Why is it so hard for providers to get back to you?

Ugh. For a profession that relies on communication, why is it so hard? I can understand a few hours or so as people are busy, but whole day/days?

There's a well-reviewed provider here (won't name names) and it's been days. A week now I think. I'm not messaging them constantly, once 2x a day trying to get something that day as I was available that day, then after a few days go by.
For some others, I get a reply, then I reply back with a yeah I'm up for that... Then nothing. What gives?

It makes scheduling anything extremely difficult.
Mike with very few exceptions,I have experienced the same issue.
Must be "normal" for this hobby.
RochBob's Avatar
Most Verified Providers have decent communication skills. Depending on who it is and how you contacted them. It could take 2 - 3 days before they can get back to you. This being the "Holiday Season" as well. Some don't have alot of time for appointments due to Family commitments (i.e. the kids are out of School, have to go see Mom, Dad, Etc.) and won't respond to a new client if they don't feel they will have the time to properly screen someone new. Also a lot of people take time off in conjunction with the Holidays. So Providers can get unindated with appointment requests (the Wife is at the Mall or Walmart for the next 4 hours+, I think I'll call a Provider). And if anything in your communication was rude, derogatory or explicit some Providers will just flat not respond to you and flag your id on their "ignore list".
rke324's Avatar
I arranged to have a full day to myself next Monday. Being from the Buffalo area, any time I have this much time available I try to see a VP that I normally wouldn't get the chance to see regularly. That usually means checking out the VP's in Rochester. I sent out PM's to 2 on Sat. the 14th. Seeing as I hadn't met either of these ladies before, I figured they would want to screen and they would have plenty of time to do this prior to the 23rd. One of these ladies got back to me on Mon. the 16th. We exchanged a few PM's, she verified me thru a few references I gave her to check with but unfortunately she had a personal situation come up that needs to be addressed on Mon. and we wont be able to get together, at least this trip.
Now, the other lady logged onto this site on the 15th and was sent the exact same PM as the first at the same time. I received no response from her so I also sent the same msg. to her via email later on the 15th. As of today the 19th, she has yet to respond to either PM or email and this lady has been highly reviewed. I wasn't about to hold my breath waiting on a reply so I sent out emails to 3 VP's that I had seen before and within hours I had a date scheduled with one for tomorrow AM and choice of the other 2, one in Buffalo and one in Rochester, willing to get together Monday.
Frankly, I was surprised at the total lack of response considering all the positive reviews from the one lady. I learned quickly after I started hobbying to use the word "NEXT"!!! There's no reason that after 5 days, the one lady couldn't respond if only to say she wouldn't be available.

Most Verified Providers have decent communication skills. Depending on who it is and how you contacted them. It could take 2 - 3 days before they can get back to you. Originally Posted by RochBob
ToriStarr's Avatar
I can't speak for all but for myself I will say this - I try to maintain good communication as I know it's important, but also I'm just a nice person and don't really want to blow anyone off unless they're a jerk. But even if I'm unable at the gentleman's requested day/time I still try to get back to them. Bob is very right, this being my first Christmas hobbying I had said to a friend a few weeks ago "Oh business will probably slow down around the holidays". Um no I was very wrong. So between an increase in Pms emails texts calls, my phone breaking(eek!), trying to get ready for the holiday, a "regular" job kids etc my head has been spinning. I actually spent 3 hours the other night going through old messages very carefully and I found one person I never responded to, I messaged them right away apologizing up and down. I'm in no way complaining, I honestly love what I do but I will say at times the hobby can be very time consuming and stressful.
gaijin1969's Avatar
Mmmm maybe there is something to having a booking assistant.... as long as its known up front who you are communicating with.
ToriStarr's Avatar
Mmmm maybe there is something to having a booking assistant.... as long as its known up front who you are communicating with. Originally Posted by gaijin1969
I considered it at one point. But I'd rather do it myself and be miserable lol just how I am too stubborn for help.
gaijin1969's Avatar
I considered it at one point. But I'd rather do it myself and be miserable lol just how I am too stubborn for help. Originally Posted by ToriStarr
I think most of us would MUCH rather deal directly with the gal Tori.... it wasn't a recommendation as much as an observation. Imagine an automated booking system such as Ticketmaster or Priceline (lol there's an idea! Name your own price! Hahahaha!) Anyways, it may be efficient but so impersonal.

