
6ULDV8's Avatar
FYI, I've mentioned that I use Spybot Search&Destroy, Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and AVG Anti-Virus with very good results. Cross my fingers, absolutely swear by them.

Well I got an email from AVG regarding a new app called RegistryBooster. And, since it allowed one free scan I thought I try it. Damn, sucker came back with nearly 500 registry errors. The free offer would only fix 25 so I bought it. Not only did it fix the errors but I can see a SIGNIFICANT improvement in performance too.

For you skeptics, I reviewed the log afterwards and they were indeed legitiment errors. Good stuff.
6U - should probably be in the sand box, but...cost per year or update? What OS will it work on?
Registry errors are very common most the time its entrys that point to stuff that is no longer installed. I have always used Pc tune up because it defrags, cleans temp files, and changes windows setting to stream line performance. It also cleans the registry and optimize and compresses it.
halcyonru2's Avatar
I've had good luck with this registry cleaner...