Sex workers are falling through the cracks in coronavirus assistance programs around the world

Jaxson66's Avatar
Beth Reid’s financial prospects are bleak. Her work is banned under Sydney’s shutdown. Her limited savings are dwindling as bills accumulate. The 36-year-old is preparing to apply for Australian unemployment benefits, which have increased in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

It’s a familiar story. But Reid faces an added obstacle: While her line of work — as a dominatrix — is legal where she lives, it remains highly stigmatized. To receive benefits, she would have to register as a sex worker with the federal government, creating a record that could have implications for her future.
Still, she knows she’s among the lucky ones: In all but a handful of countries, the sex industry is illegal. That means millions of sex workers, mostly women, are excluded from government programs meant to address widespread unemployment and economic hardship as the coronavirus continues to spread.

Even in Australia, where sex work is legal in some states, Reid said she has seen an increase in “precarious housing situations, and also super precarious mental health” among colleagues left out of the system.

“There are loads of sex workers who don’t have access to either of the welfare measures,” she said, referring to the federal government’s two unemployment programs, “like migrant workers or those who don’t have a fixed address.”
Sex workers in Australia and around the world, she said, are in dire need of the same support that other people are set to receive for loss of income, health care and housing.

Anyone speculating on the future price of pussy ?
  • oeb11
  • 04-29-2020, 08:05 AM
What is a dedicated Marxist DPST like j66 doing referring to capitalistic laws of supply and demand!!!!
They will come for U - j66- and confiscate your socialist membership card u carry to please the Socialist Leaders.

u may be cast out with nowhere but the Republican party to go
If U go to Austin and demonstrate for the brave socialist protestors who painted the hammer and sickle on austin's City hall in Red (the color of Republicans) - perhaps they mght let U stay!

Get some professional Help!!!

Let's do a capitalistic "GoFu..Me" for j66 - to find some different sources than WaPo and broaden the horizons!!
Guarantee the socialist brethren won't ever turn down "Money" - Just like bill Gates!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Professor obsey what does all that horse shit have to do with the future price of pussy? I fail to understand the conservatives old adage of supply and demand regarding pussy.

If there’s no supply of pussy in my area, I’ll be moving
  • oeb11
  • 04-29-2020, 08:29 AM
Please gt some professional help, J66!

I hear Venezuela has a lot of what u seek.

and the political climate is strangely seductive to those with no concept of Reality!
bambino's Avatar
Professor obsey what does all that horse shit have to do with the future price of pussy? I fail to understand the conservatives old adage of supply and demand regarding pussy.

If there’s no supply of pussy in my area, I’ll be moving Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Supply/demand is a simple economic concept. It’s tried and true. They even teach it at liberal colleges and universities. Probably not at the local fire dept.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
So why are you guys not comparing that issue to what you know about your local pro girlfriends?
My two favs are doing somewhat ok.
I believe the market will sort the situation out - and as always, the prettiest and fittest providers will command the best rates.
bambino's Avatar
So why are you guys not comparing that issue to what you know about your local pro girlfriends?
My two favs are doing somewhat ok. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
I’m sure there will be some “pent” up demand!!!!
Supply/demand is a simple economic concept. It’s tried and true. They even teach it at liberal colleges and universities. Probably not at the local fire dept. Originally Posted by bambino
Remember this is the same guy that believed investors are driving up the price of PPE, totally ignoring the concept of Supply and Demand.

But as to the price of spending quality time with one of our fine young ladies, I don't think it's going to change drastically at least among the quality providers, which are the only ones I deal with.

Our OP has already stated his proclivity for paying webcam models, which I have no problem with, just not something I'm into, but there appears to be a glut in the market right now, which is understandable.

And for anyone looking for a "cheap" low quality encounter, they will always be out there, even today.
I fail to understand the conservatives old adage of supply and demand regarding pussy.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
little else, save possibly air, water, and food, demonstrate the proof of the effect supply (availability) and demand (desire) have on price as adequately as pussy
Jaxson66's Avatar
So why are you guys not comparing that issue to what you know about your local pro girlfriends?
My two favs are doing somewhat ok. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Somewhat ok ?

Has their demand decreased ? Which way did it drive the price? Up or down? Will the great leader be sending them a stimulus check for their loss of revenue?

I was wondering if the Vegas brothel employees will be receiving a stimulus check. I don’t know, but it seems like they should.
Somewhat ok ?

Has their demand decreased ? Which way did it drive the price? Up or down? Will the great leader be sending them a stimulus check for their loss of revenue?

I was wondering if the Vegas brothel employees will be receiving a stimulus check. I don’t know, but it seems like they should. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Somewhat ok is how many people are doing right now. Demand has obviously decreased unless they are willing to take absolutely no precautions.

And if they file taxes for any endeavor they participate in(many have side jobs or even full time jobs with the hobby work as the aside), then yes they would qualify for a stimulus check. And BTW, the stimulus checks weren't predicated on loss of revenue, but for all taxpayers filing less than a certain income amount.

And also, there are no "legal" Vegas brothels. If you are referring to the Nevada legal brothels, then again yes as long as the workers filed their taxes, they will qualify for stimulus.

The legal Nevada workers can even be claiming unemployment and getting the extra federal payout there too.
  • oeb11
  • 04-29-2020, 02:39 PM
EL - prostitution is not legal in Las Vegas.

In nearby Pahrump - there do exist legal brothels in Nevada.
EL - prostitution is not legal in Las Vegas.

In nearby Pahrump - there do exist legal brothels in Nevada. Originally Posted by oeb11
That was my point. Jax knows not of what he speaks regarding that discussion at all.