We now know of better sites other han ECCIE

My first post on ECCIE was met with shit that doesn't occur on my other site. People like Wakeup and Waco kid need to be brougt to heel by ECCIE staff. There are better sites that I will now use.
Sorry but I will not answer PMs as I don't know all of you and the trolls switch handles here every day. I just ask the mods to rid this royal site of a few malcontents The other site has been populated by the friendly souls from here. At this time they are covering the same locations that was covered by ECCIE.
Moved to Dallas discussions. Posted in wrong forum.
Lol st C moved it for you....so it reaches the right audience for entertainment
Chung Tran's Avatar
My first post on ECCIE was met with shit that doesn't occur on my other site. People like Wakeup and Waco kid need to be brougt to heel by ECCIE staff. There are better sites that I will now use. Originally Posted by tucson
I agree, the other site has had almost no trolling and negativity.. this site has historically been rife with Coed conflict.. ironically, a few posters (myself included) are limited to a certain number of posts in this particular forum area, ostensibly to try and curb conflicts.. I frankly have no idea how I got lumped into the "group".. perhaps post-whores are deemed to be trouble-makers?

no worries on my end.. the negative nature for which this forum often recedes to, is reason enough to self-limit my posting.
It is of importance to all of ECCIE that trolls from every location continue with your denial of any cautions to those that distrub those of us that try to maintain proper regard for others. You are in charge of the site and have the power to demand better conduct. Dallas for the most part has been polite but those from other areas stop by to flame us
Why don’t you head back to ourhome2?
Surely you’d have more fun reading those same 10 post over and over again?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Even with the modifications 1) I like the format here better; and 2) the very low volume of posts at OH2 is extremely limiting. I much prefer ECCIE.
I also prefer ICCIE but in order for ICCIE to become better the trolls need to be cautioned by the mods to tone down their posts. I don't call for them to be banned but just remain polite. I am not asking that they be banned but to remain polite and stay on topic.
Lespaulmankc's Avatar
I just enjoy stopping by to watch you Texas boys get your panties in a wad! Lol

If you really have a problem with someone, just offer to meet them in public somewhere and work it out. Worked for me.
berkleigh's Avatar

Seriously what was the purpose of this post?

Can't we just all get along? sheesh!
PeterBota's Avatar
I just enjoy stopping by to watch you Texas boys get your panties in a wad! Lol

If you really have a problem with someone, just offer to meet them in public somewhere and work it out. Worked for me. Originally Posted by Lespaulmankc
Where did you guys meet? @ the library ??
winn dixie's Avatar
Lol st C moved it for you....so it reaches the right audience for entertainment Originally Posted by Analeese

Someone got picked on......... aaaahhhhhhhhhh hahahaha gurly mon
CharismaCaptures's Avatar
theres about 60 added more sites out there that have their servers in another country some are good and some are going wayyy over the deep end for asking for more info from the ladies.
Waaa waaa waaaaambulance time.

Everyone join ourhome2 for this elitist.

Hey Tucson, maybe you should stick to making racist comments in the Providers That See AA’s threads around Texas.
Real hoot watching racist squirm.
Bet most folks would rather have trolls than racist.