phone harrsament

  • alaxe
  • 10-24-2012, 09:53 AM
I was out with a provider freind last night & she was talking about how some of the girls busted last sunday , have been reciving cop calls , the problem is they,ve removed their ads, so what give,s ! look cops if you contiune to herras these girls, you are breaking federal law, what the hell,s the matter with you . fuck off & leave them alone! this is not 1930 germany,
I agree...but do ya think if they are reading this they are gonna listen?
They want nothing more than to bring this site down...and a few of us with it
Helicopter206's Avatar
Do you really think it's the cop's or police?
They don't want this site down.
They love this site and all the free information
They want to build a great case against someone.
This would also cut deep into the cash the city’s get.
Every time they make a bust it’s like money in the Bank.
When the Feds are paying for most of the stings, the city’s count on that money.

It’s called Harassment, and this can be used in court when she has to appear for her court date.
So I really don't think the police would be calling her.

Spelling goes a long way. (Alaxe)
I agree with Helicopter...the le isnt going to continue calling ladies' phones as that would easily give them away and mess up their busts....and if ladies' are telling u this then why are you posting in the co-ed section? The ladies should be posting this in the alerts section along with the phone numbers the calls are coming from.
swarmyone's Avatar
It's hard to call it harassment if you post your phone number on Backpage with a picture of your ass in the air. Just deal with it....and learn to spell for fuck's sake.
bartipero's Avatar
For fuck's sake. That's close enough, right. I'm just glad it was one syllable words.
malwoody's Avatar
I was out with a provider freind last night & she was talking about how some of the girls busted last sunday , have been reciving cop calls , the problem is they,ve removed their ads, so what give,s ! look cops if you contiune to herras these girls, you are breaking federal law, what the hell,s the matter with you . fuck off & leave them alone! this is not 1930 germany, Originally Posted by alaxe are we to believe they know cops are calling them because..?
I mean, does it say so on the caller id?...Don't answer the phone's just a Cop seeking to harrass you over the phone...not interested in an actual arrest, just want's to bug you on the phone....are you really serious..??
  • alaxe
  • 10-25-2012, 05:59 AM
Hey did,nt say I was getting the calls, and yes they do contuine to harrass you once theey know you, because they figure your an easy mark. I know this first hand from when i worked un LA.. I,veI got 30 year s of adult Industry ex, behind me, Hey sorry about the spelling, but sometimes my mind works faster then the key,s.
if they where going to continue to call i'd think someone would eventually get busted they dont just prake call girls off bp for kicks lol
Hey did,nt say I was getting the calls, and yes they do contuine to harrass you once theey know you, because they figure your an easy mark. I know this first hand from when i worked un LA.. I,veI got 30 year s of adult Industry ex, behind me, Hey sorry about the spelling, but sometimes my mind works faster then the key,s. Originally Posted by alaxe
I would have to say...BULLSHIT! This just seems too fishy to me and annoys me off as this is how I make my living and u have included no facts or numbers or names! Hell, with a post such as urs Im sure u have put urself on the 'do not reply to' list.

BTW! LA & KC laws are completely different from each other.
  • alaxe
  • 10-30-2012, 08:23 AM
Yes I understand the 2 states are different, But I,m telling you thats how cops think & do things.vice is a volenter assinment, so only the hard core escort haters do it.
Oh goodness.

LE in general and I don't care what state or city isn't going to waste their time harassing some hooker via the phone. Why you ask? I'll tell you why......cause they want arrests aka results. Calling some hookers phone over and over isn't getting them results, they want and need results.

And I never thought I'd say this, but damnit Swarmy........I've missed you.
[QUOTE=MsElena;1051828379]Oh goodness.

LE in general and I don't care what state or city isn't going to waste their time harassing some hooker via the phone. Why you ask? I'll tell you why......cause they want arrests aka results. Calling some hookers phone over and over isn't getting them results, they want and need results.QUOTE]

+1million MsElena
i would think simply changing ur number would solve that issue. Maybe even not post it until u have screened. If your "friends" got busted not too long ago.. then LE isnt going to harass them.. rather sit quietly in a distance and take notes of u hooking... to use against ya when u go back to court. Many think that once ur busted and out.. then all is good. They get back on sites like this and post face pics... not realizing that u have a target on ur back and being watched....they wont waste their time letting u KNOW they are watching. Just my 2 cents.