The Official Humor Thread

I've talked to a couple of the ladies here this past week that have had personal situations that brought them down and they were in need of some relief from reality. Truth is, we all need a break from real life. So this thread is dedicted to putting smiles on faces. Leave the mean shit behind, loosen up and have some fun.

Here's the rule:

Reeeaaal simple, every post and reply must have something funny in it, no freeloading. Get busy.


https://youtube/iVqnGqmSseU&fs=1&hd=1" width="858" height="508">https://youtube/iVqnGqmSseU&fs=1&hd=1" />https://youtube/iVqnGqmSseU">










This one seems VERY appropriate here:

Your turn...







coast_encounter's Avatar
Thanks Man. Really needed a smile this weekend. Thanks,

Thanks RL, I enjoyed and needed that! I have been down lately as well.
Glad it's helping Angel & C_E, seems like a lot of people need cheering up lately. Gotta do something....
















.">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">

Link to video in case video doesn't embed, it's only 9 seconds long:









Oh yes, I needed a good chuckle myself! Thanks RL
silverstar's Avatar
Here's something everyone can try; Do an image search with your name and the words "glamour shot"(no quotes) and see what comes up. Here's what happened with my name:

Post your results!