Just don't vote for him again. That's all.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Bob Rees and Clifton Jolley: Ten reasons Republicans should vote Democrat


1. Trump is a racist.

2. Trump is a liar.

3. Trump doesn’t pay taxes.

4. Trump’s tax cuts are a lie (unless you are rich).

5. Trump is a Demon of Deficit Spending.

6. Trump is an abuser of women.

7. Trump hates children.

8. Trump is a climate change denier.

9. Trump has a despot’s opinion of the media.

10. Trump continues to lie, to destroy, to corrupt the republic and what once were the moral, decent attitudes of a free people.

Bob Rees, Ph.D., teaches religion at Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, Calif.

Clifton Jolley, Ph.D., is president of Advent Communications, Ogden.

Couldn't state it better myself.

Because I wouldn't be so nice.
bambino's Avatar
One reason to vote for Trump;


It’s all you need.

  • oeb11
  • 08-18-2019, 10:27 AM
The best reasons to Vote for Trump"


Clintons- plural.
bambino's Avatar
The best reasons to Vote for Trump"


Clintons- plural. Originally Posted by oeb11
They can be combined into one reason not to vote for a Democrat:


LexusLover's Avatar
I already voted for him twice. How many more times do we get to vote?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Looked up Bob Rees and you fucked up. This guy is a wacko, a Mormon wacko and you know what you all saying about Mormons. This guy got an award from the Woodrow Wilson foundation. Wilson was a famous racist and segregationist.

Jolley is a cypher. He is not an educator but an entrepreneur and he is also a Mormon....do you smell a conspiracy?

Anyway, if you don't want to vote for Trump then I recommend changing parties and supporting the only rational alternative; Tulsi Gabbard.

Plus, it takes just a few minutes to debunk 9 of 10 claims which means that they are both liars. I'll let you figure out number 10.
bambino's Avatar
Looked up Bob Rees and you fucked up. This guy is a wacko, a Mormon wacko and you know what you all saying about Mormons. This guy got an award from the Woodrow Wilson foundation. Wilson was a famous racist and segregationist.

Jolley is a cypher. He is not an educator but an entrepreneur and he is also a Mormon....do you smell a conspiracy?

Anyway, if you don't want to vote for Trump then I recommend changing parties and supporting the only rational alternative; Tulsi Gabbard.

Plus, it takes just a few minutes to debunk 9 of 10 claims which means that they are both liars. I'll let you figure out number 10. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Rees “teaches” at Cal Berkeley. One doesn’t have to go further than that.
‘Why I vote Democrat’ – best comment EVER

What you are about to read is the best political comment I have EVER read on a website. It was written by someone who uses the moniker, “The Fall of America.”
The comment was posted on Wednesday morning, March 19, in response to a piece in The Hill. If you are unfamiliar, this is a Washington “insider’s site” covering the nitty-gritty of what goes on within the hallowed halls of Capitol Hill.
The title of the piece was “O-Care premiums to skyrocket,” although this comment could have been in response to any topic in Washington today.
So thank-you, “The Fall of America,” whoever you are, for writing such brilliant truth and I hope that the re-posting of your comment here on RedState finds its way back to you after it goes viral. (Hint-hint to our readers.)
Why I vote Democrat
(comment by TheFallofAmerica on March 19, 2014)
I vote Democrat because I believe it’s okay if our federal government borrows $85 Billion every single month.
I vote Democrat because I care about the children … but saddling them with trillions of dollars of debt to pay for my bloated leftist government is okay.
I vote Democrat because I believe it’s better to pay billions of dollars to people who hate us rather than drill for our own oil, because it might upset some endangered beetle or gopher.
I vote Democrat because I believe it is okay if liberal activist judges rewrite the Constitution to suit some fringe kooks, who would otherwise never get their agenda past the voters.
I vote Democrat because I believe that corporate America should not be allowed to make profits for themselves or their shareholders. They need to break even and give the rest to the federal government for redistribution.
I vote Democrat because I’m not concerned about millions of babies being aborted, so long as we keep all of the murderers on death row alive.
I vote Democrat because I believe it’s okay if my Nobel Peace Prize winning President uses drones to assassinate people, as long as we don’t use torture.
I vote Democrat because I believe people, who can’t accurately tell us if it will rain on Friday, can predict the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don’t start driving a Chevy Volt.
I vote Democrat because Freedom of Speech is not as important as preventing people from being offended.
I vote Democrat because I believe the oil companies’ profit of 3% on a gallon of gas is obscene, but the federal government taxing that same gallon of gas at 15% isn’t obscene.
I vote Democrat because I believe a moment of silent prayer at the beginning of the school day constitutes government indoctrination and an intrusion on parental authority ….. but sex education, condom distribution and multiculturalism are all values-neutral.
I vote Democrat because I agonize over threats to the natural environment from CO2, acid rain and toxic waste ….. but I am totally oblivious of the threats to our social environment from pornography, promiscuity and family dissolution.
I vote Democrat because I believe lazy, uneducated stoners should have just as big a say in running our country as entrepreneurs who risk everything and work 70 hours per week.
I vote Democrat because I don’t like guns ….. so no one else should be allowed to own one.
I vote Democrat because I see absolutely no correlation between welfare and the rise of illegitimacy.
I vote Democrat because I see absolutely no correlation between judicial leniency and surging crime rates.
I vote Democrat because I believe you don’t need an ID to vote but you do to buy beer.
I vote Democrat because I believe marriage is obsolete, except for homosexuals.
I vote Democrat because I think AIDS is spread by insufficient funding.
I vote Democrat because I think “fairness” is far more important than freedom.
I vote Democrat because I think an “equal outcome” is far more important than equal opportunity.
I vote democrat because I would rather hide in a class room while others fight for my freedom.
I vote democrat because I’m not smart enough to own a gun and I need someone else to protect me.
I vote democrat because I would rather have free stuff than freedom.
And lastly, I vote Democrat because I’m convinced that government programs are the solution to the human condition, NOT freedom.

Bob Rees and Clifton Jolley: Ten reasons Republicans should vote Democrat


Bob Rees, Ph.D., teaches religion at Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, Calif.

Clifton Jolley, Ph.D., is president of Advent Communications, Ogden.

Couldn't state it better myself.

Because I wouldn't be so nice. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I have one reason not to vote Democratic. Democrats are dummies and don't know how to run this country.
  • oeb11
  • 08-18-2019, 12:10 PM
Thank You -bb - unfortunately, the DPST's are incapable of recognizing their own hypocrisy.
Walk away from the Democratic Socialist Party!
  • oeb11
  • 08-18-2019, 12:20 PM
Look at kalifronia - DPST's do everything they can to prevent any candidate or opinion diffeent from DPST narrative on the ballot. To control towards their One Party system

Item - law prohibiting Trump from the Primary Ballot - under legal contest.

We will see.
FriscoKiddo's Avatar
Why are all the crickets on the forum in this thread?
matchingmole's Avatar
Why are all the crickets on the forum in this thread? Originally Posted by FriscoKiddo
Nov 2020 is a long time from now.......
Jaxson66's Avatar
Can you really call the sitting GOP reps.......Republicans?

Their careers are over. The tsunami that’s building for 2020 under the tutelage of Putin’s punk will be historic. Until then they are the trump party.