I was given the great advice as a child to always "sleep on it" before doing anything drastic or making a important decision. I can no longer bite my tongue. I was a office manager at a large company for 5 years, while there I adopted the attitude of always trying to please everyone. That attitude has carried over into my time as a provider. I have also been very confidential in all matters and never vocalize any problems or issues I may have. I have never responded to any post or email regarding a private matter other then with "I don't want to talk about it" or "It's nothing".
Most of you guys are GREAT, but a few "bad apples" are soon to ruin my positive attitude and me accepting new clients.
This is in response to a recent review on eccie, but is also to the few other "bad apples" that have taken my pleasing attitude and silence as weakness.
A few reasons I will not meet with you:
You email me over 130 times without ever meeting me or booking a appointment.
You refuse to provide the information I would like for screening
You references are UTR or do not respond/retired and do not respond/change there name & phone number once a week/you met them once over 5 years ago/you and or I cannot find any contact info for so and so............you get the picture.
The one reference that does respond to me has no reviews and sends me a email with the same exact bad grammar you email me with.
You want to use your cell phone number as verification but refuse to call me or text me on that number.
If you request a change in the appointment time with less then a hour notice, I will try and accommodate you as I know things happen. But I cannot guarantee it will happen. That is not a NCNS.
You can request I "bring a friend". I will try and accommodate this, but with less then a hour notice the chances are slim.
If I must pry the screening information out of you, I will now just ignore your emails.
There are some questions I will just not answer unless you are a verified client. I will nicely let you know this but after that stop asking.
For all you wonderful guys I have met, feel free to ignore this
Bristol (maybe Bristol the Bitch after this post)