Tricked not treated

Well I wasn't going to tell the story but and maybe a month the only one that happened to. Definitely harder these days to find someone reliable honest or at least close to what they are claiming. So I found one said they were from Pittsburgh which they all do but was from somewhere mount something. Was fairly attracted to this person talked on the phone seemed really nice. Well I was only disguise to each their own but how do you expect someone to act when you say you are a girl and you're not. Needless to say it didn't end very pretty just a lot of yelling and oh my God and wtfs. I was getting crazy that's how I was fooled. Thank God I found out before it was too late LOL.
pittlicker's Avatar
sounds like he got Levined
Sounds like someone got a hummer from a tranny.
Hell post a review so people can avoid any issues in the future.
bkfantasy's Avatar
Maybe 'mount something' wasn't the location.
Maybe 'mount something' wasn't the location. Originally Posted by bkfantasy
More like the objective