False Review

What is a provider supposed to do when she gets a negative review from a client that clearly wanted full service when I have stated in my ads that I am not an escort but massage only.

Because I would not "upgrade" to full service I get a bad review that I am unable to respond to because of board rules. What is a provider to do?

For example, I wish I could have said "guy read my ad are you clueless? It states I am NOT an escort. Meaning I only offer massage! So if I don't give you full service than you give me a bad review? Wtf?"

This client got exactly what he paid for a massage. So I am now having to answer eccie guys asking me why I have a negative review because some guy decides he is mad because I won't have sex with him??

There has got to be a better way for handling these issues. I know I provide a great massage and I am very attractive. So can someone help me understand what recourse I have when a client does this?

Thanks for advice. Trinity.
well first you have lots of great reviews!

second, this post helps!

third, you'll never make everyone happy - don't worry about it.

Lastly, yeah, its annoying.
Now I am not perfect and I could have spent a little more time that night because I had another appointment but I was very courteous to the client. I did not deserve a negative review because I would not have sex. Just doesn't make sense to me. Wish I could respond to something like that.
This is the place to voice your side. You are absolutely right, you advertise as massage only and if he couldn't clearly see that, its on him.
While it may bother you to see and know there is a no review, in most cases where it is a lady with a great reputation (like YOU!), it can only increase your presence and biz!
Don't sweat it darlin'! You'll be just fine!
Wiley64's Avatar
This forum would be the place to post your side of the story.
The majority of the folks here are able to read a review and glean the relevant info to make an informed decision. Most would also look at your previous reviews to compare.
CajunGent's Avatar
Trinity - agree with the others - you posted your position here. That will suffice. All of us are aware that your services are limited to a massage - and should respect that.

pyramider's Avatar
Put the info in your sig line in your Showcase would be a way to avoid this going forward.
pornodave69's Avatar
The review may be a negative review, but not necessarily false. The review is based on the services provided, not what wasn't provided. Did he possibly exaggerate details in order to offer up a bad review? Maybe, but that's only known between the two of you.
Trinity you can't please all the people all the time, you have good reviews one bad review won't hurt that much. You said you got the bad review because you wouldn't give him full service. I bet he would say you earned that review. You said yourself you rushed because of the next client coming STAFF EDIT - PD If that is true why shouldn't we believe other thing in his review. You'll be fine but you did call a lot of attention to a no review which most wouldn't have looked at but now many will.
skeeter's Avatar
Trinity most seasoned men are not going to pay any attention to 1 negative review as long as most are positive ......
Don't worry about it !!!
Mysterydate023's Avatar
A potential client should be able to see a bunch of positive reviews, and see that the negative was because the reviewer wanted a service that was clearly not offered. If the potential client isn't smart enough to realise that, then screw 'em. Uh, I mean Hell with them.
I agree with others here. I have seen you trinity and I enjoyed your service. Now I know you are just getting out in Indy land and there are bumps and hurdles to overcome. I can understand that a client expected more than you wanted to give. However a client should not give a negative recommendation simply because he didn't get what e wanted. I read te review and my opinion was he was upset with an up charge and time that could have been spent better. How are we to know the up charge wasn't him just asking for more than you had on your menu. I don't know. But stick to your me u and prices. Offer good service and you will have no problems on eccie

Good luck
DallasRain's Avatar
I may be "the old mother hen" around here and have had my share of false reviews {only one on here} and also I know that I am "scrutinized" a lot more than anybody on here so therefore I have a saying I quote when "shit" is stirred.......You either like me or you don't.......If you don't,then fuck YOU!....and if you do,then fuck ME!

so just keep on smiling and having fun and that is all that counts babe!