Are you interested in a tablet that can keep secrets?

Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
My company develops custom Android tablet solutions. Much more secure than the off-the-shelf stuff. We use a dual-mode feature we've patented and developed for a number of uses in military-grade and enterprise-grade applications.

It occurred to me that people here might be interested in a 'hobby tablet'. Here are the main features I'm thinking of (if you have other ideas, feel free to post):

1. Standard-mode and secret-mode. You can pass your tablet to anyone, including LE or your SO, and they cannot detect secret-mode. They cannot even detect the memory on the device that secret-mode uses. You can leave your tablet lying around without password protection and nobody would know that it has a secret-mode.

2. Anti-root protection. We interface at the device firmware level so even if an attempt is made to jailbreak (root) the tablet, we interface at a level underneath that at the boot loader level and can shut the tablet down and wipe it, even if the tablet is not connected to a network.

3. Remote support. If you lose your tablet or it falls into the wrong hands, you can wipe it from a web browser or send us a text message with a userid and we can wipe it. In future you'll be able to send a text message to an automated app that will wipe it for you.

It would be a month or two of effort to modify what we have to meet these requirements. Tablet options are in the range of $249 for a value-priced but performance certified 7" tablet to about $400 for a higher-end 10" tablet.

I'm interested in feedback to see if this is something the community would value. I only interact with the Dallas community so feel free to send out links to this thread to those who might be interested.
