There are too many times I've asked someone if they are married in small talk (usually based on something they have said) and they sorta bow their heads and say, "umm yes." in the softest voice they can. I wanted to encourage you guys with this thread.
We are all here for some reason. A very large percentage of my personal clients are simply starved for physical affection at home, but they are madly in love with their wives. I love hearing that. It's ok to love your wife around here. When you wrap yourself in light and the pride of being married to someone you really love, it just adds something extra special to your life. We, as providers, can totally relate to the S.O. not understanding very well. You've come here to patch an open place in your life and ease the pain that keeps compounding. If you didn't find a release valve, the family would suffer in the end. When the main bread winner is very stressed it affects every one in their household.
When you come here (alot of the time in guilt) you are seeking a way to ease the pain. A way to be a better husband and father by opening a release valve. We can patch that place inside that has been baron and exposed to the harsh world for so long all the pain runs together. BUT when you pro-actively look for a release without getting involved in another relationship, you are helping your family by helping yourself and not betraying the ones you love.
My view of this may be a little one sided but for most of the people I see, this is exactly what they go through. So you are not alone my friend! There are many, many people in the same position as you.
Let go of the guilt and accept the patch. Guilt will interfere with your ability to release. What keeps alot of guys out of the hobby is knowing they will feel so guilty after the fact. Don't. We can send you back to your family with a spring in your step and a song in your heart.
Lastly you guys should know that it's quite impressing and wonderful to hear a guy say out loud he loves his wife. I get great satisfaction knowing I'm helping someone that has proven he is a great guy by saying something like that (when it can be very uncomfortable for some.)
Have a great day everyone. Be good to yourself and relax.