immigration court kids mess

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

seems like the court can't make up its mind.. if I'm reading this right.

you've got one court saying return the kids to the parents at a time frame and the other court saying keep 'em separated; this ones not too pleased about the govt trying to over turn the 1997 court order.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Dont jump the fence and none of this would happen.

Bart.Pimpson's Avatar
Parents get separated from their kids for pretty much any crime. Why is this any different?
This immigration mess is super sad.

Just be careful hunny, there's a lot of racist fucks on the board who support this shit.
They are sitting behind the keyboard with their MAGA hat ready to be keyboard happy behind this movement.

Especially down here in Texas, nobody wants to sit down and understand the meaning behind a person and their situation. I used to live in San Diego so I seen this everyday. When you actually see what's going on vs hearing it on the news is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT .

Its so sad what's happening to these kids & families. I pray something changes for these babies
Go back to San Diego if you don't like the people here in TX.

BTW, there are questions as to where these kids parents are or even if the parents are even really the parents. But that gets in the way of the Dim narrative. Much easier to accuse people of racism.
I B Hankering's Avatar
This immigration mess is super sad.

Just be careful hunny, there's a lot of racist fucks on the board who support this shit.
They are sitting behind the keyboard with their MAGA hat ready to be keyboard happy behind this movement.

Especially down here in Texas, nobody wants to sit down and understand the meaning behind a person and their situation. I used to live in San Diego so I seen this everyday. When you actually see what's going on vs hearing it on the news is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT .

Its so sad what's happening to these kids & families. I pray something changes for these babies
Originally Posted by QueenMariah
The "story" of the Times' poster child was that a mother paid a coyote $6000 and left her moderately well-to-do husband and two children to drag this third child over a thousand miles -- subject the child to horrors that it was entirely within the mother's power to avoid -- to knowingly and willfully violate U.S. immigration laws. No one is to blame except for the parent(s) who undertake to violate U.S. law ... for your likes to argue otherwise is mendacious bullshit.
Budman's Avatar
This immigration mess is super sad.

Just be careful hunny, there's a lot of racist fucks on the board who support this shit.
They are sitting behind the keyboard with their MAGA hat ready to be keyboard happy behind this movement.

Especially down here in Texas, nobody wants to sit down and understand the meaning behind a person and their situation. I used to live in San Diego so I seen this everyday. When you actually see what's going on vs hearing it on the news is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT .

Its so sad what's happening to these kids & families. I pray something changes for these babies Originally Posted by QueenMariah

What a bunch of bullshit. So you lived in San Diego and now you are an expert on immigrants. Unfortunately there are people in the world that would like nothing more than to get into the US and create havoc and harm to our citizens. These individuals refuse to have a "T" for terrorist or "G" for gang member tattooed on their forehead for identification. So until we can determine who the fuck they are they should be held or returned to their home country. Are all of the illegals out to do us harm? Of course not. I don't blame them for wanting to immigrate here and improve their lives but there are legal ways to do that. Many get here and though they are not necessarily trying to cause harm they are scamming the systems for freebies. Parents are separated from their children everyday in every country around the world. If you get busted for hooking I really don't think they would send your children (assuming you have any) to jail with you. So when you are detained for breaking the law you are the only one responsible for being separated from your kids.

Two questions for you and the libs:

1. Where was this moral outrage and concern for the children under previous administrations? You do realize that this happened prior to Trump becoming POTUS.

2. What do you propose we do with those caught coming into the US illegally?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This immigration mess is super sad.

Just be careful hunny, there's a lot of racist fucks on the board who support this shit.
They are sitting behind the keyboard with their MAGA hat ready to be keyboard happy behind this movement.

Especially down here in Texas, nobody wants to sit down and understand the meaning behind a person and their situation. I used to live in San Diego so I seen this everyday. When you actually see what's going on vs hearing it on the news is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT .

Its so sad what's happening to these kids & families. I pray something changes for these babies Originally Posted by QueenMariah

so if one your johns shows up wearing a MAGA hat would you refuse service?

your bio page states in part, middle eastern descent. if you were in the middle east and providing you'd be facing various penalties that would make US laws look like a slap on the wrist. In Saudi Arabia it's prison time and flogging. yep, you might get 90 lashes like this dude did for pimping

note that it clearly states the woman was forced into prostitution under threat of her life.

how did the Court treat this obvious victim?

"The woman, who was forced by the two Arab men, and worked as a prostitute at the brothel,
was not spared either by the court. The Criminal Court of Jeddah sentenced her to two and half years in prison as well as 90 lashes. The 90 lashes are to be spread over four different periods."

since 90 / 4 = 22.5 lashes, were they merciful and save the last two for for the end?


ranges from whipping to execution. i'm guessing here but they whip you first then execute you?

just to be clear, we in the US don't execute providers sweet pea. well unless they commit murder on one of their johns ..

i find this part about Iranin law concerning prostitution quite interesting ..

