162 thousand new jobs this month

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and 80 thousand new citizens to take them. Does it make sense to limit immigration at least until unemployment goes down to less than 5%?

When you are flying across the Atlantic, with the US in the rearview mirror, and a planeful of disaffected Americans think about the Pilgrims or other immigrants who came to found this country and their broken dreams and vision.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Dont let the doorknob shit you where THE good lord split you!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The 162,000 jobs the economy added in July were a disappointment. The quality of the jobs was even worse.
A disproportionate number of the added jobs were part-time or low-paying — or both.
Part-time work accounted for more than 65 percent of the positions employers added in July. Low-paying retailers, restaurants and bars supplied more than half July's job gain.
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Time to trot out that old tired adage "lower taxes "
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Dont let the doorknob shit you where THE good lord split you! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I didn't realize a doorknob could shit on you. I'll have to watch out for that.
Here is a link you don't have to subscribe to to read
http://finance.yahoo.com/news/jobs-d...160135116.html Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
77% of all jobs created year-to-date are part-time jobs. You would think that would get at least some response from the libtards. But, as usual, crickets on the substance and DSOY is out hurling insults. Very tiresome, indeed...
77% of all jobs created year-to-date are part-time jobs. You would think that would get at least some response from the libtards. But, as usual, crickets on the substance and DSOY is out hurling insults. Very tiresome, indeed... Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
How's this for a response? The Do Nothing Congress is doing nothing to create jobs. The Senate Majority Leaders main focus was to make sure Obama was a one term President. Obviously, he (and Trendy) failed to accomplish his main priority. If the recent Kentucky poll is any indication, Mitch is in a heap of trouble. I believe his constituents are telling him that his focus needs to be on something other than trying to make the President of the United States look bad.

Just sayin'
How's this for a response? The Do Nothing Congress is doing nothing to create jobs. The Senate Minority Leaders main focus was to make sure Obama was a one term President. Obviously, he (and Trendy) failed to accomplish his main priority. If the recent Kentucky poll is any indication, Mitch is in a heap of trouble. I believe his constituents are telling him that his focus needs to be on something other than trying to make the President of the United States look bad.

Just sayin' Originally Posted by bigtex
How's this for a response? The Do Nothing Congress is doing nothing to create jobs. The Senate Majority Leaders main focus was to make sure Obama was a one term President. Obviously, he (and Trendy) failed to accomplish his main priority. If the recent Kentucky poll is any indication, Mitch is in a heap of trouble. I believe his constituents are telling him that his focus needs to be on something other than trying to make the President of the United States look bad.

Just sayin' Originally Posted by bigtex
You O'Blunder defenders look more and more pathetic with your attempts to defend this incompetent amateur. Reagan had Tip O'Neil, Clinton had Dole and Gingrich, W had Daschle, etc., etc. Every president has opposition to overcome. Conversely, O'Blunder had all three branches of government for two full years. He still has two branches, plus the majority of the judiciary and the panting MSM at his disposal.

The difference is leadership. O'Blunder remains aloof and uninvolved in the actual governing of the country while he jets around the country delivering campaign style speeches ad nauseam. He's nothing more than a well-spoken, charismatic, bomb throwing community organizer who doesn't have a clue how to actually accomplish anything of substance.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
jewrish fucktard, what job are you going to be taking away from some fellow Israelite who's already there?

Let's get a move on on that move, eh. While you're at it, take hemorrhoid-head (aka ETX Rig Hand) with you.
jewrish fucktard........

Let's get a move on on that move, eh. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
jewrish fucktard, what job are you going to be taking away from some fellow Israelite who's already there?

Let's get a move on on that move, eh. While you're at it, take hemorrhoid-head (aka ETX Rig Hand) with you. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Randy4Dicks, I will be collecting US social security checks. I won't take any of my true countryman's jobs.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
kewl, jewrish lobbyist, so you are going there not to contribute but to occupy space and live off of other peoples' money. Hmmmm, the location may change but the story stays the same.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
kewl, jewrish lobbyist, so you are going there not to contribute but to occupy space and live off of other peoples' money. Hmmmm, the location may change but the story stays the same. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
You realize to collect social security you had to contribute to it, in my case 40 years. It isn't an entitlement, I earned it and paid more in taxes than I will ever get back. If you would pay taxes on your income from sucking cock, you could receive it someday, also.