What's your favorite part of the session ?

  • KylaD
  • 12-23-2014, 06:02 PM
Sooooo I have a little free time on my hands, and when such time happens, I start having naughtyyyyy thoughts. Someone should spank me lol. Anyway, I'm thinking about all the different things that happens during dates, and I would like to see what's your favorite part? Is it the bj? Is it daty ? Doggie, mish, kissing, the amazing ending or the flirty beginning?
YES!!! Lol! Of course the sex, but to be honest, it's the nervousness and anticipation that builds in the moments just before I see a provider. After 8 months of hobbying,it still happens! Gotta love it!!
DATY. Love to watch the lady get hers, knowing she will then make sure I get mine and get it good.

  • KylaD
  • 12-23-2014, 06:15 PM
Lol! You can rest assured us ladies feel that same rush before seeing a hobbyist
  • KylaD
  • 12-23-2014, 06:16 PM
DATY. Love to watch the lady get hers, knowing she will then make sure I get mine and get it good.

Wildcat Originally Posted by wildcat
Interesting theory, lol! That's a nice nipple in your avatar
Call me whatever name you want....

I intensely enjoy the passionate kissing.

Whether it be a dirty PSE session, or a sweet and enduring GFE session, or just a half hour BJ session....

Getting my kicks in on some good intense kissing with another good kisser, is probably my favorite part of every session.

It's what I KNOW I can look forward to the most in every session.

Most everyone can kiss well, so guys, you don't have to worry about letting me down if you can't stay hard with a condom on, or if you take longer to pop, or if you think I only get off a certain way (which one review says about me, but is not true), or if I do happen to take a while to get off with Daty (well, it takes a little patience and some extra work, not just your tongue).

I'm a pretty easy person to please. I like some good kissing. For real.

Kiss me like you MEAN IT.
  • KylaD
  • 12-23-2014, 06:29 PM
Hot gif Angie you're pretttyyyyyyy
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
  • KylaD
  • 12-23-2014, 06:39 PM
Cudling Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
I like that too love to feel a nice warm body next to me
jimmylbob's Avatar
Call me whatever name you want....

I intensely enjoy the passionate kissing.

Whether it be a dirty PSE session, or a sweet and enduring GFE session, or just a half hour BJ session....

Getting my kicks in on some good intense kissing with another good kisser, is probably my favorite part of every session.

It's what I KNOW I can look forward to the most in every session.

Most everyone can kiss well, so guys, you don't have to worry about letting me down if you can't stay hard with a condom on, or if you take longer to pop, or if you think I only get off a certain way (which one review says about me, but is not true), or if I do happen to take a while to get off with Daty (well, it takes a little patience and some extra work, not just your tongue).

I'm a pretty easy person to please. I like some good kissing. For real.

Kiss me like you MEAN IT.
Originally Posted by tntangie
Damn, Angie... gotta cum see you again!
  • KylaD
  • 12-23-2014, 06:53 PM
Damn, Angie... gotta cum see you again! Originally Posted by jimmylbob
I'd like to watch
I was wondering if that were true!! I've heard from a couple of providers that say they get nervous with anticipation, but it's nice to know! Conversely, it would be interesting to know how many times providers are disappointed when they actually see a client for the first time? Hmmmm!!
  • KylaD
  • 12-23-2014, 07:08 PM
I was wondering if that were true!! I've heard from a couple of providers that say they get nervous with anticipation, but it's nice to know! Conversely, it would be interesting to know how many times providers are disappointed when they actually see a client for the first time? Hmmmm!! Originally Posted by zipster
Hmmmm lets see; we get to open the Door to a man who not only finds us attractive but who also there to give us a good sexual experience and give us money and we don't have to cook clean or put up with his mother??!! What's to be disappointed about !
Thanks for the compliment.

I am on a short winter break while I'm on my path to getting my Engineering degree.

You should come and try to see me while you can...

During school I can usually only break free if I've gotten all my homework done, and I don't know what this next semester is going to bring homework load wise.

As far as anticipation before an appointment, yes, I do still get butterflies, even with a few clients I have seen before. Not sure why. But I do, and I've been doing this since '05. I'm an OG.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
My favorite part of a session..Hmm, let me think about it fo...

nevermind, I know