ecCie .... this bullshit is getting really old ... really fast Directed at Moderators

  • !VI!
  • 06-30-2015, 06:35 AM
more of a statement/notice to moderators....

Now look, i'm trying.. really hard not to start a fire that will of course get me banned again, but this bullshit is getting out of hand really fast.

How the fuck ... and everyone sees this bs all the time ... how can you people take this site seriously when there is SO MUCH OBVIOUS BIAS ON THIS SITE!

I have tried taking advice from the people who keep this site "clean" but it's starting to become very obvious again why eccie is labled the way it is...

If rules are going to be enforced ... enforce them on everyone... period, people here know i have a irish tounge and will use it. I just get tired of getting bitched at for retialiating to obvious bullying the NO ONE MODERATES!

examples? Davidfree is consistantly getting shit from everyone, on ANYTHING he says ... but a good majority of his comments are related to the topic the original thread was posted on.... so why is it when the attacks on him start no one steps in a says "stop hijacking, stop the off topic combat etc"

in reality i could care less about the people who are attacking me, but i do care about the fact that it is allowed to happen on a damn near daily basis, and not just to me... it happens on every damn thread these people post on...

with that logic alone... obviously they are not being addressed properly... or "punished" for doing it, or it would not keep happening... period.

In the last thread i was adressed 3 different times, for literally responding to these comments.... when other people are texting me and emailing me saying well it's obvious it's happening but WON'T POST ONLINE ... there is a real problem...

I am young enough to see the damage cyber bullying can do to people... i'm also young enough to understand people in the general age bracket of the online bullies are too damn old to be acting like this...

i know i will probably get points for the post... but before that happens ... MODs just read my entire post and ask where exactly did i violate the TOS? i made a post that is for the general community, to have a valid discussion on an issue that many people have tried to bring up in past and have gotten derailed and most likely harassed....

* the way i learned that phrase wasn't couldn't care less, it was could care less, i never really understood it,

on that note i won't be able to respond to much in this thread i've gotta finish building for anime expo.... it's a stupid job but someone has to do it...
Girl. Just stop.

You shouldn't have stopped learning after only six days on here. Seriously. You think others haven't made their fair share of missteps and gotten "the talk" from staff. Go read the stuff from whe I first became a member. Hell, I still post dumb shit.

You're not a victim here. You're just not learning anything from your mistakes. You are either too stubborn or too stupid. My guess is young and stubborn, thinking you know everything when you don't. It happens. We've all been there. But you need to learn how to tap the breaks. It helps. A lot.
billw1032's Avatar
I suppose a Mod will be along to comment eventually, but here's a suggestion. If you see posts in a thread that need the attention of a Mod, have you tried the RTM button?
* the way i learned that phrase wasn't couldn't care less, it was could care less, i never really understood it, Originally Posted by !VI!
Since you asked, here's the way I understand it:

1. "could care less" means that I currently have a level of caring, but it could be less than it is now. Therefore my current level of caring is higher than zero.

2. "couldn't care less" means that my current level of caring is as low as it can go and couldn't be less. Therefore my current level of caring is zero.

That's just the way I read it, for what it's worth. Most folks probably couldn't care less.
pmdelites's Avatar
!VI!, the b.s. and drama here is not that much different from other online forums, now as well as going back to the late 80s when the original bulletin boards and usenet started.

so, either a) accept eccie for what it is and how it can assist you in this crazy sub-culture we vurtually inhabit, b) deal w/ the b.s. by ignoring it or laughing at it, or c) just chuck it all and leave eccie behind. it's not the silver bullet for adult sex work, just like p411 isnt the silver bullet for searching & screening.

oh, and btw, eccie only has guidelines, not rules.
and i've never seen any guidelines on how human moderators are "supposed" to moderate.

good luck and hope you have a deliteful week!
  • !VI!
  • 06-30-2015, 06:58 AM
Girl. Just stop.

You shouldn't have stopped learning after only six days on here. Seriously. You think others haven't made their fair share of missteps and gotten "the talk" from staff. Go read the stuff I first became a member. Hell, I still post dumb shit.

