ol' chucky is going to help destroy his democrap colleges chances in Nov.!!

Just when you thought the democraps couldn't get and dumber... This has ZERO chance of passing!!
This stunt by shit for brains chucky will put vulnerable dems on record and possible fuck them in Nov. These leftwingers aren't too smart with a "leader" the likes of BRANDON. I would expect anything else. This is SURE to be a democrap SHIT SHOW!!

Schumer vows to turn up heat on GOP on voting rights ...
12 hours ago · "We will be postponing recess so the Senate can vote on voting rights. We will return on Tuesday to take up the House-passed message containing voting rights legislation," Schumer, D-N.Y., said ...

Schumer insists Senate will vote on voting rights bill ...
6 hours ago · Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer has officially filed cloture on the voting rights bill that passed the House last week.. Schumer was able to file cloture without a roll call vote because ...

Schumer insists Senate will vote on voting rights bill ...
9 hours ago · The Senate is expected to take up Democrats’ voting rights bill this week, after the legislation passed the House in a party-line vote last week. However, as …

Schumer tees up showdown on voting rights, filibuster
Jan 18, 2022 · Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) moved on Tuesday to bring the months-long fight over voting rights to a head, paving the way for a showdown on the legislative filibuster.Schumer, from the Senate floor, moved to formally end debate on voting legislation that combines the Freedom to Vote Act, which overhauls federal elections and campaign finance …

Schumer proposing talking filibuster amid voting rights ...
1 hour ago · Schumer proposing talking filibuster amid voting rights standoff. Senate Democrats will force a vote this week to try to change the rules and enact a …
Chuck is standing at the podium and declaring…….”I’m a dumbass, and I’m going to prove it”.

He is really between a rock and a hard spot, with AOC threatening to “primary” his ass.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Great idea Chuck, let's get every Democrat on record while your party is in the midst of the biggest fall from grace ever seen in politics in such a short period of time. Maybe for the first time ever, more people now identify as Republicans than Democrats so yeah, let's see which Democrats have the balls to put their careers on the line. This should be fun.

One year in and your party is trying to decide who to replace you with. The good news for Joe, is that he doesn't understand what is happening to him, so there's that.
This is political suicide for vulnerable democraps...this shit is popcorn worthy!!
... Too Right! ... We'll see how it goes...

#### Salty
I'm getting it ready...
When this cluster fuck goes down in flames like the economy is. Will the LSM consider this a darker day then Jan.6th???
... From what I'm seeing, the liberal media is abandoning ship!

They SEE what a sad ABSOLUTE disaster Biden has been to this point.
And who's at fault? ... Sleepy Joe's handlers.

... Yet another mid-term SCHELLACKING coming in November.

### Salty