Interesting survey-Clients dating providers

Robert30's Avatar
I have had some interesting convos recently and I'm curious to know which one of us was right? Can providers and clients date successfully without the client becoming too jealous to handle it?, does any one hear know of any provider/client relationships that lasted for any length of time? Do you think it could or could not happen and why?
shorty's Avatar
Anything is possible.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Ive never heard a happily ever after story, all resulted in disaster, but Shorty is right, anything is possible I would never date someone while I was doing this

Can providers and clients date successfully without the client becoming too jealous to handle it? Originally Posted by Robert30

Can providers and clients date successfully without the client or provider becoming too jealous to handle it?


But seriously, this would depend solely upon the individuals involved. Every relationship is unique, this is definitely not for everybody.
Robert30's Avatar
I honestly didn't think it could work but, I know some might, just highly unlikely.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-11-2012, 09:55 PM
I have had some interesting convos recently and I'm curious to know which one of us was right? Can providers and clients date successfully without the client becoming too jealous to handle it?, does any one hear know of any provider/client relationships that lasted for any length of time? Do you think it could or could not happen and why? Originally Posted by Robert30
I have dated two different ladies on and off for over a decade. Jealosy has never been an issue either way.

I know several ladies who are very happily married and working. It seems to work for them.

Is it the norm? No. Would a lot of guys be unable to handle it? I'm sure. I do think it is more likely to work if when the relationship reaches a certain point the lady and the guy both pull out of active participation in this community.
I was dating a guy when I started providing. I quit seeing him at first. Then I decided to come clean with him and told him what I was doing. He was concerned for me but understood my financial position. He was relieved to know that I was working not just dumping him and no longer wanting to see him.

We still see each other regularly. However I don't think this would be the norm. I don't believe any of the guys I have dated in the past or currently would be cool with it. Therefor they don't know what I do.

Some clients that have SO and also see other providers may be cool with but then again maybe not....
I actually know of 3 or 4 providers that dated clients and then married them and all are doing quite well and one has even come back to providing here lately and still happyily married.
That being said i also know of a couple of disasters that came about by dating clients so i guess anything is possible just takes a little work to make things last..and thats true with any relationship.
Just look at how many married men are on here seeing providers and are still married - anything can work depending on the situation.
It can be done, I did it lol for 3 years. It's not all easy, just like any relationship.
I think it works best when you keep it buisness first.

My ATF and I have been hanging out for over three years now, we have screwed each other so many times now that it would be pointless to even try to come up with a number.

But, we still keep it business. That is, I still pay her for her time, regardless of what we do.

I am well aware that at my age, (65), there is no way that this hot MILF readhead would give me a second look if ole Ben Franklin didn't act as my point man.
That's where this concept becomes difficult - providers are in the business to make you think they are your GF and a client has to remember that the hobby is just that - business -
So when you try to date a provider you have to be very open minded and remember your GF is a provider - she's paid to be with other men - most men and women are jealous and it's hard to work out all the details. Hell some clients that are not dating providers get jealous when they read their ATF's reviews and there's not any type relationship going on.
When you see somebody enough you eventually have feelings for them but you have to remember its lust not love but it can be friendship !
Why buy the cow when you can rent the milk at a set hourly fee?

But seriously, I wonder how many hobbyist try to "date" providers in hopes of getting the milk for free? Not saying that relationship chemistry CAN'T happen between hobbyist and provider but it seems unlikely.

Chica Chaser's Avatar
Can providers and clients date successfully without the client or provider becoming too jealous to handle it?


Originally Posted by Mssppislm
So very true
No matter what anyone says, women will always be jealous of other women no matter what sub culture we are in. Men also get jealous but show it in a different way. How do you keep it out of a relationship, Trust, mutual respect for each other feelings. When you know something bothers the other, dont keep pushing buttons to get a reaction. This happens way to often.
ICU 812's Avatar
I imagine that it would be hard for the guy to compartmentalize the knowlege that his SO was regularl;y being intimate with other men.

I would think that the provider might have troubling thoughts that her SO, ("The Guy") was only seeing her because the sex was free.

There must be many other inhibiting aspects to this complex type of relationship.

Are they swingers or some other type of "life-style" couple?

This topic comes up here pretty often on this board. Just ask yourself: How many providers are married or in a multi-year relationship with a guy who knows all about her hobby-life as a provider?