Trumpites at work

VitaMan's Avatar
Trumpites working on another false conspiracy theory.

Planning to issue it to blogs and newsfeeds to distract from real issues.

winn dixie's Avatar
wtf? You just literally mailing this stuff in now?
VitaMan's Avatar
You worry too much, and your post contains nothing. Don't you have some corrupt threads to bitch about ?
VitaMan's Avatar
Junior Trumpites following orders from senior Trumpites to distribute the new conspiracy theory of the day.

This obsession with VM's man crush is frighting...
He must be crushed you haven't found any mods to
do what you can't do...ban those members you don't agree with!!
VitaMan's Avatar
Try not to embarrass yourself too much. You have used this useless post so many times. Actually, a crush would be on someone you like.

Your BDS has gone so far you can't think straight. Biden is in your head 24 hrs a day.

The last part of your most makes no sense at all. Are you saying you want to be banned, to get out of your misery ? You told me to go on sabbatical.....what exactly is that supposed to mean ? Sounds like it is you trying to get me banned.

When is the next conspiracy theory coming out ?
NOOOOOOOOOOO I have told you MANY times I enjoy the comic relief you bring to this form. Your obession with Trump and how you become COMPLETEY apoplectic when the FACTS about BRANDON are illustrated on here and the laughs you generate when you say...I don't give a shit about BRANDON!! You say like your buddy YR that anything you disagree with is a "conspiracy" and all the bullshit you post is "FACT". Strange you haven't come up with any accomplishments of BRANDON'S but I know that is a tall order when your fixated on Trump...he hasn't been in office for a year. The year since BRANDON has been in office has been a COMPLETE disaster...THAT IS A FACT!!

This from a network that HATES Trump...

DON LEMON: President Biden left Washington tonight to spend the weekend at home in Delaware. He probably couldn’t wait to get out of town after one of the worst weeks of his year-old presidency.

CHUCK TODD, NBC: One year in, Mr. Biden has the second-lowest approval rating ever measured in the White House. And it has never been less popular nationally.

JOHN KING, CNN: The country is frustrated, his party is frustrated, we are two weeks into a midterm election year, a few days away from a one-year anniversary, and it is very dark for him right now.

ERIN BURNETT, CNN: Now he’s in the midst of what famous children’s book writer called “a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad” time.

DONNY DEUTSCH, MSNBC: Your audience is not going to be happy with what I have to say. I don’t think he’s come across as an inspirational figure.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I think I've figured it out. There are no photos, it is pure gaslight. Vman or one of his minions claims to post something that only some people can see (depends on how much you've had to drink apparently). Pure fakery.
I've heard of that in theater, you say or whisper something that the audience can't hear and they create the images that mean the most to them. Like Benedick in Much Ado about Nothing.
VitaMan's Avatar
Sorry you have so much trouble barley. The photos are there, I am looking at them right now.
Is this what you were looking at...don't let it burn your eyes!!

'Who Is Ray Epps?' Cruz Grills FBI agent on Involvement in Jan. 6; Their Answers Raise More Questions

Jill Sanborn, executive assistant director of the FBI’s National Security Branch was testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee. That’s when Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) asked some very good questions to which she didn’t have a response. Cruz asked about FBI involvement/informants in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

“How many FBI agents or confidential informants actively participated in the events of January 6th?” Cruz asked. Sanborn said that she couldn’t go into “sources and methods.” Cruz continued asking if any FBI agents or confidential informants participated, to which Sanborn said, “I can’t answer that.” He then asked if any of them committed crimes of violence or incited crimes? Again, she refused to answer.

Then Cruz went all-in, asking, “Who is Ray Epps?” Ray Epps is a man who has been speculated on a lot because he was very active, encouraging people to go into the Capitol, yet doesn’t appear to have been pursued by the FBI when the FBI seems to be pursuing people who so much as breathed near the Capitol that day.

Sanborn’s response? “I’m aware of the individual.” But she doesn’t disabuse anyone of the belief that he could be FBI-connected; indeed, her failure to fully respond, got even more tongues talking.

“Ms. Sanborn, was Ray Epps a fed,” Cruz asked.

“I cannot answer that,” Sanborn responded. I guess that answers that question right there, which leads to a lot of other questions.

Cruz noted how five seconds after Epps talks to someone, that person starts to tear down a barricade. Did Epps urge him to tear down the barricade, Cruz asked Sanborn. And again, she said that she couldn’t answer that.

Cruz said many Americans are concerned that the federal government encouraged illegal activity, noting that — oddly — Epps had been removed from the list that the FBI had put out of people they were looking for in connection to Jan. 6. Sanborn then finally says that “not to her knowledge” did the FBI “actively” encourage violent criminal conduct.

But she didn’t respond as to the other questions, and her failure to respond was in itself an answer, leaving all kinds of questions about the FBI being involved. She didn’t deny that Epps was an FBI or an informant.
VitaMan's Avatar
This makes as much sense as washing your car when it is raining.

Brought to us by the Trumpites.
winn dixie's Avatar

lol Hes talking to invisible people
Trumpites working on another false conspiracy theory.

Planning to issue it to blogs and newsfeeds to distract from real issues.

Originally Posted by VitaMan
Like "voting rights"AKA the big steal!! How are they dealing with the border, skyrocking inflation, skyrocketing gas price, bare shelves and Americans stranded in Afghanistan...that shit isn't as important as the "BIG STEAL"
Tell us more about that VM????
This makes as much sense as washing your car when it is raining.

Brought to us by the Trumpites. Originally Posted by VitaMan
You have a problem reading the in your infinite wisdom come up with your go to when you have nothing as always..."conspiracy"
You're right the bitch is lying through her teeth...just like you VM...
VitaMan's Avatar
You've posted so many lies it is not possible to count them all. Not only lies about facts, but lies about other members.

You can't even tell how ridiculous you sound. It is your conspiracy "theories" that have absolutely no basis.

A new conspiracy theory for you:

You didn't provide a list of your BDS threads from 2020 and 2021.
You sir, must be a communist. Likely you are working on a communist plot.