Ditto-heads know not what they do

eccieuser9500's Avatar


By watching and sharing this film as widely as you can, you will be helping to educate others about the dangers of these weaponized media platforms being operated by @FoxNews, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh and many other bad actors who seek a more bellicose and “dumbed down” public that is constantly being told to be angry at everything - rarely understanding that the real objective is to steer them toward voting for hyper-partisan issues and candidates.

The more people this film reaches, the less power they will have to do that. At the same same time, you’ll be contributing to Ms Senko’s next projects, all aimed at reforming our media and preventing this kind propaganda in our society. We don’t just hope you to watch and learn from this film. We hope you to get others to watch and learn from it. And thank you for that.


Hannity was treated in Texas like a member of the Administration because he virtually is one. The same can be said of Fox’s chairman, Rupert Murdoch. Fox has long been a bane of liberals, but in the past two years many people who watch the network closely, including some Fox alumni, say that it has evolved into something that hasn’t existed before in the United States. Nicole Hemmer, an assistant professor of Presidential studies at the University of Virginia’s Miller Center and the author of “Messengers of the Right,” a history of the conservative media’s impact on American politics, says of Fox, “It’s the closest we’ve come to having state TV.”
Dickey9090's Avatar
I get my current events from

The Colbert Report

I should be fine right ??

You're not concerned with CNN,PMSNBS,CBS,NBC or ABC.
I guess Fox new and talk radio are a thread to you...doesn't take much to threaten you folks on the left. Does the MAGA hats and FAKE NEWS shirts drive you bat shit crazy...short ride.
P.S. left wing talk radio didn't make it because left wing ideology DOESN'T SELL!!
I take it "hate radio"...code word for I don't agree with it...this from the "tolerant" left...GOTCHA!!
I hear Venezuela has one of the highest standard quality of life...you might want to check it out!!
themystic's Avatar
You're not concerned with CNN,PMSNBS,CBS,NBC or ABC.
I guess Fox new and talk radio are a thread to you...doesn't take much to threaten you folks on the left. Does the MAGA hats and FAKE NEWS shirts drive you bat shit crazy...short ride.
P.S. left wing talk radio didn't make it because left wing ideology DOESN'T SELL!! Originally Posted by bb1961
You scardy cats are scared of your own shadows. Enjoy your brief 15 minutes of fame. Now your scared someone might watch a film. bb................BOOOOOOOOO.. ....run scardy cat
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Hotrod511's Avatar
Yassup response what is a ditto-head is that what myshit is
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I get my current events from

The Colbert Report

I should be fine right ??

MASA Originally Posted by Dickey9090
What channel is that on, Dickey?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're not concerned with CNN,PMSNBS,CBS,NBC or ABC.
I guess Fox new and talk radio are a thread to you...doesn't take much to threaten you folks on the left. Does the MAGA hats and FAKE NEWS shirts drive you bat shit crazy...short ride.
P.S. left wing talk radio didn't make it because left wing ideology DOESN'T SELL!!
I take it "hate radio"...code word for I don't agree with it...this from the "tolerant" left...GOTCHA!!
I hear Venezuela has one of the highest standard quality of life...you might want to check it out!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Jeeze brother! Just stand in front of a mirror and read your own post aloud.

What does it all mean, bb1961? What does it all mean???

If you have to ask your comprehension is sorely lacking...but we already know that.
Is that you or SC/TM coming out of the cave after some bad moonshine??
I doubt Jen Senko has ever watched a single evenings programming of Fox News or listened to one minute of Rush.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I would bet she's seen many hours of Fakes . . . sorry, Fox Views and countless minutes of that Big Fat Liar.

If you know a dittohead who needs deprogramming or if you want to see for yourself how far out on a Limbaugh Rush really is, pick up a copy of The Way Things Aren’t—it’s cheaper than The Way Things Ought to Be, and it’s been fact checked.
winn dixie's Avatar

msnbc and the like are the conspiracy tin foil hat wearers! They constantly have to retract stories!
Brain washing. Thats rich fella!
I would bet she's seen many hours of Fakes . . . sorry, Fox Views and countless minutes of that Big Fat Liar.

If you know a dittohead who needs deprogramming or if you want to see for yourself how far out on a Limbaugh Rush really is, pick up a copy of The Way Things Aren’t—it’s cheaper than The Way Things Ought to Be, and it’s been fact checked.
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
You had no rebuttal one anything I called you out on...just like the crap from the left...you can't counter anything I said...throw it against the wall and see if it sticks!!
You post crap and don't back it up...pretty sorry shit
eccieuser9500's Avatar
It's in the book dumbass. You can also check the ultimate source: REALITY!

And no, I'm not concerned with the other information outlets. Do yourself a favor and watch the documentary. Stream it if you don't want to fund her project. I don't have to back up the truth. Or use phrases like alternative facts. Discredit scientists. Or repeat lies until half the country can't, or won't, tell the emperor he has no clothes. Think for yourself. Sir.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well put.