You're not a victim here. You're just not learning anything from your mistakes. You are either too stubborn or too stupid. My guess is young and stubborn, thinking you know everything when you don't. It happens. We've all been there. But you need to learn how to tap the breaks. It helps. A lot. Originally Posted by thathottnurse

actually this is good^

my issue isn't just me at this point, even when i was banned during my down time i would just read up, and not to sound mean but i don't think i cared enough about you to research you. it seems like almost every interaction we have is negative, so i would be naturally inclined to avoid looking into you.

on that note i believe you, and honestly it's probably a bit of both, while speaking i can articulate well, but typing there is no way to see voice fluctuations, no way to see emotion, or to read the tell tell signs...

the issue i don't know everything, and on that note neither does anyone else, most of it is assumption, and it's easy to see why i would assume nothing is happening, mainly due to the fact that it keeps happening... does that make any since to you?
  • !VI!
  • 06-30-2015, 07:05 AM
I suppose a Mod will be along to comment eventually, but here's a suggestion. If you see posts in a thread that need the attention of a Mod, have you tried the RTM button?

Since you asked, here's the way I understand it:

1. "could care less" means that I currently have a level of caring, but it could be less than it is now. Therefore my current level of caring is higher than zero.

2. "couldn't care less" means that my current level of caring is as low as it can go and couldn't be less. Therefore my current level of caring is zero.

That's just the way I read it, for what it's worth. Most folks probably couldn't care less. Originally Posted by billw1032
i do get that,

and i guess that's not that complicated

!VI!, the b.s. and drama here is not that much different from other online forums, now as well as going back to the late 80s when the original bulletin boards and usenet started.

so, either a) accept eccie for what it is and how it can assist you in this crazy sub-culture we vurtually inhabit, b) deal w/ the b.s. by ignoring it or laughing at it, or c) just chuck it all and leave eccie behind. it's not the silver bullet for adult sex work, just like p411 isnt the silver bullet for searching & screening.

oh, and btw, eccie only has guidelines, not rules.
and i've never seen any guidelines on how human moderators are "supposed" to moderate.

good luck and hope you have a deliteful week! Originally Posted by pmdelites
i do agree, the issue is we as hobbiest and providers have a lot more at stake here then other forums where web-warriors rest,

it's not as simple as i can troll you and you get mad,

it's i can troll you and someone can lose their only source of income, or a guy can lose a large amount of money or be put at risk of danger.

maybe i do see it too black and white, i agree also that eccie is not the end all be all, but if it has the name community in it shouldn't we attempt to be more, neighborly? especially since at some point most of us have very close interaction with each other, and to some a heavy extent it becomes (even if just temporary) an intimate connection
bored@home's Avatar
It's all about the way you communicate. The thread you mentioned derailed and began to sink with your post #26. Prior to that it ran the gambit of information flowing back and forth on a very basic question (that really didn't need to be asked).
To be truthful, most if not all of your post have the same undertone:
1. Look at me
2. Interact with me
3. Play the victim
4. Try to fight back (poorly with points)
5. This board is unfair!
6. noting is ever my fault!!!
7. time for rage....and banned (again)

People try to advise you pretty much all along the way...every time.
It does get frustratingly old but has a certain entertainment value so we continue to read and wait for it to play out on your return.

Open your mind, listen to people, try to be better....or don't.
We see.
We read.
We moderate.(Behind the scenes and in the open.)
We discuss behind the scenes and obtain a consensus on whether to act, watch, laugh, or cry.
We take action when needed and are not required to inform the masses on our actions. Just because we don't announce our actions does not mean we haven't taken measures and dealt with the situation(s).

The rules are not rules as much as guidelines, (except what we call the nuclear rules where minors and drugs are involved) and as our current administration in Washington has shown, guidelines are easy to stretch with gray areas than rules.
Remember. It's a Hooker Review Board on the Internet. Many with a sharp tongue, be it Irish, Italian, Ghetto, Redneck, Intelligent, or Ignorant, should just have fun and get paid for having sex and pay for having sex and just be safe.

