How's everyone enjoying the snow?--Day 2

This is weak, I know, but it's another day bored in my hotel. Work called off due to weather. Been watching reruns of Law & Order and navigating ECCIE. At least I have some food and wine in the fridge and a halfway decent internet connection.

So is anyone else in this situation? Whatcha doin' today? Looks like I'll just sit in the room and jerk off.
I've taken this as an opportunity to take some time off and put my Valentines Day Ad pics together, after much procrastination on my part. Good thing--I was facing the prospect of Christmas in July, & it just didn't sound appealing. Lol

AT&T guy is here now hooking up the net (my kiddos & I can finally stop fighting over my iPhone). As soon as I'm up & running, the new pics go up!

I think I'll take a nice, long, lazy nap when I'm done with that!
jon5150's Avatar
Charles,I'm stuck as well! The only difference is I have patron and my guitar instead of wine and tv. Having a few days off is great except not being able to use that time productively( i.e. Spent between one of our fine ark ladies legs
I'm making duck chili! I can't eat all of it by myself though
Aww poor Charles! How bad is it over there? Haven't kept up with the news today.
Duck Chili? Thats one way i havent had duck! Sounds good though!!
I'm making duck chili! I can't eat all of it by myself though Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
Lily--I'm not that far away from you. Wish I could get some (at least chili, that is; maybe more if possible ), but I'm stuck w/o transportation.

Aww poor Charles! How bad is it over there? Haven't kept up with the news today. Originally Posted by babee
It's not really that bad, I don't think. Others overreacted.
I am soooo happy they called school off again today!!! I had this big test I haven't studied for and my first collegiate level voice comp is in two weeks!!!! Ugh there's no such thing as rest for me
Snow, what snow......all I can say is headache above my left eye from spreadsheet HELL!!!!!!!!!
This is weak, I know, but it's another day bored in my hotel. Work called off due to weather. Been watching reruns of Law & Order and navigating ECCIE. At least I have some food and wine in the fridge and a halfway decent internet connection.

So is anyone else in this situation? Whatcha doin' today? Looks like I'll just sit in the room and jerk off. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Bored out of my fn mind!!! Sick of this damn snow!! I even gave my dogs baths because I have nothing better to do...
Bored out of my fn mind!!! Sick of this damn snow!! I even gave my dogs baths because I have nothing better to do... Originally Posted by ms. harley
Dayum, I guess I did have it better than at least one other person.
Gee...thanks! I do have some beer at least
Finally done with spreadsheet HELL! Think I will try to check out Girl Next Door's valentine pictures to cheer me up and make my headache go away!
Lonesome's Avatar
I'm making duck chili! I can't eat all of it by myself though Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
I've never tried duck chili, but if it's good as deer chili, I'd like to be there eating with you.
Guest022210's Avatar
I'm making duck chili! I can't eat all of it by myself though Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
Lemme guess, you eat it with quackers