If you had advice for a noob??

If you had one piece if advice for someone new to this, what would it be?
Little Monster's Avatar
wear a condom
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 12-09-2012, 02:19 AM
If you have a hard time booking, getting screened, dealing with cancellations and no shows, don't lose your cool. Lots worse things could have happened. You lost some time and you didn't get laid. Boo-fucking-hoo. You still have your money and you're still in one piece. There are a lot of potential horror stories out there. Having to rub one out yourself when you were looking forward to getting laid should be among the least of your worries.
Keep it business !
learn how to give good DATY, many do not know ....lol

Guys, do you ever go to sleep? Insomniac over here....xo
Sleep is overrated ! Especially on weekends !
ozmosys's Avatar
Ditto to all of the above. And when you get behind closed doors, learn to let your freak flag fly. Not too much of course. Don't want to read about you in the newspapers.

Here's an example. We were taking a break, and the provider gets up to pee. She leaves the door open, so I can hear Niagara Falls, which gets me feeling romantic again.

So when she comes back to bed, I tell her that I have this secret fantasy involving her most recent activity, and I describe my fantasy to her in more detail than I will here.

She says that she doesn't think that she could do that, which of course, I didn't expect, because she just went. But I told her, I couldn't either, because I've got a shy bladder.

She said, no it's not that, it would just seem disrespectful to piss on someone. And besides, she said, she's very young, and she has plenty of time to explore her kinky side later in life.

And I agreed that maybe she should save the weird stuff for later, blah blah blah.

Waste of time to talk about crazy shit instead of banging her? Well, no. For, one thing, we were taking a break. And for another, when she finally did get me off, it was special, because it was with the one I'd told this fantasy to. I wasn't thinking about that particular fantasy at the time. My mind had moved on, because I'd talked about it with someone and got it off my mind.

So don't be afraid to get things off your mind. Might be the best thing you can do to make her remember you, and let her have a good time too.

Seems like there was a book that I read when I was a teenager, called The Happy Hooker by Xaviera Hollander. Don't remember much about it, but the gist is, after a certain amount of fucking, it's kind of like riding the subway. The interesting thing is what people say and how they interact with you.

But then if you're a nube, you're probably more concerned with your own tube. As well you should be. Just something to think about.
  • Annef
  • 12-09-2012, 06:37 AM
Introduce yourself politely when making first contact, ie. hi, my name is so and so (or whatever you want to be called), saw your ad in such and such thought you looked nice" Something like that. Just because this is a ummm, a fleeting relatioship, doesn't mean we can't behave like polite adults. I hate it and alot of times won't respond to one word first contacts like, "available?" Also, no matter what some of these guys who live on this board say, don't haggle. It's unattractive, demeaning for everyone involved and sets a bad tone for something that is supposed to be sexy and enjoyable.

Have fun!
runswithscissors's Avatar
I think the most important thing to remember is that although you see the witty banter, and the girls thinking up cute ad messages, and all the open talk of activites, etc, do not get complacent and let your gaurd down. It's not all fun and games, respect the girls security, respect your own security, watch your back, develop your gut feelings about people and what is going on around you as you are driving to an incall, or spa, etc.

But mostly, respect....respect the ladies, and respect yourself....
governmentguru's Avatar
I think the most important thing to remember is that although you see the witty banter, and the girls thinking up cute ad messages, and all the open talk of activites, etc, do not get complacent and let your gaurd down. It's not all fun and games, respect the girls security, respect your own security, watch your back, develop your gut feelings about people and what is going on around you as you are driving to an incall, or spa, etc.

But mostly, respect....respect the ladies, and respect yourself.... Originally Posted by runswithscissors

And don't get caught up in this shit, or take it too seriously. Its just a game, not your life...
ozmosys's Avatar
Suddenly I see my place in life's scheme. I'm just lubricating the hole. Someone else is ramming it in.

Well, sometimes I do the ramming, but I'm not entirely myself at the time.
john_deere's Avatar
don't be lazy. do your homework so you don't have to be the dork asking a lot of stupid fucking questions.
DallasRain's Avatar
research reviews and know what you are getting into!

have fun!!
ozmosys's Avatar
don't be lazy. do your homework so you don't have to be the dork asking a lot of stupid fucking questions. Originally Posted by john_deere
Butt, if you've done you're homework, there are no stupid questions.

BTW, any links for the newb who may have missed his homework assignment? I sure never got any. At least not on ECCIE.
Whispers's Avatar

Start in the Review Section and Read Reviews checking out the girls ads and your goal in this is to find other guys with similar tastes to yours. Both in the ladies as well as in activities. Then make a point of reading everything those guys post.

Pay for a months premium access and read the Locker Room threads.

Read everything you can find on screening. Try to determine for yourself the risks as well as benefits.

Try to form your own opinion from the information you will read exactly how much risk you are willing to take in the pursuit of pussy.

Once you have made that decision, go back and read again. Read for the negatives. Build a list of cons to offset the pros.....

Weigh it all....

Then budget. Decide exactly how much you are willing to spend.

This can be addictive to many.

After you've done all that, look through the ladies you have taken an interest in and see if any are newbie friendly.

This Board is about information. Every day guys make stupid mistakes they could have avoided had they used the board as it is designed.

Don't be a stupid noob.