Congressman calls for...banning MAGA hats!!

Screw the first amendment for only for teens...if it's something the DEMS don't like!!
Another case of "wait for the rest of the story"

It turns out that the the snipit of the video that went viral and inspired all of this showed that the students did nothing wrong.the "protester" advanced toward them.

Typical reaction from a dipshit congressman who is too stupid to get the facts.
martha raddatz showed the snippet on her hosting of this week with george stephanopoulos

as if the teenager was some evil cardboard racist zombie filled with hatred

seemed real

but then I saw the real event with the black Hebrews and their racist comments and the indian advancing on the boys to enter their ranks and to invade the space of that boy, and all the boy did was not back off

the left , and I mean most all the left, including many in congress are filled with lies and would rather believe lies, I think its because of hatred, its so sad. they see right and call it wrong

and there stood the main stream media, holding the outer garments of them, as they lied
LexusLover's Avatar
We shouldn't give the LameStreamMedia and the SocialisticLiberals 10 seconds of our thoughts and energy. They aren't worth it. Our time is more valuable. Wallowing with pigs only gets you dirty.
  • oeb11
  • 01-21-2019, 08:24 AM
NGIT - thank you - the expanded video clearly shows the original clip was edited for DPST political gain.
A usual DPST lie and taken out of context.

More importantly to me- Congressman Yarmuth feels it is Congress place to dictate to the country what hats people wear and define evil as a non-DPST political affiliation.
Rep. John Yarmuth @RepJohnYarmuth

I am calling for a total and complete shutdown of teenagers wearing MAGA hats until we can figure out what is going on. They seem to be poisoning young minds. [1/2]

This is totalitarianism on the part of the DPST at its worst - infiltrating into US society. He must be roundly condemned for this stupidity. It is about indoctrination of Youth with only DPST ideology acceptable to the DPST's. Until He can figure out what is poisoning young minds- it is DPST complete intolerance of any other opinion. If Yarmuth had his way - all those kids would be in re-education centers post-haste.
TheDaliLama's Avatar

Not everyone looks good in a hat.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-21-2019, 08:38 AM
My choice would be to ban the dipshits who wear those hats!

Not everyone looks good in a hat. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
those hats are so white european cis centric

not all women have pussies and even for the ones that do, they aren't all pink

its very racist and (here insert the word meaning anti inclusive for all women not just cis women, I don't know what that word is)
rexdutchman's Avatar
yup socialism 101----- This is totalitarianism on the part of the DPST at its worst - infiltrating into US society. He must be roundly condemned for this stupidity. It is about indoctrination of Youth with only DPST ideology acceptable to the DPST's. Until He can figure out what is poisoning young minds- it is DPST complete intolerance of any other opinion. If Yarmuth had his way - all those kids would be in re-education centers post-haste
  • oeb11
  • 01-21-2019, 08:44 AM
WTF - How very "Libertarian" of You. To Ban dipshits who wear MAGA caps
And Your stand on concentration camps for those Banned?
Very National Socialist of you.
My choice would be to ban the dipshits who wear those hats!
Originally Posted by WTF
What about the geniuses the wear these...
  • oeb11
  • 01-21-2019, 08:47 AM
yup socialism 101----- This is totalitarianism on the part of the DPST at its worst - infiltrating into US society. He must be roundly condemned for this stupidity. It is about indoctrination of Youth with only DPST ideology acceptable to the DPST's. Until He can figure out what is poisoning young minds- it is DPST complete intolerance of any other opinion. If Yarmuth had his way - all those kids would be in re-education centers post-haste Originally Posted by rexdutchman

I recognize that post,RD.

I wrote it.
Thank you for quoting me.
Once again, the Founding Fathers, when giving the "Press" special dispensation in the 1st Amendment, never envisioned a Journalistic Community that would be nothing more than Lackeys for one political idealology and one political party.

I think a good idea for retired citizens would be to start auditing various Journalism Classes at Universities to see just what they are teaching.

The current mantra seems to disregard the old axiom of "verify, and report".
rexdutchman's Avatar
Your welcome oeb11 sad but very true.
And the socialists want to change the 2 ad "because times have changed BUT the 1ad to lie cause chaos Nooo
Oh sorry that's Nancy's line
  • oeb11
  • 01-21-2019, 10:32 AM
Thank You and - well written response