need nwa info

anyone have any info on this lady? I have been chatting with her, but not sure i want to commit just yet.

body is great, but i dont know. something JDFR.

Thanks in advance
  • Randi
  • 01-24-2010, 06:46 PM
I got an email from someone who USED to be my client with those
pics attached saying it was his girlfriend and he wanted me to do a session
with him and her! I quoted my fee..he did what he has done one too many
times with me..set up a date and ns/nc ... Needless to say I'm done with him..
I figure he's playin games and she isn't real..or isn't really an escort
take that for what it's worth babe and good luck!
Hugz Randi
Nice pics... Maybe it's a catch to it like Randi says... or maybe the BF is out of town? LoL Who Knows. Good Luck!
  • Randi
  • 01-24-2010, 07:33 PM
Dreams the guy who emailed me is the dude who I referenced for you and he
blew you off....
Sydney Pure's Avatar
bigmarv's Avatar
I usually go with my first instincts. Just my .02 cents.
  • sadie
  • 01-24-2010, 08:41 PM
Nice pics... Maybe it's a catch to it like Randi says... or maybe the BF is out of town? LoL Who Knows. Good Luck! Originally Posted by MissDreams
DREAMS..may I suggest Ritalin?

Arvie..I think you should just go for it. The pics look great so I am sure she is legit. Who cares is it JDFR? Listen to the little head man!!
I think I will stick with known providers. Have seen ms dreams, but need to see Sadie and Randi. Thanks for the input ladies.
I talked to her twice via email and then text. Things didn't add up at all. I'd say (and did say) "NO".
sultan of swing's Avatar
now she is showing up on P411....what's up with the "1 week only" catch on her bp ad? smells fishy in the wrong way
I got an email from someone who USED to be my client with those
pics attached saying it was his girlfriend and he wanted me to do a session
with him and her! I quoted my fee..he did what he has done one too many
times with me..set up a date and ns/nc ... Needless to say I'm done with him..
I figure he's playin games and she isn't real..or isn't really an escort
take that for what it's worth babe and good luck!
Hugz Randi Originally Posted by Randi

Yep yep. I've gotten an email request before from a guy asking me to do the same thing and had the same pics attached. It never went any further because I don't do couples.

And there are plenty of lovely and reputable providers, such as the ones u listed above, that u should see before risking a no name, IMHO.
I've set two appointments with "Tonya," only to have HER cancel both times.