"The penalties for prostitution are severe—ranging from whipping to execution. But there's a loophole in Islamic law called sigheh, or temporary marriage. According to Shiite interpretation, a man and a woman may enter an impermanent partnership with a preset expiration date. There's no legally required minimum duration (a day, a week, anything goes) and no need for official witnesses—unless the woman is a virgin, in which case she needs the consent of her legal guardian. An Iranian who's wary of arrest can simply escort a prostitute to a registry, obtain a temporary contract from a Muslim cleric, and then legally satisfy his sexual needs."

Yep! get caught with a hooker, just marry her! ah that wonderful and tolerant religion of Islam!! they have a loophole for everything as long as you say Allahu Akbar 5 times and marry the girl. i like the " preset expiration date" part. don't you? is that like the expiration date on that carton of milk i bought yesterday? bahhaaaa

as i recall you can also do this "marriage" arrangement to get out of rape charges in Iran too. All good under the all seeing eyes of Allah, yeah sugar britches?

so you have it good here in the US, sweet pea. i guess since that affirmative action deal with Yale fell through, you had to explore other career options?

you are gonna have a tough sell in this forum with the "pity ploy" of the plight of illegals trying to get into the US. which politically correct term do you prefer?

"undocumented immigrant" or my fav .. "without legal permission"?

Two questions for you and the libs:

1. Where was this moral outrage and concern for the children under previous administrations? You do realize that this happened prior to Trump becoming POTUS.

2. What do you propose we do with those caught coming into the US illegally? Originally Posted by Budman
I'm not a prog but let me provide you some answers that I've heard.

1. There is no illegal person. Once President Obama started speaking with that golden baritone all logic went out the window and he made the impossible possible again. What was your question?

2. Open borders. You can come and go as you please without hassle. Like the internet without mods. If I don't like your opinion, I'm calling the mods. Yeah internet.
I wonder how much time and energy it took you to post a response for me to not give a f***

so if one your johns shows up wearing a MAGA hat would you refuse service?

your bio page states in part, middle eastern descent. if you were in the middle east and providing you'd be facing various penalties that would make US laws look like a slap on the wrist. In Saudi Arabia it's prison time and flogging. yep, you might get 90 lashes like this dude did for pimping

note that it clearly states the woman was forced into prostitution under threat of her life.

how did the Court treat this obvious victim?

"The woman, who was forced by the two Arab men, and worked as a prostitute at the brothel,
was not spared either by the court. The Criminal Court of Jeddah sentenced her to two and half years in prison as well as 90 lashes. The 90 lashes are to be spread over four different periods."

since 90 / 4 = 22.5 lashes, were they merciful and save the last two for for the end?


ranges from whipping to execution. i'm guessing here but they whip you first then execute you?

just to be clear, we in the US don't execute providers sweet pea. well unless they commit murder on one of their johns ..

i find this part about Iranin law concerning prostitution quite interesting ..

"The penalties for prostitution are severe—ranging from whipping to execution. But there's a loophole in Islamic law called sigheh, or temporary marriage. According to Shiite interpretation, a man and a woman may enter an impermanent partnership with a preset expiration date. There's no legally required minimum duration (a day, a week, anything goes) and no need for official witnesses—unless the woman is a virgin, in which case she needs the consent of her legal guardian. An Iranian who's wary of arrest can simply escort a prostitute to a registry, obtain a temporary contract from a Muslim cleric, and then legally satisfy his sexual needs."

Yep! get caught with a hooker, just marry her! ah that wonderful and tolerant religion of Islam!! they have a loophole for everything as long as you say Allahu Akbar 5 times and marry the girl. i like the " preset expiration date" part. don't you? is that like the expiration date on that carton of milk i bought yesterday? bahhaaaa

as i recall you can also do this "marriage" arrangement to get out of rape charges in Iran too. All good under the all seeing eyes of Allah, yeah sugar britches?

so you have it good here in the US, sweet pea. i guess since that affirmative action deal with Yale fell through, you had to explore other career options?

you are gonna have a tough sell in this forum with the "pity ploy" of the plight of illegals trying to get into the US. which politically correct term do you prefer?

"undocumented immigrant" or my fav .. "without legal permission"? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Hotrod511's Avatar
are the women from the middle east just stupid or what
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I wonder how much time and energy it took you to post a response for me to not give a f***

Originally Posted by QueenMariah

then why did you bother to reply, sweet pea?
are the women from the middle east just stupid or what Originally Posted by Hotrod511
Little bit lol
then why did you bother to reply, sweet pea? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I'm bored
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'm bored Originally Posted by QueenMariah

maybe you should seek therapy for that. i'm sure you can get a reasonable rate from a Psychiatrist to discuss your "boredom" issue?