Don't Get F***** By Facebook!

sultan of swing's Avatar
I'm sure many if not all of you know this but just in case someone doesn' very careful and avoid using the same email address for hobbying that you use for your FB account....put another way, never associate any of your hobby contact info with your FB account....even if you have all anon info in your hobby email profile (yahoo for example)

if you don't know, FB has an app that allows users to import email addresses (yahoo or gmail for example) into FB, and then goes and finds the owners of those email addresses in FB...most people have their real info in FB, thus the problem....someone plugs your "anon" gmail address into FB, and there's a pic of you and your SO.

I noticed this last week when FB invited me to import I imported all my gmail addresses, which are a lot of one-time real world business emails...I got FB contact info on people I've never met or just had one quick email exchange with in the past 2 years.

I use a yahoo email for hobbying with anon personal info, and that email is in no way associated with anything in my real world...especially FB!

stay safe!!
Texan1965's Avatar
Thanks for the 411 SOS. We just never know do we???

thanks sultan...
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I have a completely separate email address I use for hobbying, and only for hobbying...

I had to be "dragged kicking and screaming" into FB (by a woman I was trying to get into bed, unsuccessfully, as it turned out), and I don't bother importing email or other contacts into it. Basically, I only "friend" people I know in RL or online (mail lists, or bloggers who I regularly read and comment on), and I make them find me first; I never add anyone who doesn't add me first.

Your warning is good to know, but I've already got my hobby and FB lives completely separate, and they'll stay that way.


I've already got my hobby and FB lives completely separate, and they'll stay that way. Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
Me too, except for that one bit of info required by P411 - a first name...

heresy's Avatar
good call. i know people who have been fired from their jobs after their bosses discovered certain things on their fb, myspace or whatever. i got off all of those sites a while back. fewer tracks you leave for people, the better imo.
Great post. A provider friend invited me to FB and I look at the little box thing (w/ever) that came in the email, said "Other people you might know" - there was me, friends, family and.... clients!

I just don't do the myplace, faceblank and twitsrus.
This is why you should always use a separate email for hobbying......never the same one as your real life!!!