Provider's Picture's Question

Maybe it is just upstate being the trailer park it is. But I have been noticing more and more pictures of the ladies in their ads flipping off the camera and sticking their tongues out as far as they can?

Is this attractive to anyone out there? Is there other hidden meanings to this? Just curious more than anything but I do not find it attractive at all. Sure as hell doesn't make me think "I can't wait to see her!"
Plastic Man's Avatar
it helps brings ...ins more amazon froms the ol cucks who done ...gets warm an cozy feelins supportin criminal beggin ...funnels
Millenial poses
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I prefer hayseeds myself.
Lexxxy's Avatar
I wonder if it's because a lot of hobbyists ask for verification pictures. Like crossing your eyes, sticking out your tongue, flicking off the camera, making a peace sign, or writing your name on a piece of paper and holding it up. Right now there's also an insurgence of the whole drooling anime girl thing. Drooling eating and sucking toys rolling your eyes back (ahegao) is another request on the rise. They may sell pics.
I wonder if it's because a lot of hobbyists ask for verification pictures. Like crossing your eyes, sticking out your tongue, flicking off the camera, making a peace sign, or writing your name on a piece of paper and holding it up. Right now there's also an insurgence of the whole drooling anime girl thing. Drooling eating and sucking toys rolling your eyes back is another request on the rise. They may sell pics. Originally Posted by Lexxxy
What happened to the old fashioned nude in front of a mirror? Asked for a friend...
Lexxxy's Avatar
What happened to the old fashioned nude in front of a mirror? Asked for a friend... Originally Posted by Notuagain
  • Sam54
  • 01-03-2020, 07:37 PM
I've wondered about the same thing! Just like they think I like to listen to C-rap during the session, or "do it" in a 2 seater car. They're kids thinking that its - cool! It really turns me on --- NOT!
I've wondered about the same thing! Just like they think I like to listen to C-rap during the session, or "do it" in a 2 seater car. They're kids thinking that its - cool! It really turns me on --- NOT! Originally Posted by Sam54
Lexxxy's Avatar
Whoa, doesn't sound very pro.
I liked the old fish face where they would pucker their lips out. Kinda like when you landed a big carp.
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
Maybe it is just upstate being the trailer park it is. But I have been noticing more and more pictures of the ladies in their ads flipping off the camera and sticking their tongues out as far as they can?

Is this attractive to anyone out there? Is there other hidden meanings to this? Just curious more than anything but I do not find it attractive at all. Sure as hell doesn't make me think "I can't wait to see her!" Originally Posted by tbear4u77
Trailer park, agreed.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Now we're issuing general condemnation against hookers who live in trailer parks?

This is a very very slippery slope.
certain segments of society get a free pass to bash around here
Next Best Thing's Avatar
To say the least.