Weekly Website Questions and Answers

I promise to try and keep these shorter after this one. ;-)

I get a lot of PM's and emails asking questions so I thought I would start a thread here for people to just ask openly and possibly get help from many sources. Ask anything website, advertising or board related to advertising and I will answer. If I can't then I am sure someone else here will be able to or even have more suggestions or help.

To start with I have had a few questions this week about companies claiming they can get you to the top of google for a fee. I for one cannot stand these scammers trying to take advantage of ladies that do not know any better.

Anybody who guarantees organic rankings is lying and should not be trusted - simple as that - read the official Google help article below:

This is taken directly from what Google has to say about this topic.

No one can guarantee a #1 ranking on Google. Beware of SEOs that claim to guarantee rankings, allege a "special relationship" with Google, or advertise a "priority submit" to Google. There is no priority submit for Google. In fact, the only way to submit a site to Google directly is through our Add URL page or by submitting a Sitemap and you can do this yourself at no cost whatsoever.

Another trick some of these scammers will tell you is "check out my website and see where we are listed, we are #1 in google"

This is one of the funniest tricks they try, Of course if you google their exact website it is going to come up as the first ranking. You can do that with any website. It only makes sense that the site you specifically search for or almost specifically search for will show up first. Now try searching for them using actual search words for their business and see how they turn up. Chances are not even close to what they claim.

Another gimmick they will try is the "we can get you on top of google rankings search in your city" but wont tell you how.

This is actually true for most at least temporarily, it is something you can do very easily but for some will take a little finagling. This is a secret they will not share with you but I am going to let you know now how to do this yourself and it won't cost you a dime.

Step 1. Get a gmail account
Step 2. Go to places.google.com/business
Step 3. Fill out the info for your website etc... making sure to include a good description and keywords that you think people will search in google to find what you are offering.
Step 4. The tricky part. You probably do not want to use your real name or address so you need to make one up BUT..... You will have to use your number because google will call you with a pin number to verify it is you placing the Ad. You also need to make sure that the address you use is not already in use. I can't say do this!, but you might find a UPS Store address and use a suite number to go with it like xyz street suite 1502 and then the city and state you are in. I say UPS Stor address because when you have a box there you use the store address but the box# is considered a suite number as if it is an office building. Remember you are not actually directing anyone there and might be best to change this info after the fact once you are listed so there is no confusion. I think you can even remove the address from public view once you are listed.

On a side note. It is a good idea to have one of these PO boxes anyway for a multitude of reasons that we can cover at another time.

If you do this I guarantee you will be at the top of google searches at least for a little while. I know I just said that BSabout being at the top but here is the difference.Search for Houston escorts in google and the first listings to come up are the small business listings which are always at the top as you can see in this example below attached.

None of this is meant as a substitution for including meta tags in your website code. Not everyone wants their website to be indexed and searched through search engines but if you do then follow the above and make sure you have your meta tags on your website and good content that you should change up every now and then because search engines look for new content all the time and that is one of the many ways for people to find you when they search for what you are offering.

I know this seems like a long post but really it is a cliff note version of things to do to increase traffic to your site. I am sure others can chime in and give their advice. If you have a little time each day then you should do it yourself for free and if not then find someone to pay but make sure they have experience in your "field" and can show proven results and not tricks and explain what they are doing for you in terms you can understand. throwing around words that sound like they know does you no good if you don't understand what was done for your $.

As always if you have a question that I can help with just let me know, I am available by pm, chat and phone and as long as I am not doing the work for you and you are just needing a little guidance in the right direction I do not mind helping out.
Attached Images File Type: jpg google_listings.jpg (49.1 KB, 169 views)
How to link your Banner in your signature. One of the most common questions I get from here.

Step 1. Insert your image using the insert image icon
Step 2. Highlight your Banner
Step 3. Click the insert URL icon and put your website addy

That's it! I would show images to follow but I can't add a banner with my account in my signature.
Nice thrAd.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Nice thrAd. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

Too funny Charles. Spot on advice OP!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Nice thrAd. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Spot on advice OP! Originally Posted by Naomi4u

Thanks, Naomi. I really hope some of that helps some folks out. And hey, if it takes a threAD to accomplish that task, I'll fall on that sword. Haha. ;-)
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Nice thrAd. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

James, nice thread and thanks for the helpful information..

London Rayne's Avatar
I can tell you this...

When I get SPAM mail of any form of this sort, I will do on purpose to never use their service. We pay for our own advertising and "most" of us don't spam random guys for business....they can follow that same logic.

I have certainly never had Eccie, Eros, TER, TBD, or SGFE, or even BP spam me for that matter. If they are already number one, I think I would have found them by now lol.
Not sure if I am misunderstanding you? Are you saying this thread is spam? I was honestly trying to be helpful and trying to post some things that I thought would be useful information to people with questions about advertising and websites since it is what I know. I don't have a lot to post normally as most topics are things that really don't involve anything that I would have input on so I am giving this.

Not to get sidetracked but I do get email from ter, eros and BP, geisha affair and a few others persistently and don't mind it as long as when I ask them to stop they do. I don't from eccie but I have spoken with St. C many times on topics concerning search engine results and advertising as well as other sites that you know and use.

I really hope that this thread gets alot of useful information out of it for ladies that need or want questions answered. As I said before if someone wants to call it a threAD then that is fine as long as it serves more than that purpose. I don't mind.
Naomi4u's Avatar

I really hope that this thread gets alot of useful information out of it for ladies that need or want questions answered. As I said before if someone wants to call it a threAD then that is fine as long as it serves more than that purpose. I don't mind. Originally Posted by EroticGuideCentral
And it IS very useful. Thank you for posting it.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
And it IS very useful. Thank you for posting it. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Naomi..Very true ==> very useful info..
I found some of the info useful....thanks for posting it.
London Rayne's Avatar
I am sorry I did not get my point across. I was not suggesting YOU were spamming, but the context of your first post was much like I had gotten and avoid. I was "agreeing" with you.
Meoauniaea's Avatar
So basically nothing an informed person doesn't already know...thanks.
I am sorry I did not get my point across. I was not suggesting YOU were spamming, but the context of your first post was much like I had gotten and avoid. I was "agreeing" with you. Originally Posted by London Rayne

I thought maybe I had that wrong. Sorry about that.

Funny story, a few years ago I had a company call me telling me they could get me on top of google searches etc.... and that they were experts yada yada. I said but I am already listed in google search engine and show up at the top in NYC and Houston. (different site of mine) The guy immediately said "no you don't" and "no your not" I said well I am looking at it right now and I see myself so not sure how to argue with you about this?

OKAY, now the funny part and I am quoting word for word "What is your website so I can see for myself" WTH????? LOL This guy calls me and does not even know my website and is telling me I am not listed on google so I ask him how expects to help me if he does not even know who I am or what I do? Somewhere in this conversation he had told me how they are experts in my field of work. He keeps on with the sales pitch ignoring this and tries to throw out different SEO terms at random not really even making sense but I think hoping to confuse me hoping I don't know what he is saying. He actually had the nerve to call me 2 more times even after I told him don't call me anymore.