Remember, only the Providers and Hobbiests can prevent their own drama by clicking the "X": at the top right.
dodger's Avatar
Girl. Just stop. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
as i read the pimp thread (i admit .. i don't often read forums) i really saw nothing new or remarkable. but i wondered why you felt such a strong need to comment or correct the OP. and now ... again. this girl really gets to you. don't deny it ... the compulsion you feel to comment on her threads is out there (here). all readers appreciate that there is no point .. so ... it's reduced to this girl being an obsession for you.

i think you need to get over her and move on ... and i'm allowed to say that. while i would not characterize your postings as 'bullying' .. you behavior is becoming sort of 'cyber stalking'. vi posts, can the thathotnurse post be far behind?

tah daaaah

btw .. vi ... so what?

postscript: for all those using the term "hobbiest" ... wtf ... "iest" is the superlative form of a noun ... "tastiest" .. the most tasty. sluttiest ... the most slutty. "hobbiest" .. the most hobby? if a person wants to individualize the term "hobby" ... i would suggest "hobbier" or "hobbyist" ... personally favoring the latter. regardless .. "hobbiest" is just wrong.
As Von pointed out, the mods moderate and the actions they take, if any, are not going to be seen or known, but, it is very obvious the way they moderate is definitely not equal across the board to all members for the exact same violations. There is no such thing as a non bias anything in this world, especially on an internet hooker board. I agree with pmdelites on what you need to do about it. Even if there were actual rules on this site that were mandated to be adhered to, the ass kissers/buddies and/or providers who spread their legs for free for amnesty from those rules would still abound. So depending upon who you are, the blatantly not following of guidelines, pissing matches and along with members regularly being able to voice their personal vendettas and agendas with no repercussions from the mods lead to the drama this board is known for.

If you wish to stay, the best way to handle it is to ignore the posts of the ones who are constantly condescending and taking personal shots in most of their comments, their opinions are fact and if you do not share it, you are wrong and will usually post whore you to death trying to get the last word. Then especially the ones trying to bait you into a reaction or have agendas, which is the perfect definition of a troll simply by not responding, and in all cases, it will do one of two things: piss them off even more or they eventually go away, but depending on their perceived personal grudge and gross psychological disorder, will return to their same ways and the cycle starts all over.

Why do you think that roughly 85% of all providers do not post much if at all, and when they do, only post ads? I have no clue how many guys there are, but surely it is around the same percentage that may post a comment once in a great while, but they are mostly lurkers who probably do much of the conversing through PM.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 06-30-2015, 07:18 AM
It's really not that difficult to defend yourself or others and NOT break the forum guidelines.

I've been on here pretty much since the beginning and I was on aspd forever and I've never even received a single infraction...ever. That doesn't mean I haven't ever spoken my mind on issues. It means I don't cross the line. It's really not that difficult.

Almost all of the people on here you will never even meet in person. Statistically you might see 0.10% or some ridiculous number. How can they be worth the time and energy to make you upset over much of anything? They are just names on an internet site.
Really what's the point of being on this particular site? There are a million other sites to go to if you're into debating and arguing and fighting. How this site can be a source of controversy, fighting, arguing, and anything else negative amazes me when it's here for providers to make money and for clients to see women to have a good time.
I know I'm on here primarily to see hot women that would be impractical or not possible in the" real world".
  • !VI!
  • 06-30-2015, 07:27 AM
It's all about the way you communicate. The thread you mentioned derailed and began to sink with your post #26. Prior to that it ran the gambit of information flowing back and forth on a very basic question (that really didn't need to be asked).
To be truthful, most if not all of your post have the same undertone:
1. Look at me, (to confirm... isn't the entirety of this hobby.. social interaction)
2. Interact with me (same point as above, interaction is literally the point of any online forum... if which obviously you understand with your post count)
3. Play the victim (honestly if you don't care about something it will always look like the victim card is being pulled, the issue is i won't be a victim which is why i fight back)
4. Try to fight back (poorly with points) (because fighting on the internet is idiotic i will happily admit to that... but if you solution is to lay down and take it ... what does that make you?)
5. This board is unfair! (if you believe in any light fairness is existant here you are blind my friend, i'm not afraid to say what others won't and i've never allowed anyone to pick on me for humor. again which seems to be the lesson spread thru out most of this board)
6. noting is ever my fault!!! (Very very false statement, i'm pretty cool about admitting when it's my fault if i know it is, which is the difference between ignorance and stupidity.... not knowing and not caring ... which i am guilty of both. this point shows you bias as a even if it was your only point. it also shows you have never actually read thru most of my posts, or anyone's for that matter lol)
7. time for rage....and banned (again) (it's not even rage at that point it's self defense, whic i noticed you never attempted to mention ... ironic huh, the issue is you are so quick to talk and voice you're opinion on the subject you didn't realize you are also part of it... go figure)

