Twin bed, deal breaker?

Elle Banks's Avatar
My incall is very small, just over 300 sq. feet to be exact! It is recently renovated, new bathroom, new flooring, beautiful kitchen, and I really love the smaller size as it's easy to keep impeccably clean.

Originally I had a queen mattress but it made the small bedroom space too hard to maneuver. I put that back in storage and bought a Casper twin mattress and daybed frame to free up space. It looks great and I love it, but I wonder if it would be a dealbreaker for you if despite the incall being well appointed and clean, there was only a twin mattress to work with.

All input is appreciated. I wish I would have went with a full, but I redecorated during the first lockdown and wasn't as business minded as I should have been when choosing the mattress. Thank you for your opinions!
Ur so damn hot I for one wouldn’t mind if all u had was a bed of nails!
I doubt any guy would really care. Sounds like you put a lot of thought into this so I’m sure it’s fine. Plus, A smaller bed has its advantages.
berryberry's Avatar
IMO that would depend on what your donation is.

Most guys would probably not care if they were seeing some hoodrat at hoodrat rates. But if a guy is going to pay 250 or more an hour, they will want and expect a better experience than a tiny twin bed.

So it really depends on your target audience
  • Typo
  • 01-14-2021, 01:48 PM
I think a twin makes it pretty difficult, especially for larger sized people. I rented a cabin in the fall that only had twin beds. It vas very difficult for my lady friend and I to engage in a number of activities and I am pretty average sized.
Wouldn't bother me at all.
I'd still come to see ya. Would likely be a regular too.
Twin is too small. Elle is 5'9 herself. I prefer a bigger bed.
I wouldn’t mind
DallasRain's Avatar
I had same issue when I lived in a studio in New Orleans
so I bought a full size futon with extra thick mattress at Big Lots
MorganOBM's Avatar
Honestly I think it depends on how you feel during an appointment. If you feel great and not constricted you'll move well and be confident. Guys will follow that lead. I use a teeny tiny apartment in NYC because it's street access, location and discretion with the covid restrictions can't be beat and honestly with my rates I get a lot of odd looks when they first arrive. The majority come back to visit the same trip and continue to book and one that almost didn't come in just scheduled all 5 days of my upcoming trip (it's not that bad, just atypical and tiny).

Obviously I have the best incall available but safety and services are always first. You are a beautiful woman, if your session is absolutely amazing the last thing they are going to think about leaving is the bed.
For me, the fact that you cared enough to make this post means it wouldn’t be a deal breaker. That tells me you are genuinely interested in providing a good session. As for others, you were upfront about it. If it is something that’s an issue, at least it is known ahead of time and guys can opt to not see you if they want. Kudos to you for your professionalism.
Elle Banks's Avatar
Thank you for all of the feedback, good and bad! I haven't had one in person complaint about it, small spaces = more intimacy

My space is extremely well appointed and was completely renovated in 2019, which is why I chose it. It is by far the nicest incall I've ever had, but perhaps an upgrade to a full bed is in my future.

Obviously, if I knew a client was very large I'd book proper accommodations. Tiny living isn't for everyone, but I love it and if you'd ever like to see how I make it work, come on over!

P.S. a twin bed is 80 inches long, my 5'9 self fits just fine

I like smaller because I need less rope. lol
Big Stig's Avatar
Personally, I wouldn't like it at all. At your rates, I would expect something more accommodating. Just my opinion.