Kyla - no call/no show

I'm not sure if this is the proper place to post this, so moderators please correct me if I am wrong. I am a veteran hobbyist, but this is my first post on this new site. The last thing I want to do here is cause drama (Lord knows we get enough of that in our regular day-to-day lives), and I like to give people the benefit of the doubt when something doesn't go as planned, but I feel the need to share a bad experience I had yesterday with a new provider. I contacted Kyla for the first time on Thursday and we agreed to meet the next day for an incall. Per her request, I tried to call a few minutes prior to the appt. time to check in, but received the dreaded "this wireless customer has a voice mail-box that has not been set up at this time" message. I also tried to contact her via Yahoo IM (this is how we had talked leading up to this) but didn't receive a reply and still haven't heard a word from her. I understand that real life can get in the way of our fun sometimes and cause problems such as this, and I certainly hope that she is safe, but some kind of explanation or apology would be nice, considering the trouble that I went through to plan for this meeting.
MacTheKnife's Avatar
I feel your pain. I have felt your pain.

As Morpheus said in the movie "The Matrix,"

"Welcome to the real world."

Get ready. they're coming.

Do you mind if I sit and watch?

Yeah, I feel your pain also. That's why I now have an Outcall Only policy. I know, I know, it has its disadvantages, but it has worked pretty well for me since I went to it.

And Mac is right. Kyla seems to have a pretty loyal following on the board (rightly or wrongly), so expect to be the target of a lot of epithets shot your way. However, remember, they did not have first hand experience of what went on. You and Kyla are the only ones who do.

This is also a complaint of the ladies. IMHO, if both the ladies and the gents would post the NCNS experiences, the bad actors would get weeded out pretty quickly.

Also, some ladies try to make amends. Don't be surprised if you get a message from her (if she is on the up and up) offering a discounted session to make up for your inconvenience.
Magnus's Avatar
We have all had that happen and is never fun. I have never had the chance to meet Kyla and although she comes across as mature you bear in mind she is only 20 years old. She seems to have a pretty good track record after only being independent a short period so I am hopefully optimistic this is rare occurrence of life getting in the way of the hobby and not being flaky. I bet she will make it up to you.
  • BigL
  • 02-06-2010, 01:45 PM
I saw her the other day and will post my review shortly but I know she was only working wed and Friday morning this week since she was out of town this weekend. Cut her some slack guys.
Cut her some slack guys. Originally Posted by BigL
That's Bullshit, BigL She stood the dude up. Its rude and unprofessional
heresy's Avatar
That's Bullshit, BigL She stood the dude up. Its rude and unprofessional Originally Posted by arklookn4lovn
  • jaxar
  • 02-06-2010, 02:42 PM
I spoke with her Wed morning, trying to set up a date that afternoon but was told she was pretty much booked up for the day and if she became available she would call me back. I never got a call back so I'm given her the benefit of the doubt that she was just too busy. IMO her quick rise in popularity is a little more than she can handle and she is going to be making mistakes. I believe she will do the right thing and make it right with you.
Guest022210's Avatar
My condolences. I have had that happen a couple of times. By other providers,not Kyla.I hate it when I have to start without them. It's even worse when they look through the peephole and won't answer the door.
I've been lucky that this has only happened to me a couple of times in the 5 or 6 years I've been hobbying but it's probably because I tend to see the more well established ladies that have a better handle on things.

If she went out of town then that might explain her lack of response now, but our appt. was set for Friday morning, when she said she was available.
What does QFT mean heresy? Quiet F'ing True?
heresy's Avatar
quoted for truth.
MacTheKnife's Avatar
What does QFT mean heresy? Quiet F'ing True? Originally Posted by guyinarkansas
At first, I thought it stood for "Quantum Field Theory."
And here I thought it was "Quit F*cking with the Thread."
heresy's Avatar
quick fuck tonight.