People try to advise you pretty much all along the way...every time. (false i was advised to just lie down and take it because it's "just the internet" but i was raised on the exact opposite premise, no one has the right to degrade any human being for any reason, if someone is abusing you, you defend yourself... every time)
It does get frustratingly old but has a certain entertainment value so we continue to read and wait for it to play out on your return. (if you would do more then read and try to understand where the post came from... you may just may actually realize it was relevant to a very unique situation... that ironically enough... has to do with the community... there for it being posted to this forum)

Open your mind, listen to people, try to be better....or don't. Originally Posted by bored@home
here is where the issue lies

have you ever sat and unbiasly read the responses, if you say yes, make sure because i can guarantee you have some type of bias based on your response to this thread alone.

this is a buisness board of course it's unfair, money talks louder then anyone can yell.

and advise is a very very loose term, especially in this case. as i've been told many times there are ways to saying things with out being a douche bag about it. and it's true, but the issue is most people honestly don't care enough t censor themselves.

i guess to address you 7 bullets which on that not was also a bit off track
as i read the pimp thread (i admit .. i don't often read forums) i really saw nothing new or remarkable. but i wondered why you felt such a strong need to comment or correct the OP. and now ... again. this girl really gets to you. don't deny it ... the compulsion you feel to comment on her threads is out there (here). all readers appreciate that there is no point .. so ... it's reduced to this girl being an obsession for you.

i think you need to get over her and move on ... and i'm allowed to say that. while i would not characterize your postings as 'bullying' .. you behavior is becoming sort of 'cyber stalking'. vi posts, can the thathotnurse post be far behind?

tah daaaah

btw .. vi ... so what?

postscript: for all those using the term "hobbiest" ... wtf ... "iest" is the superlative form of a noun ... "tastiest" .. the most tasty. sluttiest ... the most slutty. "hobbiest" .. the most hobby? if a person wants to individualize the term "hobby" ... i would suggest "hobbier" or "hobbyist" ... personally favoring the latter. regardless .. "hobbiest" is just wrong. Originally Posted by dodger
We've been back and forth for awhile, dodger. Since she showed up and started with her first meltdown I tried to help her. And no it wasn't pimping, that came after a sincere effort to get her professional help, when that didn't work I finally suggested a manager (agency, pimp, madam, whatever - someone to save her from herself). There's a lot more to her history than what's available out here. What can I say, I have a soft spot in my heart for her. Sure I challenge her and push her a little but it's done in luv. I actually 'could' care less.

Like I said in the other thread, she really could be a top provider in DFW. Indie, even. But she has got to learn to get a hold of herself. So far she seems incapable of doing that and she is still drawn to this community so I suggested she get help navigating the waters. That's it.

If you actually look, most of her post history doesn't involve me at all, however. I've just had some extra time on my hands over the weekend caring for a family member who needed help.

But if she wants me to ignore her then I will. No problem.
dodger's Avatar
We've been back and forth for awhile, dodger. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
you have me confused .... with someone who gives a shit ...

now .. don't start stalking me
you have me confused .... with someone who gives a shit ...

now .. don't start stalking me Originally Posted by dodger
Ummmm, probably because of this:

...but i wondered why you felt such a strong need to comment or correct the OP. Originally Posted by dodger
I was just answering your question above where you quoted me and seemed to have directed a question toward me. My mistake. Have a nice day.