Massage versus date

Sweetwilliam's Avatar
I am pretty new to the whole online thing. I just discovered aspd a few weeks before they went dark and then found this site last week. I now find myself checking the computer several times a day. I also did the same thing as it relates to BP and CL. I used to just pick up a copy of the Pitch and look over the ads. Then about a year ago I discovered there was much more online. I guess being a geezer it just took a while to let go of the old ways. Anyway, from my short time watching the sites like this one it seems that most guys are looking for a date (maybe not the correct term) as opposed to a massage with whatever may come with it. About 25 years ago I "discovered" the KC massage parlors such as Executive Suite and Magic Touch and was immediately addicted. Where else could you go and share a jacuzzi with a good looking girl, do a mutual body rub, and leave being satisfied. A number of times the girls would do more although I never went into the session expecting more than a HE. The few times I met with a girl outside a massage parlor it always seemed riskier and not as fulfilling. I was really disappointed when all the bath house type massage parlors were shut down because I considered them a little slice of heaven. The Chinese places that were shut down a couple years ago were OK but just not the same. I still find myself drawn to massage therapists because for me it seems safer although when trying someone new I don't always know what I'll get. From the conversations on this site I seem to be in the minority. I guess I'm just curious if there are others out there like me and what your thoughts are regarding zig versus zag.
halcyonru2's Avatar
I would recommend Nicki up north... you will need to do a search for her information. I'm guessing you may find something here in reviews? She did have contact information on aspd in reviews. She has a good massage, if that's what you want, but also provides he. I see her on a regular basis...great service. She is bbw.