sooo Nobodys Worried about p411?

Staff Edit - As the forum guidelines states members are not allowed to post private communications. Especially if it's
a hoax!

#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed.
Please do a tad bit of research before stirring the pot.

trynagetlaid's Avatar
holmes50's Avatar
Not worried at all. Then again I'm single.......
It's a hoax. I find it helpful to get the facts straight before I stir up shit, but that's just me...
ilovedatass's Avatar
...and I have made some enemies out of people who have been removed from the site. Originally Posted by GinaXXX
One can't help but wonder...
@thegfegirls, P411 has been under both a DOS attack and email spoofing. The emails were a HOAX.

Usually best to check info for easily confirmed items before starting a thread like this.
If you were a member of P411, you would have read the notice when you first logged in. Gina has always been highly professional in everything she does and she is very open about any issues the site has ever had. Which is few.
I have a great deal of respect and admiration for Gina and her staff.
Teri Nicole's Avatar
Those emails that were sent out from was a hoax as Gina's address is actually She has made that very clear on the MAIN DISCUSSION BOARD here on ECCIE. Also, if you log into P411, she speaks on that in the opening page.

Am I concerned? Not in the least. Gina is extremely professional and she has my utmost respect. Some people need to research the facts before trying to discredit a well-respected businesswoman such as GINA.
holmes50's Avatar
Well said Teri!
All that being said, it is possible that one day a real subpoena will be issued against p411. The federal Gov't never loses, they have all the money in the world to get what they want....and they have all the time in the world.

This is why I have not and will never be a member of any service connected to the hobby that requires real life information. While they can have our IP's, I decline to help them by connecting that IP with verified personal information. In a court of law...deny, deny, deny.

"Obviously your honor, I have been a victim of Identity theft with my internet connection hacked and hijacked...or the ISP spoofed. There is no other evidence connecting me to the content that this malicious hacker posted using my stolen identity."

The ladies on ECCIE are great at providing and checking references....making p411 not even necessary.
Unless we remove the British flag and put ours in its place, I don't think the US government will waste time and money to bully the Canadian Provinces for that kind of info. IJS...
Arverni's Avatar
Yeah this one turned out to be a hoax but it does beg the following question ...

How far is P411 willing to go to protect the information of clients and providers? Are they willing to disregard federal subpoenas and go to jail?
Now - the information itself isn't criminal - you can't be busted if your information falls into Federal hands. However, it could be used by the Feds to destroy your reputation and bully you into cooperating with whatever cockamamee schemes they have.

So that's my question, in the age of the PATRIOT ACT - when it seems the government can COMMAND our private information for little or no reason - are the folks at p411 willing to go to jail rather than turn over the information if it's demanded of them by LE?

EDIT: The question could also be directed at any escort agency or independent provider who keeps records on clients. I don't know exactly what info they keep. I believe that a former NOLA Madame (Maggie McNeill?) claimed that her agency only kept a credit card number and then destroyed it after it was paid?
That is what they always said about the Banks of Switzerland...but they gave up their client list.