Backpage bitcoin...

OK so since I'm headed to Houston I figured I may post on backpack for the first time since it's not my hometown, but wth is bitcoin? Anyone ever used it before and is it safe/discreet?
Also ladies do you put links to your profile here? I'd think that's a great way to verify being a great provider but it also seems to be inviting unwanted eyes to our ECCIE family....
Hey hun,

I will send you a PM as well. But let me advise you against using Bitcoin in any hobby is complicated to understand. You can check out their website to try and understand it better. But from what I gather, it is similar to stocks in that you purchase X amount of Bitcoin, and then the value of 1 Bitcoin can change from day to day.

For instance, if you look at Coinbase right now, they are stating that currently 1 Bitcoin = $422.15.....and it is constantly fluctuating, as said, like stocks. So, you are basically playing the game, hoping the Bitcoin you had purchased will spike and you can trade it back to make a profit or make money and use it to purchase things.

As said, I would suggest checking out both the Bitcoin and Coinbase websites to research and get more info.

Now, as far as advertising on BP here....I will send you a PM.
Thank you ma'am! Greatly appreciated; -)
Fishpie's Avatar
Bitcoin is very discreet. Even if someone wanted to track you down it could be done but very very time consuming. Bitcoin is not hard to understand if you get a crash course in it. As VoH said you would be taking a gamble. What most people do is understand the fees associated with Bitcoin then put their price tag according to that. Seriously it's so simple all you have to do is tap phones and bam instant transfer. Pros and cons to both sides using it but I think the main thing is the lack of understanding is why it hasn't taken off in the industry.
Pros and cons to both sides using it but I think the main thing is the lack of understanding is why it hasn't taken off in the industry. Originally Posted by Fishpie
I concur. I first heard of it sometime last year from a real world friend who buys it....I was like, wtf is this?

I tried doing my own research into it and just found it difficult to grasp. I don't claim to be a neurophysicist or anything, but still consider myself to have a pretty great level of intelligence, lols, and I just found it a bit least as far as they explain it on the actual site.

I gave up trying to figure it out at that point, bc I hadn't/haven't seen any real need to use it.

I agree though, that it would a great if we could switch to some sort of electronic, instant transfer, guaranteed monetary exchange...I am sure as things progress, technology wise, this is likely to happen at some point.
Fishpie's Avatar
There is guaranteed money exchangers out there. That's why I said you have to know your fees so you can price your services accordingly. Here I'll help out, people who buy and sell them daily normally use this formula. They buy them 10-20% below market value (market value is according to which exchange you're using since not all are the same) and they sell them 10-20% above market value. People not looking to profit from it normally cash them out for 3.5%. Depends on how you "cash" them out as there is multiple ways of getting paid. Some fishy some pretty solid.

I think you and others get confused when they see 1tQa4SyvHdMkzFs1wnZMpMZWz9CSgE Nre as a wallet or as a transaction. Don't let that scare you. As long as you have a solid password to your wallet you're good. Just know that if you ever lose your password whatever is in there is gone and there's no recovery.

Truthfully doing Bitcoin transactions would kill the Vice squad and any other LEO that comes across it. I mean once two people meet up and bump phones what are they going to say? The whole point of bumping phones is to swap files and technically that's what you're doing. Computer forensics can bypass the password lock to your phone they can't bypass the password to your wallet.

I mean once two people meet up and bump phones what are they going to say? The whole point of bumping phones is to swap files and technically that's what you're doing. Originally Posted by Fishpie
Bumping phones....why do I think of bumping uglies? Lols.

I hear what you're saying and agree that it sounds like a great alternative....however, speaking as a provider, I personally, would not want to have to do all that work just to get paid.

There's still something very invigorating about the feel of cold, hard cash in my hand at the end of a long day....
Slitlikr's Avatar
I think greenbacks are safe and anonymous.