Please prevent vomit

Treetop78759's Avatar
I hate having to bring this up again but things are getting totally out of control so let me reiterate an earlier post.

If you are fat please dress appropriately. Appropriate clothing isn't tight stretch panths or shorts. That's digusting. Show some respect damn it.

In addition, if you are fat and wear anything similar to a leopard print OMG. I want to barf.

What's worse is when these rude fat people have fat spawns. You are a terrible parent letting them become a fat slob. You should loose your rights.

Sometimes at the grocery store I take a close look at what the inappropriately dressed fat people and their illegitimate spawn eat. Nothing but shit unhealthy foods probably purchased with food stamps because they are too lazy to work.

While on the subject of fat lazy people let me also call out some of the male fat blobs.

You guys bitch because you are too broke to afford the gals rate and are rendered down to a fat crybaby. Think about this.

If you are a 25 year old hottie, the thought of having sex with fat lazy dudes 30 to 50 years older is about as gross as looking at a fat women with her fat unhealthy spawns.

Your fat lazy body and disgusting fat ass is the reason rates increased. In case you didn't get the memo, you don't carry your 250 pound of blob well. You are just lazy.

Losing weight is very simple. It's diet and that diet doesn't include the cheetos in your fat hands.
winn dixie's Avatar
Cavalier Gentleman's Avatar
As an old coonass in Louisiana told a much younger version of me - Fuck a Fat Girl, she will appreciate it!

I am not a fat hater. In fact, I have had some amazing sex with BBW ladies here. My motto is:

Short and Tall,
Big and Small,
I love 'em all!

Try it, you may like it.
I hate having to bring this up again but things are getting totally out of control so let me reiterate an earlier post.

If you are fat please dress appropriately. Appropriate clothing isn't tight stretch panths or shorts. That's digusting. Show some respect damn it.

In addition, if you are fat and wear anything similar to a leopard print OMG. I want to barf.

What's worse is when these rude fat people have fat spawns. You are a terrible parent letting them become a fat slob. You should loose your rights.

Sometimes at the grocery store I take a close look at what the inappropriately dressed fat people and their illegitimate spawn eat. Nothing but shit unhealthy foods probably purchased with food stamps because they are too lazy to work.

While on the subject of fat lazy people let me also call out some of the male fat blobs.

You guys bitch because you are too broke to afford the gals rate and are rendered down to a fat crybaby. Think about this.

If you are a 25 year old hottie, the thought of having sex with fat lazy dudes 30 to 50 years older is about as gross as looking at a fat women with her fat unhealthy spawns.

Your fat lazy body and disgusting fat ass is the reason rates increased. In case you didn't get the memo, you don't carry your 250 pound of blob well. You are just lazy.

Losing weight is very simple. It's diet and that diet doesn't include the cheetos in your fat hands. Originally Posted by Treetop78759

It's a good thing you didn't mention black fishnets Arkansas would have started their own thread honoring you
Maggiejewel's Avatar
I don't know wether to laugh or cry! What on earth must you look like? Yum yum yum.
For you to so confidently criticize other human beings! I'm not a skinny gal, but I am sexy! I also know not to wear clothes that don't fit or are not flattering! I've seen some scary shit out there guys! It's not even safe to take your 78 year old mother out anymore! She may go into cardiac arrest either from laughing so hard or shitting her pants in horror! Someone please do tell these people what they're doing! Hahaha
I hate having to bring this up again but things are getting totally out of control so let me reiterate an earlier post.

If you are fat please dress appropriately. Appropriate clothing isn't tight stretch panths or shorts. That's digusting. Show some respect damn it.

In addition, if you are fat and wear anything similar to a leopard print OMG. I want to barf.

What's worse is when these rude fat people have fat spawns. You are a terrible parent letting them become a fat slob. You should loose your rights.

Sometimes at the grocery store I take a close look at what the inappropriately dressed fat people and their illegitimate spawn eat. Nothing but shit unhealthy foods probably purchased with food stamps because they are too lazy to work.

While on the subject of fat lazy people let me also call out some of the male fat blobs.

You guys bitch because you are too broke to afford the gals rate and are rendered down to a fat crybaby. Think about this.

If you are a 25 year old hottie, the thought of having sex with fat lazy dudes 30 to 50 years older is about as gross as looking at a fat women with her fat unhealthy spawns.

Your fat lazy body and disgusting fat ass is the reason rates increased. In case you didn't get the memo, you don't carry your 250 pound of blob well. You are just lazy.

Losing weight is very simple. It's diet and that diet doesn't include the cheetos in your fat hands. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
you make a good point, maybe rates should be variable based on a BMI chart. don't make us all pay more because the fat bodies are ruining it for us.
Lol...and btw if you see problems down there, DO NOT come up to the corn states, the heifers here are fed a lot.
Cougarlicious's Avatar
LOL!!! I noticed an increase of bodies coming in to my gym lately
Treetop78759's Avatar
It's a good thing you didn't mention black fishnets Arkansas would have started their own thread honoring you Originally Posted by a10bomb
I dont talk about anything black cause people take it out of context and think Im a racist. Let me give you an example.

The other day I was standing in the checkout at the grocery store. As I glanced at the magazines I saw one with Kamala Harris on the cover.

In a casual friendly way I told another elderly black person in line that she is very pretty for a black person. That was a genuine compliment but the lady saw it another way.

I will say that if nets were around her fat legs it was probably a large game trapping net they hadn't removed after escaping the zoo.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Also, there is a reason I didn't mention the fat truckers in the freedom convoy headed for DC.

That's because nobody cares about them and or their stupid cause. Covid is done.

Therefore I suggest that the fat freedom convoy needs to go to work like an adult.
Whats worse is the woke left saying that somehow being fat is normal, healthy and beautiful. What a crock. Diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, not to mention being a walking covid risk, is not healthy.

I am not fat. I exercise, eat well and eat crap in very low moderation.

Some people are gluttons.
As an old coonass in Louisiana told a much younger version of me - Fuck a Fat Girl, she will appreciate it!

I am not a fat hater. In fact, I have had some amazing sex with BBW ladies here. My motto is:

Short and Tall,
Big and Small,
I love 'em all!

Try it, you may like it.
Originally Posted by Cavalier Gentleman
Totally agree, and as a non fat old guy sometimes the young fat girls fuck for free.

In a casual friendly way I told another elderly black person in line that she is very pretty for a black person. That was a genuine compliment but the lady saw it another way.
Originally Posted by Treetop78759

I will give you the first post. Pretty spot on. Seeing a 23 year old 200 lb woman with her gut hanging out aint an attractive view.

But "for a black woman"? WTF IS WITH YOU? A "genuine compliment" ends with "she is very pretty". Period

I am white as white can be. I LOVE Asian women. I also happen to LOVE just about any hot woman. No matter the color. (The Asians just tend to be more petite, thus my preference.)

As an aside, there are times Harris looks pretty good. But knowing how fucking stupid, immature and evil she is, I couldn't get a hard on near her even if she was plowing my sphincter muscle with her nasty ass tongue and licking way up in my colon.
Guys will pay as much to see a big girl as they will a slender female .
& I have proof! Lol