A couple flirty emails or texts.... confirmation before a date.... etc, all lend to the experience if done right. (And I must say, I thought you did it right!)
Highwayman64's Avatar
Yes if they all were as good as you Tori we wouldn't even be talking about this. Most all of the VP'S here are good too.
I know i have upset a few here in upset..because i havent been able to get back to you in a timely manor..im not sure if the thread was directed at me ive been told im self absorbed..heh..so if it wasnt..ill put that on the list for santa..

see here is my deal: i get folks callen..emailing and pm'ing me and sometimes it hard to connect the dots the the one person..to many ways of communicating..
solution: this helps though.. if you ad a "im so and so from eccie..and i just called ya from 585 my email is.."...
that makes it abit easier when contcting me. and im seriously not a fan of the texting..if i dont know you and your texting me..im not gonna respond..you could be anyone..ijs..if i do know you and we have seen each other..and i have told you..hey just text me..then texting is cool..but i gotta get that comfort level with someone first and that usually happens after we have had
a nice visit with each other..

ohh getting longwinded here..also going on the list for santa..

also guys :.please as well i have some folks that call me like 6 times in a row..please.. if i couldnt take your first 3 calls..chances r im kinda in the middle of something..just go to voicemail..i dont have a voice on my voicemail..so just wait through the silence..then you will hear the beep..i promise i will get the message and if you leave a time thats cool to call ya back..i will..if its a day past i wont call back because i dont want to put you in a situation that will bring issue down upon you. oh..when leaving that message..please dont say my window to reach you back is the next 15 min..i probably cant call ya back within that 15 min..

.now as i have apologized to a few here ..in private form..publicly i apologize to those that have no patience for my short comings.
.I have asked santa to bring me the gift of total organization.. and less selfabsorbation..longwindation ..
.maybe i can get that in my stocking instead of all this coal..
hmmm idea..anyone have a coal burning furnace that wants to take this load off my hands..
i dont want a sexatary..i prefer to be my own boss..

my advice..try not to sweat the small stuff...sometimes things happen and folks get bogged down and schedules flip on a dime as well...or im catering to clients that are late..stay over..or just are having short comings of their own..
and sometimes after a certain time in the morning ya just cant get hold of a lady because she has personal obligations that must be tended to..family..a shower..stuff like that..

and yes sometimes..

and then well there's the old..tcb isnt there with the lady..it happens more often than not...well any rate..i hope it all works out for ya..and ya'll be able to make up under the ...

much and merry holidays to ya'll...aj..
Highwayman64's Avatar
I know i have upset a few here in upset..because i havent been able to get back to you in a timely manor..im not sure if the thread was directed at me ive been told im self absorbed..heh..so if it wasnt..ill put that on the list for santa..

see here is my deal: i get folks callen..emailing and pm'ing me and sometimes it hard to connect the dots the the one person..to many ways of communicating..
solution: this helps though.. if you ad a "im so and so from eccie..and i just called ya from 585 my email is.."...
that makes it abit easier when contcting me. and im seriously not a fan of the texting..if i dont know you and your texting me..im not gonna respond..you could be anyone..ijs..if i do know you and we have seen each other..and i have told you..hey just text me..then texting is cool..but i gotta get that comfort level with someone first and that usually happens after we have had
a nice visit with each other..

ohh getting longwinded here..also going on the list for santa..

also guys :.please as well i have some folks that call me like 6 times in a row..please.. if i couldnt take your first 3 calls..chances r im kinda in the middle of something..just go to voicemail..i dont have a voice on my voicemail..so just wait through the silence..then you will hear the beep..i promise i will get the message and if you leave a time thats cool to call ya back..i will..if its a day past i wont call back because i dont want to put you in a situation that will bring issue down upon you. oh..when leaving that message..please dont say my window to reach you back is the next 15 min..i probably cant call ya back within that 15 min..

