fb adventure

halcyonru2's Avatar
In my internet trolling I hear about this girl thats a slut, basically my type. So, I figure what the hell. I looked her up on fb, and find her. Ya know, just to see if I can find any pictures and what not. I made a fake fb account, and added her as a friend. I sent her a message asking if she's ever done any escort work. The first message I get back was, "do i know you". She's just out of high school, legal. After several messages back and forth over a week it basically gets down to if she's interested in doing anything. So, today, finally I get a text that says 500. Now I'm not so sure if my little fb adventure is worth that. I dunno, maybe I'm just burnt out or am I passing up an opportunity?

I might of pissed her off cuz I told her shes way too high? I have not heard back from her. So at this point I either say okay, and basically gamble at the outcome or leave it be.
That sounds very intriguing, i would follow up if the funds were available...if nothing else it is a great story. Kind of like being the first to discover a new country.
swarmyone's Avatar
$500 for an unknown? No way...but that's just me. Let us know how it turns out.
Longermonger's Avatar
That sounds kind of creepy to me. You didn't chat her up at all. You were a total stranger to her and just jumped in and asked her to become a pro. Be careful. This might blow up in your face.

Or...you're boldness will pay off and you'll be #1. Being #1 is a great feeling.
halcyonru2's Avatar
my last text 2 her was the rate was too high, check backpage to compare... no reply, figured i pissed her off, got a text reply today, and fb message, "maybe we can work something out". I messaged her back, i feel bad asking for a different rate but 250 is on the upper end of what the normal rate. Awaiting reply......
halcyonru2's Avatar
That sounds kind of creepy to me. You didn't chat her up at all. You were a total stranger to her and just jumped in and asked her to become a pro. Be careful. This might blow up in your face.

Or...you're boldness will pay off and you'll be #1. Being #1 is a great feeling. Originally Posted by Longermonger
ya, i agree.. I still have yet to actually talk to her... I'm not creepy.. ask most of the girls on here

I think there's a good chance nothing will come of this, a fair chance if I see her it will be unrewarding, a small chance of a positive outcome.
I'm going to point something out here and its just my opinion.

Some of you guys have stated in threads how you wouldn't give out your personal info to us (I.E. full name) because of the risks. Well, this just proves how thankful I am that I don't give my real name to any of my clients.

To me, this is creepy and stalkerish. I would flip out if some guy sent me a message on facebook and solicited me. One day your actions will get you in trouble because you'll be thinking with your small head instead of your brain.
halcyonru2's Avatar
I'm going to point something out here and its just my opinion.

Some of you guys have stated in threads how you wouldn't give out your personal info to us (I.E. full name) because of the risks. Well, this just proves how thankful I am that I don't give my real name to any of my clients.

To me, this is creepy and stalkerish. I would flip out if some guy sent me a message on facebook and solicited me. One day your actions will get you in trouble because you'll be thinking with your small head instead of your brain. Originally Posted by MsElena
She currently has my real information. I've freely told any provider who asks who I am, where I work, and what I do.

I initially created a fake fb account to contact her. I had no way to contact her outside of the internet. I didn't want to use my real fb account because I have family on it.

Nobody here has ever asked anybody if they are interested in escort work? I feel like I'm in the wrong forum, this is a forum for escorts? Somehow it feels hypocritical to be criticized by an escort for asking a girl if she will do escort work.

Stockerish? I've in no way ever stalked her, or anybody. It's not necessary for me, personally. Besides, I would suck at it because I'm too busy. She is messaging and sending texts to me.

I'm open to being wrong, I'm wrong quite often. I guess there's a perceptional difference between asking someone in person versus on the internet if they do escort work.

I'm not posting on this thread anymore, it hurts my head. I will leave it at she just messaged me today "300", and all you other creepy fuggers stop PM'ing me for her info because it's creepin' me out.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
I'm not posting on this thread anymore, it hurts my head. I will leave it at she just messaged me today "300", and all you other creepy fuggers stop PM'ing me for her info because it's creepin' me out. Originally Posted by halcyonru2
Then why did you even post the initial thread in the first place? It really served absolutely no purpose other than to brag that you got a civilian to possibly escort. As I have said to others in the past that start these type of threads... thanks for nothing.
Nobody here has ever asked anybody if they are interested in escort work? I feel like I'm in the wrong forum, this is a forum for escorts? Somehow it feels hypocritical to be criticized by an escort for asking a girl if she will do escort work.

Stockerish? I've in no way ever stalked her, or anybody. It's not necessary for me, personally. Besides, I would suck at it because I'm too busy. She is messaging and sending texts to me. Originally Posted by halcyonru2

Calm down, I said it was my opinion. And no, I have never asked another lady to escort nor would I, as I want to keep my business private.

I said it was stalkerish because you made up a fake facebook account to contact her. Think about from a woman's point of view.
dirty dog's Avatar
I just thought I would pass some information along to some of you guys who may not be aware. Using the internet or any other means of commerce to solicit illegal activity i.e. prositution is a federal crime. Discussing our make believe adventures as we do on this board is not but actually soliciting the act is. It is a violation of 18 USC 1952

1952. Interstate and foreign travel or transportation in aid of racketeering enterprises

(a) Whoever travels in interstate or foreign commerce or uses the mail or any facility in interstate or foreign commerce, with intent to—
(1) distribute the proceeds of any unlawful activity; or
(2) commit any crime of violence to further any unlawful activity; or
(3) otherwise promote, manage, establish, carry on, or facilitate the promotion, management, establishment, or carrying on, of any unlawful activity,
and thereafter performs or attempts to perform—
(A) an act described in paragraph (1) or (3) shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both; or
(B) an act described in paragraph (2) shall be fined under this title, imprisoned for not more than 20 years, or both, and if death results shall be imprisoned for any term of years or for life.

(b) As used in this section (i) “unlawful activity” means (1) any business enterprise involving gambling, liquor on which the Federal excise tax has not been paid, narcotics or controlled substances (as defined in section 102(6) of the Controlled Substances Act), or prostitution offenses in violation of the laws of the State in which they are committed or of the United States,
(2) extortion, bribery, or arson in violation of the laws of the State in which committed or of the United States, or
(3) any act which is indictable under subchapter II of chapter 53 of title 31, United States Code, or under section 1956 or 1957 of this title and (ii) the term “State” includes a State of the United States, the District of Columbia, and any commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States.

(c) Investigations of violations under this section involving liquor shall be conducted under the supervision of the Attorney General.

The Feds and the law associates the internet with the mail so sending an e-mail is the same as sendling a letter as far as the law is concerned.