This is an announcement for the Lovely Pretty Faced Ladies of ECCIE from the Emergency Broadcast System.

CG2014's Avatar
Please Ladies, Please?

No more Snapchat filters, Please?

When you post your photos in your ads or Bio Page, we want to see the real you.

We don't want to see a dog tongue hanging out of your mouth, a bunny tail sticking out of your backside, cat whiskers on your face, bulging eyeballs, puppy ears, sad face (yes, especially sad face), make up filters that make you look scary as if it's Halloween already, or any of these (but not limited to just them):

Yes, we are aware some of those Snapchat filters cost $ and you want to show it off to everyone but please, this is not the place and time for it.

Some of them may just turn guys off and costs you loss sessions.

You also don't accumulate #s of likes, thumbs up or whatever approval system you get on Snapchat for each photo you post and share.

(I don't Snap, Tweet, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Swipe Left/Right/Up/Down so I wouldn't know exactly what rewards you receive for posting photos with filters)

We want to see the real you, the face you were born with, the one mother nature (and your parents) blessed you with.

Thank you.

This has been an announcement for the ladies from the Emergency Broadcast System.

Now back to our regularly scheduled hobbying and providing programming.
pmdelites's Avatar
they can post whichever pics they want w/in the guidelines.
we can ignore whichever pics we dont particularly like.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Yes, but I do agree with the original poster that if gals want my business, they should do away with or at least minimize the silly ass photoshop type dog face flower head pics. Whatever the fuck you call them.
txexetoo's Avatar
CG is right. They are annoying. God awful. They are good for amusing 3rd graders. If I see an ad that has them I will move on to the next
CG2014's Avatar
Some women (and men) are even taking it one step further.

Vanity is a killer!

Those folks who want to get surgery so they can look the same way they look with Snapchat filters on are fucking dumbasses!

Same with plastic surgery!

I have seen 1000s of women that look awful with breast implants and face lifts and botox shots and other plastic surgery procedures.

Leave your body alone.

Take care of it but be happy with what Mother Nature gave you.

Plus it's never smart to mess with Mother Nature!

Mother Nature always wins!
I agree. For some reason ladies love their mojies and snap chat stuff. We are real men on here lol....and that's not really our thing IMO
I assume they are advertising to a twenty something crowd when they use those pictures or add lots of emojis, and move on to the next girl.

I wouldn't think limiting clientele to twenty somethings would be a great financial move, but I'm not a hooker so I don't really know, but I assume that's maybe who they feel most comfortable with.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 08-09-2018, 05:31 PM
Post your 30 pieces of flair however you want. I wouldn't let something so minor and silly dissuade me from spending and hour of time with you. You guys complain about the dumbest things.
Amen to that, CG...they are a definite turn off for me as well. You so eloquently verbalized what I have always thought.
Well said CG! My sentiments exactly. Same can be said for the ladies who goes to professional photographers to have photos taken and airbrushed... False advertising.
I stopped seeing gals unless they have a 100% accurate photo. its just really hard to walk away once you walk into the room. My last one looked NOTHING like her photos portrayed. But of course I stayed, but will not go back. Most of those types thrive on one time customers, not repeat business.
CG2014's Avatar
I have never done this but next time I will.

If I show up and she doesn't look like her photos, I will do a 190 and leave.
txexetoo's Avatar
I have never done this but next time I will.

If I show up and she doesn't look like her photos, I will do a 190 and leave. Originally Posted by CG2014
190? Careful you may walk into a wall
CG2014's Avatar
No. If I am standing in the hallway at the door to her hotel room facing inside and I do a 180 and walk, I will walk into the wall behind me.

190 will put me facing the length of the hallway.
Post your 30 pieces of flair however you want. I wouldn't let something so minor and silly dissuade me from spending and hour of time with you. You guys complain about the dumbest things. Originally Posted by L.A.
I think thats the point, they are advertising towards you and others who like the flair. I'm 40 and obviously won't care for that flair, which is fine because they aren't targetting to get me or older men. I think it works out all around, no complaints from me.