.now as i have apologized to a few here ..in private form..publicly i apologize to those that have no patience for my short comings.
.I have asked santa to bring me the gift of total organization.. and less selfabsorbation..longwindation ..
.maybe i can get that in my stocking instead of all this coal..
hmmm idea..anyone have a coal burning furnace that wants to take this load off my hands..
i dont want a sexatary..i prefer to be my own boss..

my advice..try not to sweat the small stuff...sometimes things happen and folks get bogged down and schedules flip on a dime as well...or im catering to clients that are late..stay over..or just are having short comings of their own..
and sometimes after a certain time in the morning ya just cant get hold of a lady because she has personal obligations that must be tended to..family..a shower..stuff like that..

and yes sometimes..

and then well there's the old..tcb isnt there with the lady..it happens more often than not...well any rate..i hope it all works out for ya..and ya'll be able to make up under the ...

much and merry holidays to ya'll...aj.. Originally Posted by aj14620
Well said young lady! Do you have that up and ready for the bacon to be put under the ? Sweety!
im on the hunt for some of that mstletoe jazz...
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Mmmm maybe there is something to having a booking assistant.... as long as its known up front who you are communicating with. Originally Posted by gaijin1969
I know i have upset a few here in upset..because i havent been able to get back to you in a timely manor..im not sure if the thread was directed at me ive been told im self absorbed..heh..so if it wasnt..ill put that on the list for santa..

see here is my deal: i get folks callen..emailing and pm'ing me and sometimes it hard to connect the dots the the one person..to many ways of communicating..
solution: this helps though.. if you ad a "im so and so from eccie..and i just called ya from 585 my email is.."...
that makes it abit easier when contcting me. and im seriously not a fan of the texting..if i dont know you and your texting me..im not gonna respond..you could be anyone..ijs..if i do know you and we have seen each other..and i have told you..hey just text me..then texting is cool..but i gotta get that comfort level with someone first and that usually happens after we have had
a nice visit with each other..

ohh getting longwinded here..also going on the list for santa..

also guys :.please as well i have some folks that call me like 6 times in a row..please.. if i couldnt take your first 3 calls..chances r im kinda in the middle of something..just go to voicemail..i dont have a voice on my voicemail..so just wait through the silence..then you will hear the beep..i promise i will get the message and if you leave a time thats cool to call ya back..i will..if its a day past i wont call back because i dont want to put you in a situation that will bring issue down upon you. oh..when leaving that message..please dont say my window to reach you back is the next 15 min..i probably cant call ya back within that 15 min..

.now as i have apologized to a few here ..in private form..publicly i apologize to those that have no patience for my short comings.
.I have asked santa to bring me the gift of total organization.. and less selfabsorbation..longwindation ..
.maybe i can get that in my stocking instead of all this coal..
hmmm idea..anyone have a coal burning furnace that wants to take this load off my hands..
i dont want a sexatary..i prefer to be my own boss..

my advice..try not to sweat the small stuff...sometimes things happen and folks get bogged down and schedules flip on a dime as well...or im catering to clients that are late..stay over..or just are having short comings of their own..
and sometimes after a certain time in the morning ya just cant get hold of a lady because she has personal obligations that must be tended to..family..a shower..stuff like that..

and yes sometimes..

and then well there's the old..tcb isnt there with the lady..it happens more often than not...well any rate..i hope it all works out for ya..and ya'll be able to make up under the ...

much and merry holidays to ya'll...aj.. Originally Posted by aj14620
Nope, not directed at you at all, although after reading your profile and reviews I just might contact you.

I guess I didn't consider that some are working regular full time jobs. I could see with how busy one full time job is that you can get busy. Maybe I'm just different than the average guy, I'll spend a bunch of time narrowing down my choices rather than messaging everyone and see who responds. I also suppose I just have difficulty understanding it - in my career, communication is important and good electronic communication is just a given.

I'm never rude, but I am a newb, so I do have that against me.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
In some respects, its not just providers, I think manners in general have decayed and return calls/texts/emails is not valued. I think the trend may be reversing, as Tori could be an example of, we'll see.

If I call to no answer I figure there's a cock in her mouth. Next! I hate in when no one answer, maybe on the forth lady you set something up and on the way over the other three call back.