Interesting Gun Stats From Survey Of Criminals

According to the study, an estimated 287,400 prisoners has possessed a firearm during their offense. The findings concluded 56 percent had either stolen the weapon, 6 percent found it at the crime scene and 7 percent obtained it off the street or on the black market. More than 25 percent had received it from a family member or friend.

About 1.3 percent of all prisoners obtained a gun from a retail source and used it during their offense, the study stated. Moreover, among the prisoners who possessed a firearm during their offense “0.8 percent obtained it at a gun show.”

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My interpretation of "got it from a family member or friend" is that most either stole it from a family member; or friend or family member is a fellow criminal.

So in other words, the "gun show loophole" is substantially oversold.
winn dixie's Avatar
According to the study, an estimated 287,400 prisoners has possessed a firearm during their offense. The findings concluded 56 percent had either stolen the weapon, 6 percent found it at the crime scene and 7 percent obtained it off the street or on the black market. More than 25 percent had received it from a family member or friend.

About 1.3 percent of all prisoners obtained a gun from a retail source and used it during their offense, the study stated. Moreover, among the prisoners who possessed a firearm during their offense “0.8 percent obtained it at a gun show.”

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My interpretation of "got it from a family member or friend" is that most either stole it from a family member; or friend or family member is a fellow criminal.

So in other words, the "gun show loophole" is substantially oversold. Originally Posted by gnadfly
  • oeb11
  • 01-21-2019, 03:49 PM
The "gun show loophole" allows gun sales at gun shows without a background check as done by FFl's .
Transfer of weapons as described above is not the focus of requiring a FFL background check for transfer at a gun show.

weapons were sold without checks at texas gun shows and transferred to Mexican mafia criminals. and used against border agents.
Would requiring a background check at gun shows totally solve that problem - maybe not. Frankly, as a law abiding weapons owner, I have no problem with getting an FFL to assist a weapons transfer with a background check at a gun show.
I've bought guns at shows and had to wait for the background check or whatever it was.

I've slipped by everytime so far....
bamscram's Avatar
in some of the shootings in this area the SO or wife bought the gun.
weapons were sold without checks at texas gun shows and transferred to Mexican mafia criminals. and used against border agents.
.... Originally Posted by oeb11
winn dixie's Avatar
link? Originally Posted by gnadfly
He may be referencing this ?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
in some of the shootings in this area the SO or wife bought the gun. Originally Posted by bamscram
or ... neighbor, friend, family member, co-worker, stranger who wants to make a buck or two, or a burglar who went into the house where firearms are kept, but the house didn't have any doors on it or walls around it, so it was easy to steal shit..... in other words .... a Socialist-Liberal-No-Borders-Babbling-Idiot's house.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Of course you add your own catagories.
Silly me. I thought stolen was stolen and given was given.
With insight like that, we have no need to have any discussion about gun.

The continued slaughter is just a cost of doing business and things can't possibly get better, right?

And that was 287,000 out of how many total? Fox didn't quantify or give all the facts? Added to some of our trumpys trying to stuff the ballot box with their own bullshi...I
mean insight.
trump has removed the shame and stigma from the act of lying. He has given his base a warm and fuzzy place (fox news) where you can meet other people that enable each other to lie, when and where ever they get the urge.
We all know how ugly they get when challenged. How obtuse they become.

How trumpblike.

According to the study, an estimated 287,400 prisoners has possessed a firearm during their offense. The findings concluded 56 percent had either stolen the weapon, 6 percent found it at the crime scene and 7 percent obtained it off the street or on the black market. More than 25 percent had received it from a family member or friend.

About 1.3 percent of all prisoners obtained a gun from a retail source and used it during their offense, the study stated. Moreover, among the prisoners who possessed a firearm during their offense “0.8 percent obtained it at a gun show.”

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My interpretation of "got it from a family member or friend" is that most either stole it from a family member; or friend or family member is a fellow criminal.

So in other words, the "gun show loophole" is substantially oversold. Originally Posted by gnadfly
LexusLover's Avatar

The continued slaughter is just a cost of doing business and things can't possibly get better, right?
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
As soon as all the AntiTrumpers and SocialisticLiberals die off from the social attrition of overzealous abortion clinics it will. Why would embryo killers be concerned about firearm deaths?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Scare and Deceive , the liberals always what to Fix problems that are in there mind. These are the same people that don't want to secure the border? Can anyone help me with that LOGIC please.
bamscram's Avatar
or ... neighbor, friend, family member, co-worker, stranger who wants to make a buck or two, or a burglar who went into the house where firearms are kept, but the house didn't have any doors on it or walls around it, so it was easy to steal shit..... in other words .... a Socialist-Liberal-No-Borders-Babbling-Idiot's house. Originally Posted by LexusLover

bamscram's Avatar
As soon as all the AntiTrumpers and SocialisticLiberals die off from the social attrition of overzealous abortion clinics it will. Why would embryo killers be concerned about firearm deaths? Originally Posted by LexusLover

AAAh most of them are gang members, or radical right shooting each other, let 'em fire away.