dirty dog's Avatar
Geez, that is a shame. Hope they catch this dirtbag. Yes ladies, please take care.
JT's Avatar
  • JT
  • 02-26-2010, 06:13 PM
First off, I am not defending that dirt bag. He needs to be fed to aligators as far as I concerned. However, I do see a couple of red flags here.

1.) Why would a legit Massage Thereapist be working out of a hotel, especially in that neighborhood?

2.) Why would she be worried about getting arrested if she's just a massage therapist?

This story don't add up.
Why would she have her baby sitting in a car sit in the bathroom? That is silly. I feel bad for the girl but it also pisses me off she had a baby in there and the baby could have been harmed. I have a 2mo baby and never do I take him anywhere near a call.
Longermonger's Avatar
The rapist confessed to being a cop, right? So until they can prove that he isn't a cop...
You guys are blaming the victim here. Regardless of whether this dirt bag was a cop or not, regardless of whether the victim had her child in the bathroom, the bottom line is that there is a scumbag who is preying on the fears of providers through threats and intimidation and there needs to be increased vigilance to stop this scumbag and idiots like him from doing this again and to keep all providers safe (I know name-calling is usually not tolerated on the board, but I hope the mods will allow me this exception).
This guy is NO cop, as cops don't threaten to kill family members. As to why she's working out of a motel, that's anyone's guess, but perhaps she felt more secure there than bringing people into her own home.

I agree with Fritz, this is NOT HER fault, she's the victim, and I'm happy there is a forum available to let other providers know about a predator obviously preying on providers.
swarmyone's Avatar
First off, I am not defending that dirt bag. He needs to be fed to aligators as far as I concerned. However, I do see a couple of red flags here.

1.) Why would a legit Massage Thereapist be working out of a hotel, especially in that neighborhood?

2.) Why would she be worried about getting arrested if she's just a massage therapist?

This story don't add up. Originally Posted by JT
Are you serious? First, she isn't a legit Massage Therapist...she is a provider and a victim. Second, he wasn't a cop....he's a sexual predator.

I can't believe some of the comments left here. Fritz and Jensen are right on. The guy is a scumbag and needs to be removed from society. I just hope all our girls stay safe out there.
dirty dog's Avatar
Thanks Swarmy, I was beating my head against the desk, you would think people in this hobby could read between the lines a little bit.
I'd like to hear from someone who knows the facts of the case, but it is likely no one on this forum has any idea what actually happened.
The only people who KNOW the facts are going to be the lady and the man (i'm being generous in using that term).