even looking a BP - guess the second time of back luck is enough

Yes Bailey I have to admire you - your pic's are for real - one day maybe I will have to make 100% sure
I think girls use fake pics to change identity... Not every girl is going to treat a man right. Some think you can just be rude and rush someone and when the phone stops ringing they move to the fake pics and different numbers.... Most are probably safe but you might get bad service
Onatop's Avatar
Yes I agree with some of your last reply Bailey - pays to be safe - but it is very frustrating or a let down when meet some one that is totally different than their posted pic's - just me point of view - if the actual person was +++ better - then I guess it would be perfect
Onatop's Avatar
I type to fast - just MY point of view - not me
If you decide to go the cheap ass route, you're going to run into flakes and fakes. Most ladies who have a good reputation don't have the problems of using fake pics or doing the great bait n' switch or the one I LOVE to see written in review section...."the pics aren't of her, but they're REALLY close to what she looks like."

Do better research in trying to avoid the fakes.

Oh and Helicopter.......you keep proving more and more to the ladies why you should be avoided.
bartipero's Avatar
The one that amazes me: "It wasn't the girl in the pictures, not even close [followed by miscellaneous description of how gross and disgusting the person was], but I was there, so closed my eyes and went through with it anyway." Roulette anyone? I promise it's not really loaded.
malwoody's Avatar
Well my pic is most certainly not current..
Well my pic is most certainly not current.. Originally Posted by malwoody
What? you look like "My name is Earl"
Onatop's Avatar
My Name Is Earl - Jamie P is real - not fake photo's - wonder if there has been any lady comparable in KC / Lawrence area ?
I use to live in another city - as per J Taylor - I was her first client - the pic's she sent me were real - but she was more than real - memories that are thought about every day !

I remember the stops that she made at my place on her way to K C the long talks - guess never had it so good -
Providers should use pics of them when they are 10 years older.Then you will be happy when you meet them face to face...
Red Rock's Avatar
I always get a chuckle when the girls post the self-portraits taken in the bathroom mirror.
I have professional photos taken every 2-3 months, if possible, so that my photos are always current. A woman's look can change drastically in just 6 months, let alone a year or more!

Speaking of...almost time for another photo shoot! Yay!