Question for both sides on hobby types

How many types of hobbyist are there??
I'm aware of two major types. Those who post reviews day after day and rush for any new talent and go for total score.
And those of us who have hobbied for decades from NY to Hawaii and prefer to be the silent type and keep all the cards close to the vest.
There has to be a middle ground outside of newbies who are still trying to figure this all out.
This should lead to some interesting dialogue.
When I really hobbied a lot I saw provider’s that really didn’t need any extra reviews. When I was married I never wanted the date of an ATM withdrawal to match phone records (but then I got a hobby phone). In short, I stayed completely off the radar. I relied on referrals from well know providers. It may sound silly but review the never ending requests to moderators to delete accounts. A lot of those guys fucked up.
Possibly I'm somewhere in the middle. I don't get to hobby in the big cities such as DFW, Austin, San Antonio, or Houston. I'm a very active hobbiest stuck in a small town. I hobby once per week. I often review. I'm active on the boards. But I don't chase everything that comes through my small town. I am still very selective. I often reach out to some of the finer, well maintained, mature providers who I know enjoy the hour+ encounters over the QVs.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Your basic dichotomy is spot on: Those who like to post, whether it's because they want to share information or they want to brag about how studly they are, and those who lurk.

But how frequently they hobby and the grograohic diversity has nothing to do with it.

And that just addresses your breakdown of hobbyists. There are many other ways to separate us: Those of us who hobby because that's the only way we can achieve intimacy, and those of us for whom hobbying is more of a recreational activity. Those o us who use the hobby to check of bucketlist items, and those of us who are just happy to have basic needs met. Those of us who want the women to like us and treat them with some deference, and those of us who don't give a shit and treat them accordingly. Those of us who take charge, and those of us who go with the flow. Those of us who play the field, and those of us who prefer a regular or two. Etc., etc., etc.
Very well done SIR
That is exactly the kind of thoughtful intelligent response that is good for this board
No Bashing or thrashing. Just open honest opinion