Happy Birthday Bubba

Happy Birthday Bubba!


- Jackie
Happy Birthday Bubba! Hope you enjoyed your special day babe! xoxo
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 03-05-2010, 07:50 AM
Thank you for the birthday wishes Jackie and Diamond.

I decided that starting this year I going to start getting younger rather then older! Before I know it I won't be old enough to be on here anymore....LOL! Ok, Ok, that will take several years but it is something to work towards!!!
Happy Birthday Bubba
jeff one086's Avatar
nsafun05's Avatar
Happy Birthday M8!
A bit late, but hope you had a good one with someone or someones!

Muffrider's Avatar
Scene: Jackie, Taylor and Diamond singing a topless Marilyn Monroe parody of "Happy Birthday Mr. Moderator" to Bubba.
Happy birthday!